Obama Most Unpopular

Yes, very proud

As I said, he still has seven years (YES SEVEN) to complete. I predicted that Obama would be higher ranked than Reagan at that time and stand by my prediction

Yes, his being black does come into play. Being the first black elected President of the United States was a historic accomplishment.
Great Presidents face great challenges. Both the Bush economy and the two wars represent great challenges. You of course, predict fail. I do not see either as being a critical issue seven years from now and Obama will recieve the credit.
Healthcare will pass and will be adapted and improved over the next seven years. Obama will get credit as the first President to succeed in passing healthcare.

Again, I stand by my prediction

The line in bold.......it was? Really? Were you asleep for the last 15 years and woke up in October 2008?

Far from it. Have you been asleep for the last 100 years of Civil Rights struggle in this country? For a black man from mixed parents to get elected president was a historic event. It will go on Obama's resume

You fell for that crap...probably one of many that voted for him for that reason seeing as he had no track record to base his viability with.

The last 15 years was met with many minorities being chosen for and earning the highest psitions in business, politics, athletics, academics....etc. Racism still exists....especailly anti-black.....but not to the point where I see any black person acheiving what this great country has to offer as historic....unless of course you are stuck on the first "black president".....

But, you see...I am by no means a racist. I am truly color blind as it pertains to people.....so I was proud to be an American when he was elected....but IO do not put him on a pedestal for being black.

Intersting......one who puts him on a pedestal becuase he is black, sees him as a black president.....

....hmmmm.....so I guess you see him as a black president. In most circles, that makes you a racist you know.

Guess you didnt realize that.
The line in bold.......it was? Really? Were you asleep for the last 15 years and woke up in October 2008?

Far from it. Have you been asleep for the last 100 years of Civil Rights struggle in this country? For a black man from mixed parents to get elected president was a historic event. It will go on Obama's resume

You fell for that crap...probably one of many that voted for him for that reason seeing as he had no track record to base his viability with.

The last 15 years was met with many minorities being chosen for and earning the highest psitions in business, politics, athletics, academics....etc. Racism still exists....especailly anti-black.....but not to the point where I see any black person acheiving what this great country has to offer as historic....unless of course you are stuck on the first "black president".....

But, you see...I am by no means a racist. I am truly color blind as it pertains to people.....so I was proud to be an American when he was elected....but IO do not put him on a pedestal for being black.

Intersting......one who puts him on a pedestal becuase he is black, sees him as a black president.....

....hmmmm.....so I guess you see him as a black president. In most circles, that makes you a racist you know.

Guess you didnt realize that.

Totally clueless OldandTiresome

The election of a black man as President was probably the most historic election in our history. If you ar unable to grasp the historic significance thats your problem. You don't think Obama's obituary will lead with "First Black President"??

You are truly in a world of your own
Old and Tired,

As a black person on here, I can tell you with full authority...you don't get it.

You. just. don't. get. it.

P.S. - RWer is not racist for what he said.

P.S.S. - you come off more racist for practically ignoring this country's history concerning race.
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Old and Tired,

As a black person on here, I can tell you with full authority...you don't get it.

You. just. don't. get. it.

P.S. - RWer is not racist for what he said.

P.S.S. - you come off more racist for practically ignoring this country's history concerning race.

You dont know me very well.
Right now, three of my employees are laughing at what you wrote. Thanks. Today they needed a bit of comic relief.
PS.....I have been more involved in our great country's racial issues than you will ever be. (just saying that...I have no idea who you are and how far you have gone).
But based on what you said...it seems maybe your sentiment is what has been slowing things down....becuase you and I both know that the more skin color is addressed...the more it will be seen.
Put some thought into that.
RW made it clear he sees color...I have spent years teaching people about the mistake of seeing color....

The purpose is not to "not see color" the purpose is to not use color against someone.

Lets face it, we are different, a white person is different from a black person, from an Indian, from an Asian, from a Middle-Eastern, from a Latino, yet we're all equally human beings.

Are you starting to get it?
Old and Tired,

As a black person on here, I can tell you with full authority...you don't get it.

You. just. don't. get. it.

P.S. - RWer is not racist for what he said.

P.S.S. - you come off more racist for practically ignoring this country's history concerning race.

