Obama not responsible after 2 yrs. They blame Bush after 8 mos.

nope i asked first.
So fuck off and die

Don't get agitated because I prove you don't know shit about shit. Try instead to learn something so you won't sound so dumb all the time.

Looks like jake starkey has another person living in his world. Dude you really need to graspe a load of reality. You have never proven one thing to be right.

I haven't got enough time to explain the entire financial crisis and resulting recession to you, and you wouldn't understand half of what I was saying anyway. But believe me, it didn't have aaaaaannnyyyytttthhiiinnnggg to do with Democrats winning control of congress. Unless you can give some indication, some evidence however weak and unsubstantiated it may be, that the Democrats winning congress had anything to do with it, you can take that theory and shove it.

God, you're worse than Rabbi.
Nope, just giving you some wisdom to live by. Do not judge me by my board manner. I am a whole lot worse in person.

If you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a Class A pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...
On March 28, 2004, at the height of efforts to undermine his critique of the Bush administration during the 9/11 Commission Hearings, Clarke went on NBC's Sunday morning news show, Meet the Press and was interviewed by journalist Tim Russert. In responding to and rebutting the criticism, Clarke challenged the Bush administration to declassify the whole record, including closed testimony by Bush administration officials before the Commission Richard A. Clarke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and of course they did not.
Don't get agitated because I prove you don't know shit about shit. Try instead to learn something so you won't sound so dumb all the time.

Looks like jake starkey has another person living in his world. Dude you really need to graspe a load of reality. You have never proven one thing to be right.

I haven't got enough time to explain the entire financial crisis and resulting recession to you, and you wouldn't understand half of what I was saying anyway. But believe me, it didn't have aaaaaannnyyyytttthhiiinnnggg to do with Democrats winning control of congress. Unless you can give some indication, some evidence however weak and unsubstantiated it may be, that the Democrats winning congress had anything to do with it, you can take that theory and shove it.

God, you're worse than Rabbi.

The financial crisis was caused by Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. Bush tried to get confgress together to fix the mess but the Republicans did not have enough numbers to beat a democratic fillabuster. Bush started warning in 2003
There are a number of videos out there where it shows democrats saying there was nothing wrong with either one. Hows that for a history lesson?
Looks like jake starkey has another person living in his world. Dude you really need to graspe a load of reality. You have never proven one thing to be right.

I haven't got enough time to explain the entire financial crisis and resulting recession to you, and you wouldn't understand half of what I was saying anyway. But believe me, it didn't have aaaaaannnyyyytttthhiiinnnggg to do with Democrats winning control of congress. Unless you can give some indication, some evidence however weak and unsubstantiated it may be, that the Democrats winning congress had anything to do with it, you can take that theory and shove it.

God, you're worse than Rabbi.

The financial crisis was caused by Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. Bush tried to get confgress together to fix the mess but the Republicans did not have enough numbers to beat a democratic fillabuster. Bush started warning in 2003
There are a number of videos out there where it shows democrats saying there was nothing wrong with either one. Hows that for a history lesson?

In 2005, Frank, then the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, worked with committee chairman Rep. Michael Oxley (R-OH) on the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005, which would have established the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to replace the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) as overseer of the activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. After voting for the bill in committee, Frank voted against final passage of the bill on the House floor, stating that he was doing so because an amendment to the bill on the House floor imposed restrictions on the kinds of nonprofit organizations that could receive funding under the bill.
Nope, just giving you some wisdom to live by. Do not judge me by my board manner. I am a whole lot worse in person.

If you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a Class A pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...

You have no idea who you are messing with. Hell I jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.
I haven't got enough time to explain the entire financial crisis and resulting recession to you, and you wouldn't understand half of what I was saying anyway. But believe me, it didn't have aaaaaannnyyyytttthhiiinnnggg to do with Democrats winning control of congress. Unless you can give some indication, some evidence however weak and unsubstantiated it may be, that the Democrats winning congress had anything to do with it, you can take that theory and shove it.

God, you're worse than Rabbi.

The financial crisis was caused by Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. Bush tried to get confgress together to fix the mess but the Republicans did not have enough numbers to beat a democratic fillabuster. Bush started warning in 2003
There are a number of videos out there where it shows democrats saying there was nothing wrong with either one. Hows that for a history lesson?

