How does the Left use any tragedy to blame their adversaries?

Do you REALLY believe the Democratic Party is financially responsible?

I haven't done a detailed analysis of their budgets, to opine with any certainly as to whether they meet a resonable definition of "fiscal responsibility", but they are certainly far more fiscally responsible than any Republican President in my lifetime, save Eisenhauer.

No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Three of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy. In all cases, a Democrat has come in, cleaned up the mess, pass laws to prevent it from happening again, and gotten the economy back on track.

Republicans have come in with a robust and healthy balance sheet, and repealled the consumer protection laws passed after the last Crash, cut taxes, increased spending, and crashed the economy, and we're back where we started.

Reagan repealled all of the New Deal tax and labour codes, and set up the current system, which has transferred 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 10% of Americans. Every Republican tax cut has further impoverished working and middle class people to the benefit of the super wealthy.

Trump SHOULD have raised both taxes and interest rates, in the boom economy he was handed, while continuing to reduce the deficit, which was still $487 billion. Instead, he cut taxes, increased spending and put it all on the national credit card. Instead of workers being given raises, and "growth on steriods", the corporate tax cuts were used for share buybacks, increasing share values, and nothing else. Trump achieved 3% growth in 2018, but never had GDP growth of more than 2.5% in 2017 and 2019, with -2,2% for 2020.

When the pandemic hit, with revenues cut to the bone, income was insufficient to cover the increased expenditures, and the national crediit card limit spiralling ever upward, the economy crashed utterly and workers again saw their savings and equity depleted, while the super wealthy made billions through interest free loans and grants.

W did the same thing, except that the budget was balanced when he took office so the deficit effect was not as bad as it was under Trump. Unfortunately, the government bailed out banks, insurance companies, and the auto industry, but working and middle class Americans got screwed when the real estate bubble burst. A mistake that Biden Harris didn't repeat in 2021.

Now the economy is back on track but still fragile. The deficiit is coming down but still WAY to high, and the debt is still going up. Trump is promising to cut taxes for the wealthy, and screw over the working and middle class again.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different results. If you look at any economic number - job creation, balance of trade, stock market, GDP growth, federal budgets, from WWII until today, you have to be insane to continue to vote Republican.
I haven't done a detailed analysis of their budgets, to opine with any certainly as to whether they meet a resonable definition of "fiscal responsibility", but they are certainly far more fiscally responsible than any Republican President in my lifetime, save Eisenhauer.

No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Three of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy. In all cases, a Democrat has come in, cleaned up the mess, pass laws to prevent it from happening again, and gotten the economy back on track.

Republicans have come in with a robust and healthy balance sheet, and repealled the consumer protection laws passed after the last Crash, cut taxes, increased spending, and crashed the economy, and we're back where we started.

Reagan repealled all of the New Deal tax and labour codes, and set up the current system, which has transferred 80% of the wealth of the nation to the top 10% of Americans. Every Republican tax cut has further impoverished working and middle class people to the benefit of the super wealthy.

Trump SHOULD have raised both taxes and interest rates, in the boom economy he was handed, while continuing to reduce the deficit, which was still $487 billion. Instead, he cut taxes, increased spending and put it all on the national credit card. Instead of workers being given raises, and "growth on steriods", the corporate tax cuts were used for share buybacks, increasing share values, and nothing else. Trump achieved 3% growth in 2018, but never had GDP growth of more than 2.5% in 2017 and 2019, with -2,2% for 2020.

When the pandemic hit, with revenues cut to the bone, income was insufficient to cover the increased expenditures, and the national crediit card limit spiralling ever upward, the economy crashed utterly and workers again saw their savings and equity depleted, while the super wealthy made billions through interest free loans and grants.

W did the same thing, except that the budget was balanced when he took office so the deficit effect was not as bad as it was under Trump. Unfortunately, the government bailed out banks, insurance companies, and the auto industry, but working and middle class Americans got screwed when the real estate bubble burst. A mistake that Biden Harris didn't repeat in 2021.

Now the economy is back on track but still fragile. The deficiit is coming down but still WAY to high, and the debt is still going up. Trump is promising to cut taxes for the wealthy, and screw over the working and middle class again.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different results. If you look at any economic number - job creation, balance of trade, stock market, GDP growth, federal budgets, from WWII until today, you have to be insane to continue to vote Republican.
I'll admit I know little about economics -- it bores the ass off me -- but I can't help but think that the last 4 Republican Presidents had Democratic congresses for the most part.

You know the President doesn't craft financial law, right? He signs what he's sent, or he doesn't, but doesn't create law.

