Obama New all time Low...bows to a robot

Our idiot President bows to a Japanese Robot.

I don't like the guy but isn't this kinda stupid to mock him for being courteous? Jeez.
Maybe he is showing courtesy to the people who built it.

Going a tad overboard in the hate department is what you are doing.
Maybe he is showing courtesy to the people who built it.

Going a tad overboard in the hate department is what you are doing.

Maybe he could show courtesy to the folks at Honda by bowing TO them.

It still makes no sense of any kind to bow to a robot.


What makes no sense is having an issue with him bowing and you dont even know what was going on. You guys were doing better when you swore he was not born in the US. Better but not by much. :lol:
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It this is the best political point scoring you can do against the president of the United States then you're doing it wrong.

Limited Gray Matter leads to Limited Reasoning.

^ therein lies the single best explanation for modern left-wing liberal political "philosophy."

No, the mental acrobatics of liberal relativism
is to counteract the "dominant" influence of the
conservative traditions through the "church and state."

So the liberals separate church from state, and use
"political party" and "collective media" to substitute.

The resulting conflicts and confrontations are from
both groups seeking to defend their own interests while attacking the other.

The limits are not from unequal ability to reason,
but from personal and political biases against each other.

It's more of an emotional negative bias that impairs judgment mutually, as well as
the ability to communicate and accept the positive intent and goals in common,
instead of focusing on differences to justify rejecting and blaming each other.
Maybe he is showing courtesy to the people who built it.

Going a tad overboard in the hate department is what you are doing.

Maybe he could show courtesy to the folks at Honda by bowing TO them.

It still makes no sense of any kind to bow to a robot.


What makes no sense is having an issue with him bowing and you dont even know what was going on. You guys were doing better when you swore he was not born in the US. Better but not by much.

President oBOWma loves to bow and scrape.

All the better to apologize for any and all past expressions of American exceptional-ism.

And if you can look at that photograph, Assclapius, and not see what appears to be yet another instance of Obumbler doing his BOW thing, then you are either blind or entirely dishonest.

As for the birther shit, you are once again assuming that everyone with whom you disagree must also share birther conspiracy theory suspicions. But you are wrong.

People can properly see you for the abject ass-clown you always are and yet NOT be birthers. :D
Our idiot President bows to a Japanese Robot.

I don't like the guy but isn't this kinda stupid to mock him for being courteous? Jeez.

-- uhm -- it's "courtesy" being shown

to a fucking robot.


What I think is sad is the lack of respect shown to fellow Americans and government leaders just because of political differences. That is no reason to exclude representation and push legislation that denies rights and liberties to citizens, just because you disagree.

Isn't that discrimination by creed?

Forget about bowing, why is everyone "looking the other way,"
and "going along" with this practice of denying equal representation in public policies
to people on the basis of belief and creed?
Maybe he could show courtesy to the folks at Honda by bowing TO them.

It still makes no sense of any kind to bow to a robot.


What makes no sense is having an issue with him bowing and you dont even know what was going on. You guys were doing better when you swore he was not born in the US. Better but not by much.

President oBOWma loves to bow and scrape.

All the better to apologize for any and all past expressions of American exceptional-ism.

And if you can look at that photograph, Assclapius, and not see what appears to be yet another instance of Obumbler doing his BOW thing, then you are either blind or entirely dishonest.

As for the birther shit, you are once again assuming that everyone with whom you disagree must also share birther conspiracy theory suspicions. But you are wrong.

People can properly see you for the abject ass-clown you always are and yet NOT be birthers. :D

^welchability explains how to avoid an all time low.
So what if he bows to a robot. Do you ever talk in the play phone your grandkids hand to you? Yes. So, what's the difference?
Maybe he could show courtesy to the folks at Honda by bowing TO them.

It still makes no sense of any kind to bow to a robot.


What makes no sense is having an issue with him bowing and you dont even know what was going on. You guys were doing better when you swore he was not born in the US. Better but not by much.

President oBOWma loves to bow and scrape.

All the better to apologize for any and all past expressions of American exceptional-ism.

And if you can look at that photograph, Assclapius, and not see what appears to be yet another instance of Obumbler doing his BOW thing, then you are either blind or entirely dishonest.

As for the birther shit, you are once again assuming that everyone with whom you disagree must also share birther conspiracy theory suspicions. But you are wrong.

People can properly see you for the abject ass-clown you always are and yet NOT be birthers. :D

I think you are still butthurt he was elected twice. Its ok but you can be honest about it. I look at the photo and see a man having fun. You look at the photo and feel your manhood is vicariously threatened. It defies reason and frankly speaks to your fear and insecurity within yourself.

Not everyone is hung up on being a dick and asserting the US authority and military might. One thing you should learn is if you are already the shit there is no need to go around reminding people of it. People just automatically see it and know it.
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What makes no sense is having an issue with him bowing and you dont even know what was going on. You guys were doing better when you swore he was not born in the US. Better but not by much.

President oBOWma loves to bow and scrape.

All the better to apologize for any and all past expressions of American exceptional-ism.

And if you can look at that photograph, Assclapius, and not see what appears to be yet another instance of Obumbler doing his BOW thing, then you are either blind or entirely dishonest.

As for the birther shit, you are once again assuming that everyone with whom you disagree must also share birther conspiracy theory suspicions. But you are wrong.

People can properly see you for the abject ass-clown you always are and yet NOT be birthers. :D

I think you are still butthurt he was elected twice. Its ok but you can be honest about it. I look at the photo and see a man having fun. You look at the photo and feel you manhood is vicariously threatened. It defies reason and frankly speaks to your fear and insecurity within yourself.

Not everyone is hung up on being a dick and asserting the US authority and military might. One thing you should learn is if you are already the shit there is no need to go around reminding people of it. People just automatically see it and know it.

of course this assclown is still hurt, especially about the reelection.

he bet, lost, and welched on a bet where he was dumbass enough to bet on a romney win. he conceded, too. until he decided to welch on it. now he spends most of his time on this board pretending that this did not happen.
He IS having fun. But that is not allowed I guess, by the same folks who sit at a pretend tea garden party hosted by their granddaughters, sipping air because no real tea is in the cup yet asking for more to please said grandchild. See, they can do that but if Obama bows to a robot, all hell breaks loose.

Eye roll.

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