You dont know me very well.
Right now, three of my employees are laughing at what you wrote. Thanks. Today they needed a bit of comic relief.
PS.....I have been more involved in our great country's racial issues than you will ever be. (just saying that...I have no idea who you are and how far you have gone).
But based on what you said...it seems maybe your sentiment is what has been slowing things down....becuase you and I both know that the more skin color is addressed...the more it will be seen.
Put some thought into that.
RW made it clear he sees color...I have spent years teaching people about the mistake of seeing color....

Hell yes I see color. I grew up in the late 50s and 60s with lynchings and bombings and I saw color. I saw Martin Luther King assainated and race riots in my city and I saw color.
Anyone who is American and ignores our history of recognizing color is ignorant. Anyone who thinks that because blacks saw advances in the last 15 years that color is no longer an issue is naive.
If you think that racism is no longer an issue in this country, I suggest you read some of the threads on this board
Based on our history, Obama's election as the first black President is extremely significant.
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OldAndTired, I got 2 questions for you:

1. Are/were your employees white that were laughing?

2. What city and state do you reside/work in?

*no I don't wan't to stalk you or send some goons to you, just curious as to your geographical area

I hope you don't mind answering these questions and/or don't mind me asking these questions.

The purpose is not to "not see color" the purpose is to not use color against someone.

Lets face it, we are different, a white person is different from a black person, from an Indian, from an Asian, from a Middle-Eastern, from a Latino, yet we're all equally human beings.

Are you starting to get it?

No sir, I dont. By choice. I know where you are coming from. I am a smart guy. But I refuse to fall into what you are saying.
My life has been more about..."the tall guy over there"...or "the busty woman over here"...
Sorry....but where I grew up, if you allowed color to dictate any thinking whatsoever, you would fail.
You see, I am in NY....in the city....I can be in a room with 30 people and not one of them with the same national backgoruind as anyone else in the room..

At age 51, I have no longer see people for what they are but only for who they are.

I suggest you start considering doing the same. WHy? Becuase I have lived a great life...highly regarded....two grewat children...a loving wife who is my best friend....a successful business.....

no animosity toward anyone I interact with...no paranoia...no one to blame....I can go on.....but......moist important.....

.......NO REGRETS....

And on a side note.....those that listen to me...and folow my lead....usually come back to me years later with a thank you.

But for all you know I am full of crap...so I understand if you respond with animosity.
Reagan was astute?--hmmm.

That can be a very delicate subject to breach right now. I think I will leave it alone due to Reagans political abilities.

Yes, Reagan was among the most astute presidents of the modern era - incredible political instincts that served him well in the face of doubt among even some of his closest advisers.

I suggest your read In His Own Hand

Unlike Obama, Reagan had a long record of writings that originated from his own wealth of experience and ideals. He was not a political figure simply created from the void and propped up by the media. Reagan possessed one of the most intuitive and naturally gifted political minds of the second half of the American 20th Century.

As such, to compare Reagan to Obama is not entirely applicable. Reagan had skill both as a candiate AND a leader. Obama, while enjoying skill as candidate, has yet to prove anything near the skill of Reagan as leader. Obama has no real record of political intellectual thought - and what record there is is like a fog that dissipates when exposed to the light of the sun - it is there but not there.

Obama may develop skills as a leader, but to reach Reagan's lofty political heights, he has a very very long way to go yet...

When all is said and done, Obama will rank higher than Reagan as a president.

Write it down

I may have some criticisms about Reagan, but I seriously doubt that Obama would rank higher than Reagan.

I doubt Obama would rank higher than George H. W. Bush(that is Bush 41) or Clinton, if you ask me.

But he could become worst than Bush 43--all he has to do is keep Bush 43 policies in place and keep telling people that it is change!!
Any Poll that doesn't worship the Hopey Changey One will immediately be labeled a biased "Outlier" Poll by the Hopey Changey loons. I actually remember when all these same loons used to constantly lavish praise on Gallup. Now that Gallup isn't showing positive numbers for their Hopey Changey,they're all calling it an "Outlier" Poll as well. What a scam. :(

When it comes to the far left, we are all "Outliers"

Welcome to the club, Gallup!!
Yes, Reagan had some faults.

Since being elected, Obama has yet to indicate anything but faults...
OldAndTired, I got 2 questions for you:

1. Are/were your employees white that were laughing?

2. What city and state do you reside/work in?

*no I don't wan't to stalk you or send some goons to you, just curious as to your geographical area

I hope you don't mind answering these questions and/or don't mind me asking these questions.