Are you sure you're blaming the right people?
Conservatism is about small government leaving people alone to live their lives. (Note I am not talking about the GOP, which is Dem-Lite.)

Leftism is about government control over individual lives.

Which would you choose?

Leftism is not in any way about government control over individuals lives. Republicans are lying to you about this stuff and you continue to parrot the lies.

Until you stop believing Republicans, and start fact checking and verifying everything they tell you, you're completely fucked.

The Republican Party in Florida is trying to monitor the menstral periods of teenage girls. How much more "control" should women be prepared to give these men? At the same time they tell you that vaccine requirements are an "infringement on your freedom".

Are you fucking kidding me??????
Leftism is not in any way about government control over individuals lives. Republicans are lying to you about this stuff and you continue to parrot the lies.

Until you stop believing Republicans, and start fact checking and verifying everything they tell you, you're completely fucked.
You really have no understanding of leftism, do you? You just been told it's good, and that's all it takes.
The Republican Party in Florida is trying to monitor the menstral periods of teenage girls. How much more "control" should women be prepared to give these men? At the same time they tell you that vaccine requirements are an "infringement on your freedom".

Are you fucking kidding me??????
I've not looked into it, but I can almost guarantee you're completely misrepresenting what's going on in Florida.
I'll admit I know little about economics -- it bores the ass off me -- but I can't help but think that the last 4 Republican Presidents had Democratic congresses for the most part.

You know the President doesn't craft financial law, right? He signs what he's sent, or he doesn't, but doesn't create law.

Are you sure you're blaming the right people?

I appreciate your patience in reading it. I know it's dense. My knowledge is relatively superficial in terms of government finances. I have more experience with corporate financial analysis because I did it for years. That's why I understood Harris' "price gouging" strategy the moment I heard about it. I just googled the profit margins for grocery stores for the relevant years, and there it was. 40% increase in net profit margins over costs, between 2019 and 2022.

Yeah I'm blaming the right people. Democrats are the "tax and spend: party, but notice that they "tax" before they "spend". Republicans "cut and spend".

Also note the the Republican Congress and Senate passed the banking reform law, weakening the consumer protections put in place in the wake of the 1929 Crash - the Financial Services Modernization Act, signed by Bill Clinton in 1999, which made the Subprime Mortgage Collapse, possible.

Obama immediately restored some of these protections when he took office, under the Dodd–Frank Act, which has improved financial stability and consumer protections. Of course Trump weakened Dodd-Frank it with the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act from the Dodd–Frank Act's banking regulations in 2018. We've seen several bank failures tied to their exemption from Dodd-Frank.

When Trump was asked recently how he was going to pay for this tax cut he's proposing, he answered "Growth". Growth has NEVER paid for any tax cut ever. Republicans make this claim every time they've cut taxes, it's never happened. When revenues increase after they cut taxes, it's from their increased spending, not the tax cuts.

Reagan had a very tame Democractic Congress and there was bi-partisan cooperation, as well as the belief that a sitting President has a mandate.

W had a Republican Congress until 2006, and by then the die was already cast and the damage done. The economists already were warning about the dangerous housing bubble. But of course Republicans blamed Fannie Mae, Freddie and the Democrats for the crash. Fannie Mae and Freddie didn't even start making subprime loans until 2006.

Trump had a Republican House for half his term, and Republican Senate for all of his term. Democrats were only in the House for one year when covid hit.
You really have no understanding of leftism, do you? You just been told it's good, and that's all it takes.

I've not looked into it, but I can almost guarantee you're completely misrepresenting what's going on in Florida.

I live in a leftist country. I've been offered multiple opportunities to move to the States but why would I move to a nation where women don't have equal rights under the law. I have a much better understanding of how a leftist country functions. You have Republican lies.

Canada is one of the highest ranking countries in the world for personal freedoms and on the best countries in the world to live. Every time I go to the USA, I'm stuck by how dirty and run down it looks. The air and water. Your infrastructure is really poorly maintained, and your cities are dirty, and run down looking.

Here I have tax funded universal health care - no copays There are no abortion laws in Canada. Abortion are a matter between a woman and her doctor, and they're free. Our abortion rate is half that of the USA, because we have mandated maternity leave, guaranteed job security for pregnant women, $10/day daycare, $500 per month child tax benefit,

Guaranteed income for seniors. New business incubators and income supports for new businesses, Retraining grants and income supports for the unemployed. One of the world's best education systems. Decent wages for teachers. Sensible gun control laws. Clean air and water.

Women have equal rights under the law and equal pay for work of equal value.

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