Obama New all time Low...bows to a robot

Much ado about nothing. Obumble has screwed the pooch dozens of times, but this isn't one of them.

Do not despair..... it wont be long before he screws big time again.... that's his speciality after all! :D
Quite probably.

Next window of opportunity to screw-the-pooch... Ukraine.

Oh Kondor.... the possibilities are endless!!!! the world is his oyster!!! :lol::lol: ;)

So little time ...so much to screw! LOL!
Obama New all time Low...bows to a robot
Oh fuck, another moron thread. Cons are so desperate to discredit Obama, they stoop to this. If this is as low as Obama ever gets, he'll be the greatest POTUS in history. FYI, in Japan, bowing is like a handshake.

oh, yes, you are so right, I quiver how profound your post is, yes, the greatest, as you say, yes
It is reported that IF Our Kenyan President deigns to visit Ukraine He will be taken on a tour of the economic miracles.

One of them - whose biggest customer apparently is an American distributor of fishing bait.

I DO hope He makes the trip; I want to see if He can get down low enough to bow to earthworms!
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What makes no sense is having an issue with him bowing and you dont even know what was going on. You guys were doing better when you swore he was not born in the US. Better but not by much.

President oBOWma loves to bow and scrape.

All the better to apologize for any and all past expressions of American exceptional-ism.

And if you can look at that photograph, Assclapius, and not see what appears to be yet another instance of Obumbler doing his BOW thing, then you are either blind or entirely dishonest.

As for the birther shit, you are once again assuming that everyone with whom you disagree must also share birther conspiracy theory suspicions. But you are wrong.

People can properly see you for the abject ass-clown you always are and yet NOT be birthers. :D

^welchability explains how to avoid an all time low.

^Leakyderp demonstrates his inability to post with wit or a point -- again.
What makes no sense is having an issue with him bowing and you dont even know what was going on. You guys were doing better when you swore he was not born in the US. Better but not by much.

President oBOWma loves to bow and scrape.

All the better to apologize for any and all past expressions of American exceptional-ism.

And if you can look at that photograph, Assclapius, and not see what appears to be yet another instance of Obumbler doing his BOW thing, then you are either blind or entirely dishonest.

As for the birther shit, you are once again assuming that everyone with whom you disagree must also share birther conspiracy theory suspicions. But you are wrong.

People can properly see you for the abject ass-clown you always are and yet NOT be birthers. :D

I think you are still butthurt he was elected twice.

Lair. We all know you don't "think."

Its ok but you can be honest about it.

Honesty is good. You ought to try it someday.

I look at the photo and see a man having fun.

Lair. You see an imbecile bowing to a machine. Either that or you are such an Obumblerphile salad tosser that you have lost any ability to perceive anything accurately.

You look at the photo and feel your manhood is vicariously threatened.


It defies reason and frankly speaks to your fear and insecurity within yourself.

What does? YOUR idiotic and irrational supposition? LOL. You are still wrong Assclapius.

Not everyone is hung up on being a dick and asserting the US authority and military might.

I don't know that you are hung up on being a dick, but it's clear that you are a dick. And the fact that the moron in chief is bowing to an inanimate object has nothing to do with asserting US Authority and might, you mental case. :lol:

One thing you should learn is if you are already the shit there is no need to go around reminding people of it. People just automatically see it and know it.

I know you are shit, so you are partly correct, Assclapius.
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I dunno. Maybe. Was the OP paroxysms of laughter? Didn't seem like it to me. Seemed more of a hissy and anger being expressed. But perhaps I am in error. Then again..maybe not. Does it matter?
The dude bowed. Big whoop. There are other matters more important than focusing on whether he bows to a robot or not.

I posted this simply because I thought it was funny that a US President would bow to a robot.
No intent of any hissy or anger in the post just a good laugh for all.
"No No. Not God Bless the Toast. God DAMN, the Toast!" -- President oBOWma's preacher at the First Chicago Church of the Holy Toaster, as oBOWma respectfully bows to the appliance.


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