In 2005, Frank, then the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, worked with committee chairman Rep. Michael Oxley (R-OH) on the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005, which would have established the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to replace the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) as overseer of the activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. After voting for the bill in committee, Frank voted against final passage of the bill on the House floor, stating that he was doing so because an amendment to the bill on the House floor imposed restrictions on the kinds of nonprofit organizations that could receive funding under the bill.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]
Looks like jake starkey has another person living in his world. Dude you really need to graspe a load of reality. You have never proven one thing to be right.

I haven't got enough time to explain the entire financial crisis and resulting recession to you, and you wouldn't understand half of what I was saying anyway. But believe me, it didn't have aaaaaannnyyyytttthhiiinnnggg to do with Democrats winning control of congress. Unless you can give some indication, some evidence however weak and unsubstantiated it may be, that the Democrats winning congress had anything to do with it, you can take that theory and shove it.

God, you're worse than Rabbi.

The financial crisis was caused by Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. Bush tried to get confgress together to fix the mess but the Republicans did not have enough numbers to beat a democratic fillabuster. Bush started warning in 2003
There are a number of videos out there where it shows democrats saying there was nothing wrong with either one. Hows that for a history lesson?

The Republicans TRIED to tell the Democrats there was somthing SEVERLY WRONG with FANNIE/FREDDIE...The Democrats BALKED...tried to catorgorize it as a RACE attack on Franklin RAINES...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]

They were WARNED...and here we are. DEMOCRATS are responsible for this....NO ONE ELSE
Nope, just giving you some wisdom to live by. Do not judge me by my board manner. I am a whole lot worse in person.

If you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a Class A pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...

You have no idea who you are messing with. Hell I jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

Yeah that didn't happen. But if it had, it wouldn't make you any less ignorant of economics.
It's WW III style Judaeo-Masonic Babylon.

OpEdNews - Article: Wrecking the American Dream

In stark terms, Fitts says it's more than just "a process designed to wipe out the middle class. This is genocide (by other means) - a much more subtle and lethal version than ever before perpetrated by the scoundrels of our history texts."

It's a government-business cabal for enormous profits through "legislation, contracts, regulation (or lack of it), financing, subsidies," and massive handouts to Wall Street favorites. Carefully rigged for powerful elitists, the public is so cleverly harmed that few understand what's happening - literally that their livelihoods, welfare and lives are being destroyed in real time. The America older generations knew no longer exists, the dream of millions wiped out, and it's also happening throughout Europe.


In his September 30 article titled, "The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes," Michael Hudson explained sinister plans "to drastically change the laws and structure of how European society will function for the next generation. If (successful, they'll) break up Europe, destroy the internal market, and render that continent a backwater. This is how serious the financial coup d'etat has become. And it is going to get much worse - quickly....The bankers are demanding that (governments) rebuild their loan reserves at labor's expense." It's also Obama's scheme, shifting greater wealth to the rich, impoverishing the rest.

Throughout the West, neoliberals are in control. "From Brussels to Latvia, (they) aim to shrink their economies to roll back wage levels by 30 percent or more - depression-style levels - (for) 'more surplus'....to pay in debt service," tribute to global bankers, turning Europe "into a banana republic." It's also planned for America.

"This requires dictatorship." Labor is targeted for destruction. "Europe (like America) is entering an era of totalitarian neoliberal rule." So-called "free markets" aren't possible without it. But wait - "This is economic suicide, taxing labor, not the rich, and at the same time "slash(ing) wages and pensions, cut(ting) back public spending and employment, and shrink(ing) the economy," turning Western societies into dystopian backwaters, a dark future unfolding in real time.
if you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a class a pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...

you have no idea who you are messing with. Hell i jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

yeah that didn't happen. But if it had, it wouldn't make you any less ignorant of economics.

prove it.
I haven't got enough time to explain the entire financial crisis and resulting recession to you, and you wouldn't understand half of what I was saying anyway. But believe me, it didn't have aaaaaannnyyyytttthhiiinnnggg to do with Democrats winning control of congress. Unless you can give some indication, some evidence however weak and unsubstantiated it may be, that the Democrats winning congress had anything to do with it, you can take that theory and shove it.

God, you're worse than Rabbi.