My employees that were laughing were my employees.....and I know you wont believe this, but I actually had to think what color they were......not becuase I am so perfect...but becuase I really dont label them after all of these years....they are my friends....and to be hoinest...if you asked me to break down the demographics of my firneds...it will take me hours......
By the way...as for those laughing.....
one was black.....the others were white
Live on Long Isalnd. Work in Manhattan.
I have spent the better part of my career teaching sensitivity courses...along with running two businesses.
My employees were laughing becuase they know who I am and what I have done since the late 70's for racial issues in this great nation. I have a reputation here in the NYC area for my work. Nothing to be proud of.....if anything, I am saddened that it has not penetrated the heads of more.
But whatever....I sort of resent anyone who sees Obama as a black president.
Or Woods as a black golfer.
Sort of irks me.
OldAndTired, I got 2 questions for you:

1. Are/were your employees white that were laughing?

2. What city and state do you reside/work in?

*no I don't wan't to stalk you or send some goons to you, just curious as to your geographical area

I hope you don't mind answering these questions and/or don't mind me asking these questions.

My employees that were laughing were my employees.....and I know you wont believe this, but I actually had to think what color they were......not becuase I am so perfect...but becuase I really dont label them after all of these years....they are my friends....and to be hoinest...if you asked me to break down the demographics of my firneds...it will take me hours......
By the way...as for those laughing.....
one was black.....the others were white
Live on Long Isalnd. Work in Manhattan.
I have spent the better part of my career teaching sensitivity courses...along with running two businesses.
My employees were laughing becuase they know who I am and what I have done since the late 70's for racial issues in this great nation. I have a reputation here in the NYC area for my work. Nothing to be proud of.....if anything, I am saddened that it has not penetrated the heads of more.
But whatever....I sort of resent anyone who sees Obama as a black president.
Or Woods as a black golfer.
Sort of irks me

Agreed - there were so many voters who got caught up in the "first Black President" thing I found it demeaning to both Obama, (who is half white, a child of upper middle class privilege, and has no actual slave blood in him. In essence, Obama enjoyed far more opportunity as a young American than many other white presidents prior to him - and the hue of his skin was of great benefit to him both as a student, and later as a politician - and the concept of political choice.

It worked though - and make no mistake, Obama and his media cohorts played that card well - and often.

That card does not play so well anymore though...
wonder if they are gonna let Joe Wilson attend the state of the Union address?

OK...written down...
Now..I am curious....this will be for what?

Clsoing GITMO? Oh wait....words, just words
C-Span during debates?.....oops....words just words
Cutting spending? My mistake....words just words
Reading all bills and scrutinizing them for waste? Can you say AIG bonuses?

Come to think of it....with all of his accomplishments in his first year......exactly which ones did he actually....ahem....accomplish?

Ron Reagans position in Presidential rank has already slipped....he was recently ranked 11th as president.

What does Obama have going for him over Reagan?
1. Obama's was the most historic election in US history
2. The economy Obama inherited from Bush was worse than Reagan inherited from Carter
3. Obama inherited two active wars....Reagan inherited the Cold War
4. Obama will be the first President to pass Healthcare

Obama still has seven more years to go, there is much to be determined. But when all is said and done, Obama will be considered a better president than Reagan

So you are saying his "rating" is based on the fact that he is black, inherited a recession, inherited 2 wars and also based on speculation seeing as healthcare has NOT been passed.....and if it does pass as it is the one reason people like yopu wanted it is being ignored....over 20 million will STILL not have healthcare...

But putting that aside....you say he will be great based on what he inherited....and what he does with what he inherited is not at all a factor.

And you are proud of your answer?

Wow. Just wow.

1) Being the first Black president has nothing to do with his perfomance

2)Considering what happened in the early 80's, the present economic is not as close as how bad it was in the 80's(there was alot more going on as well--Reagan got hit with aneconomic riddle in the form of stagnation. Obama got hit with a banking collapse reminiscent of the late 20's. Obama's economic problems were recognizable, Reagan's was basically new and actually lasted longer than Obama's "1 year towards recovery blitz")

3)Two wars that Obama has promised to end but has not. The Cold war ended on Reagans watch. See the difference??

4)Let us wait and see if HCR do the things promised. Something tells me that the Dems may have bitten more than they can chew.
Ron Reagans position in Presidential rank has already slipped....he was recently ranked 11th as president.

