Obama: My Policies Are on the Ballot

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
President Barack Obama made the November elections about him during a speech Thursday, touting economic progress since he took office, laying out a list of Democratic favorites — from a minimum wage hike to an unemployment extension — and even trying to play offense on Obamacare.

“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
Obama My Policies Are on the Ballot

What lesson do you Obama supporters suggest He learn from the 2014 election?
Obama's huge mouth and enormous ego are a big part of why the Democrats lost.

If he'd of shown the slightest bit of humility....stayed quiet.

but he just can't help himself. He had to go flap his gums and make it all about him!!

Thanks Obama!

Also, Joe Biden- thank you Joe!! When you announced that Greg Orman was going to caucus with the Dems, it put Roberts over the top!! Joe- You are a gift!! Please run for POTUS in 2016!!
- Claimed ACA was better than UHC, and said the system was broken and could be fixed by ACA -> 2014: Still broken, health plans more expensive, and the only good part was allowing families to be on the same health plan till the kids turn 26. The dirt poor still can't get subsides or coverage, as their income is too low. Better than Universal healthcare? What's the Prez smoking?

- Claimed there would be no more costly foreign engagements -> 2014: We are involved in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq (again).

- Claimed he would help the middle class and improve things for the poorest members of society -> 2014: Income inequality and poverty still as bad as ever, and the middle class hasn't stopped shrinking. Student debt is also still out of control.

- Said he would work with Republicans and compromise -> 2014: Still a deadlocked political system.

And so on...
President Barack Obama made the November elections about him during a speech Thursday, touting economic progress since he took office, laying out a list of Democratic favorites — from a minimum wage hike to an unemployment extension — and even trying to play offense on Obamacare.

“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
Obama My Policies Are on the Ballot

What lesson do you Obama supporters suggest He learn from the 2014 election?

I'm no Barry supporter - but my guess would be that he might consider keeping his pie-hole shut. His "policies" screwed them all........ :dance:
Obama's huge mouth and enormous ego are a big part of why the Democrats lost.

If he'd of shown the slightest bit of humility....stayed quiet.

but he just can't help himself. He had to go flap his gums and make it all about him!!

Thanks Obama!

Also, Joe Biden- thank you Joe!! When you announced that Greg Orman was going to caucus with the Dems, it put Roberts over the top!! Joe- You are a gift!! Please run for POTUS in 2016!!

I can't help but wonder what happened in the West Wing last night when the results were in.....hope he didn't break TOO MANY artifacts. Those belong to US. :)
Everywhere raising the minimum wage was on the ballot, it won.
And it was decided where it should be decided.....locally, not national. There is a lesson for Obama. Plus, the increases were nowhere near what the national increase folks want, so there is that lesson too.
President Barack Obama made the November elections about him during a speech Thursday, touting economic progress since he took office, laying out a list of Democratic favorites — from a minimum wage hike to an unemployment extension — and even trying to play offense on Obamacare.

“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
Obama My Policies Are on the Ballot

What lesson do you Obama supporters suggest He learn from the 2014 election?

"I have a phone, a pen and a renewed hatred for America and all it stands for you racist fucks!" ???
Everywhere raising the minimum wage was on the ballot, it won.
And it was decided where it should be decided.....locally, not national. There is a lesson for Obama. Plus, the increases were nowhere near what the national increase folks want, so there is that lesson too.

As far as I can tell, raising the minimum wage was the only policy that was actually on any of the ballots.
President Barack Obama made the November elections about him during a speech Thursday, touting economic progress since he took office, laying out a list of Democratic favorites — from a minimum wage hike to an unemployment extension — and even trying to play offense on Obamacare.

“I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in prepared remarks at Northwestern University.
Obama My Policies Are on the Ballot

What lesson do you Obama supporters suggest He learn from the 2014 election?
I wish he would just resign.
Everywhere raising the minimum wage was on the ballot, it won.
And it was decided where it should be decided.....locally, not national. There is a lesson for Obama. Plus, the increases were nowhere near what the national increase folks want, so there is that lesson too.

As far as I can tell, raising the minimum wage was the only policy that was actually on any of the ballots.

If I were on the stinging side of losing big, I'd probably be saying the same shit you are. Sorry for your pain.

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