How does the Left use any tragedy to blame their adversaries?

Rational people read it and say -

"It’s all right. We have to do what we have to do. Right? We have to do what we have to do, and now we have somebody that in theory should be easier to beat, in theory because she’s a radical left Marxist and everybody knows it, but we’re welcoming the support from millions of disaffected Democrats, independents, moderates, old-fashioned liberals who still believe in little things like borders. I was there yesterday. That’s a scary place. ” Sir, it’s about time that you get out of the sun. Sir, we’re going to have to get you out of here, sir. Let’s get the hell out of here.” She was the border czar. She presided over the worst border in history, not American history, world history, democracy, liberty, and of course, always the right of free speech. We don’t really have free speech right now. The press, look at all of them. Look at all of them. Look at that. Wow. Man. That’s a lot of press. That’s a lot of fake news. That’s a hell of a lot of fake news."


I love the "look a squirrel" moment when he mentions the border and then rants off in another direction, and then veers how there's no more free speech.

And that is from the beginning of the speech - BEFORE HE WENT COMPLETELY OFF THE RAILS.
Except...he's right. Harris is a radical leftist who's suggested Marxist price controls, and she's done absolutely nothing about the border she was placed in charge of. She never even went to the border.

Is Trump an eloquent speaker? No, not at all. But personally, I'm tired of polished teleprompter nonsense that gets people riled up but turns out to mean nothing.

And you really don't want me to show you Harris speaking without a script.
Why would we hold Faucci responsible for something the Gateway Pundit fabricated from whole cloth?

You keep asking people to apoligize or take repsonsibility for stuff that right wing media made up about them, or alternatively provide evidence that the allegations are false.

It is up to those making allegations to prove them true. You can't prove a negative, which is why the conspiracy theories around Faucci persist. Or the allegation that Joe Biden showered with his daughter. You cannot prove something didn't happen. Only that it did.

When did you stop beating your wife? If your wife denies you beat her, it's only because she's covering up for you. Thsi is why rumours are so insidious. You cannot prove you didn't do something, only that you did.
Ashley says he showered with her. Therefore, he did.

As for Fauci:

NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials

Fauci Was 'Untruthful' to Congress About Wuhan Lab Research, New Documents Appear To Show

Richard Ebright, board of governors professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University and laboratory director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, told Newsweek these documents show "unequivocally" that NIH grants were used to fund controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research at the Wuhan Insitute of Virology in China—something U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has denied.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is part of the NIH, told Congress in May that the NIH "has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

Ebright said: "The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement in Wuhan are untruthful."

GOF research involves modifying a biological agent, like a virus, so that it becomes more active. For obvious reasons, GOF research on influenza or coronavirus viruses has been "the subject of substantial scrutiny," by the NIH's own admission, as it potentially makes the virus more dangerous to humans.

Not all GOF research is equally dangerous. Some types, for example, modify bacteria to produce insulin to treat people with diabetes.

What the NIH has denied is funding GOF research that would make a coronavirus more dangerous, such as by improving its lethality or transmissibility.
If they lied about the funding, why would you trust them about the GOF research?
Except...he's right. Harris is a radical leftist who's suggested Marxist price controls, and she's done absolutely nothing about the border she was placed in charge of. She never even went to the border.

Is Trump an eloquent speaker? No, not at all. But personally, I'm tired of polished teleprompter nonsense that gets people riled up but turns out to mean nothing.

And you really don't want me to show you Harris speaking without a script.
Trump the other say said he speaks to trucks.
Trump speaks coherently...I can understand him, of course; if you can't, that's a you problem...but not eloquently.
It’s surreal that the posters who plan to vote for someone who speaks nonsense about “the passage of time” happening because “times passes” is actually claiming that Trump is the one who is incoherent.

Trump, of course, is not incoherent. He is not a polished speaker, I admit, but he makes perfect sense and, more importantly, he is proposing policies that will benefit America and Americans. Obama, otoh, is a polished speaker who hates the country and thus weakens it, by intent.

I go for substance over sizzle.

How does the Left use any tragedy to blame their adversaries?​

WIth this strategy: "Never let a good tragedy go to waste..." Link - Also Attributed to Saul Alinsky


“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”
It’s surreal that the posters who plan to vote for someone who speaks nonsense about “the passage of time” happening because “times passes” is actually claiming that Trump is the one who is incoherent.

Trump, of course, is not incoherent. He is not a polished speaker, I admit, but he makes perfect sense and, more importantly, he is proposing policies that will benefit America and Americans. Obama, otoh, is a polished speaker who hates the country and thus weakens it, by intent.

I go for substance over sizzle.
The whole Dem convention was nothing but fluff pieces and "joy"...and the entire party lost their freaking minds.

They really don't care about -- or can't conceive of -- substance. Nothing but glitter and flash, bread and circuses.
The whole Dem convention was nothing but fluff pieces and "joy"...and the entire party lost their freaking minds.

They really don't care about -- or can't conceive of -- substance. Nothing but glitter and flash, bread and circuses.
It reminds me of the fable, The Emperor’s New Clothes.

She is a complete nitwit, incompetent, unable to even speak unless she is reading notes, who did nothing as VP for three years and in fact only got the job due to her female blackness, AND was seen as such a drag on the ticket that the Dems were trying to figure out how to get rid of her without the leftists crying “waaaaaacist!,” and now….she’s the best thing since sliced bread?

This shows how far the electorate has declined. I blame 30 years of liberal indoctrination at the public schools.
And there you have it.

This leftist is blaming the Jews for not being able to rescue more hostages from the bowels of the earth where the HAMAS monsters have hidden them INSTEAD of the HAMAS monsters for refusing to return them.

Just shows how extreme the pro-Muslim, anti-Jew sentiment is on the Left. Any Jew who votes for the Dem is an idiot.
^ supports mass bombing of Jewish hostages
Did it ever occur to you to ask, since Israel is intent on wiping out Palestinians, why the population of Palestinians keeps growing?
The population of black people in South Africa also grew under their own apartheid system

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