What does Obama have going for him over Reagan?
1. Obama's was the most historic election in US history
2. The economy Obama inherited from Bush was worse than Reagan inherited from Carter
3. Obama inherited two active wars....Reagan inherited the Cold War
4. Obama will be the first President to pass Healthcare

Obama still has seven more years to go, there is much to be determined. But when all is said and done, Obama will be considered a better president than Reagan

So you are saying his "rating" is based on the fact that he is black, inherited a recession, inherited 2 wars and also based on speculation seeing as healthcare has NOT been passed.....and if it does pass as it is the one reason people like yopu wanted it is being ignored....over 20 million will STILL not have healthcare...

But putting that aside....you say he will be great based on what he inherited....and what he does with what he inherited is not at all a factor.

And you are proud of your answer?

Wow. Just wow.

1) Being the first Black president has nothing to do with his perfomance

2)Considering what happened in the early 80's, the present economic is not as close as how bad it was in the 80's(there was alot more going on as well--Reagan got hit with aneconomic riddle in the form of stagnation. Obama got hit with a banking collapse reminiscent of the late 20's. Obama's economic problems were recognizable, Reagan's was basically new and actually lasted longer than Obama's "1 year towards recovery blitz")

3)Two wars that Obama has promised to end but has not. The Cold war ended on Reagans watch. See the difference??

4)Let us wait and see if HCR do the things promised. Something tells me that the Dems may have bitten more than they can chew.

Well said.
Yes, Reagan had some faults.

Since being elected, Obama has yet to indicate anything but faults...

yeah, damn him, he hasn't told you rightwingnuts to take a hike.

and after the prior 8 years, he's a freaking joy.

You know--the fact that Obama has not told the rightwingnuts to take a hike in public is probably the reason he is going to suck!!
Don't forget that Eisenhower and Reagan recovered.

I don't believe that Obama can recover but there is the possibility.

Ah, there lies the question.

Reagan proved a far more astute leader than Obama (to this point)

That of course due greatly to Reagan having considerable more executive experience - Obama had none. Reagan also was far less divisive when it came to the job of negotiating legislation than Obama has been to this point - though Reagan had to accomodate the Democrats as they controlled the House and were able to filibuster the Senate. Obama does not have those hurdles, and still has fumbled the legislative more often than not at the great expense of his own party.

So agreed - unless Obama matures much faster than he has to this point, he is going to continue to appear weak and uncertain as the president, and the polling will reflect that...

Gotta agree. He needs to get it together for year two. He needs to dump his crappy agenda and start working on jobs and the economy. These two items are much more important to folks than his green and climate change crap. He's a smart man I'm sure he can figure it out.

Terrorism is also very very important to the American people and it is his NUMBER one responsibility to protect Americans. He has not done a very good job of that as we have seen the Fort Hood incident and the recent failure of security with the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas day. Political correctness has got to take second place to the security of America and it's citizens. Obama does not have that mind-set, he bows to the Saudi Prince, buddies up to dictators, all indications of a very weak President. Had that Christmas day attack been successful, you can just imagine what his poll numbers would be now. Paul Begala, a left wing loon, even was critical of Obama's handling of the situation. It doesn't look good for him. It's my bet that he will be a 1 term only President.
Ah, there lies the question.

Reagan proved a far more astute leader than Obama (to this point)

That of course due greatly to Reagan having considerable more executive experience - Obama had none. Reagan also was far less divisive when it came to the job of negotiating legislation than Obama has been to this point - though Reagan had to accomodate the Democrats as they controlled the House and were able to filibuster the Senate. Obama does not have those hurdles, and still has fumbled the legislative more often than not at the great expense of his own party.

So agreed - unless Obama matures much faster than he has to this point, he is going to continue to appear weak and uncertain as the president, and the polling will reflect that...

Gotta agree. He needs to get it together for year two. He needs to dump his crappy agenda and start working on jobs and the economy. These two items are much more important to folks than his green and climate change crap. He's a smart man I'm sure he can figure it out.

Terrorism is also very very important to the American people and it is his NUMBER one responsibility to protect Americans. He has not done a very good job of that as we have seen the Fort Hood incident and the recent failure of security with the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas day. Political correctness has got to take second place to the security of America and it's citizens. Obama does not have that mind-set, he bows to the Saudi Prince, buddies up to dictators, all indications of a very weak President. Had that Christmas day attack been successful, you can just imagine what his poll numbers would be now. Paul Begala, a left wing loon, even was critical of Obama's handling of the situation. It doesn't look good for him. It's my bet that he will be a 1 term only President.

Good point -the economy and national security are the two most imporant issues for Americans and Obama has floundered away at both with little to show for it in the way of publica approval.

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