The financial crisis was caused by Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. Bush tried to get confgress together to fix the mess but the Republicans did not have enough numbers to beat a democratic fillabuster. Bush started warning in 2003
There are a number of videos out there where it shows democrats saying there was nothing wrong with either one. Hows that for a history lesson?

In 2005, Frank, then the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, worked with committee chairman Rep. Michael Oxley (R-OH) on the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005, which would have established the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to replace the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) as overseer of the activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. After voting for the bill in committee, Frank voted against final passage of the bill on the House floor, stating that he was doing so because an amendment to the bill on the House floor imposed restrictions on the kinds of nonprofit organizations that could receive funding under the bill.

FANNIE/FREDDIE was a Democratic FAILURE. What part of this don't you get Dauted?
you have no idea who you are messing with. Hell i jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

yeah that didn't happen. But if it had, it wouldn't make you any less ignorant of economics.

prove it.

Prove you're not actually 2 midgets in an overcoat. It's a standard impossible to meet. Stop being silly.
If you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a Class A pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...

You have no idea who you are messing with. Hell I jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

Yeah that didn't happen. But if it had, it wouldn't make you any less ignorant of economics.

It happened it freaked my wife out.
Peple were yelling kick his ass kick his ass.
Loo I don't lie and what I would say to you here I would say to your face.
OH and as for the economy and its working. If you say this mess was created by Republicans that proves without a doubt you do not know what you are talking about. I suggest that you go hit the books.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivmL-lXNy64&feature=related]YouTube - EVIDENCE FOUND!!! Clinton administration's "BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" They forced banks to make BAD LOANS and ACORN and Obama's tie to all of it!!![/ame]
Nope, just giving you some wisdom to live by. Do not judge me by my board manner. I am a whole lot worse in person.

If you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a Class A pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...

You have no idea who you are messing with. Hell I jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

Just a head's up, prick. I was a cop in NZ and took on guys like this and [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n4hU_icvpQ"]this[/ame]. The worse I ever got was a couple of loosened teeth and we don't have guns either. Just a good old PR 24 baton. So save your tough guy act for someone who gives a shit.

Now answer the question, pussy...
If you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a Class A pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...

You have no idea who you are messing with. Hell I jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

Just a head's up, prick. I was a cop in NZ and took on guys like this and [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n4hU_icvpQ"]this[/ame]. The worse I ever got was a couple of loosened teeth and we don't have guns either. Just a good old PR 24 baton. So save your tough guy act for someone who gives a shit.

Now answer the question, pussy...

And? This MATTERS in the United States...HOW EXACLTY?
If you are anything like you appear to on the board you are a Class A pussy..

You can't even debate a simple question...

You have no idea who you are messing with. Hell I jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

Just a head's up, prick. I was a cop in NZ and took on guys like this and [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n4hU_icvpQ"]this[/ame]. The worse I ever got was a couple of loosened teeth and we don't have guns either. Just a good old PR 24 baton. So save your tough guy act for someone who gives a shit.

Now answer the question, pussy...
From one ex cop to another you wouldn't stand a chance.
You have no idea who you are messing with. Hell I jumped out of my truck one saturday afternoon at a busy intersection, yanked an asswhole out of his car because he cussed me and kick the shit out of him.

Just a head's up, prick. I was a cop in NZ and took on guys like this and [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n4hU_icvpQ"]this[/ame]. The worse I ever got was a couple of loosened teeth and we don't have guns either. Just a good old PR 24 baton. So save your tough guy act for someone who gives a shit.

Now answer the question, pussy...
From one ex cop to another you wouldn't stand a chance.

NOT here anyway.
From one ex cop to another you wouldn't stand a chance.

Um, we actually have real police down here. No corruption, no guns (well some of the sergeants and above carry if they want) and you don't get 'voted' in like your sheriffs, or get hired like deputies do. Why do I get the feeling you were one of those pretend cops like a county sheriff or deputy as opposed to the state trooper or big city cop that acutally gets proper training.

Down here we actually have to do six months in a police college and know criminal law. There is a huge vetting process. That aside, if you truly WERE an LEO (note the past tense), then you can't have been a very good one if you get out of the car and smack someone.

As for not standing a chance, we'll never know. All I DO know is, that any time some fucker starts their tough act on the net, dollars to donuts they're a Grade A pussy.

Now, answer the question, or don't you have the brain power to do so?

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