Obama now has 34 Senators supporting the Iran Deal - GOP will not be able to block it

It's now up to at least 37 Senators, likely to make it to 41...
Good thing they aren't calling it a treaty huh.........................

Which is the usual way of approval or shooting it down.............Nice to circumvent the normal path of the constitution isn't it...............for a liberal..............

The GOP leadership should be flogged for doing that deal with your side.................Utterly ridiculous..........but be happy statist............

No treaty.......no need to honor it...............Iran is already saying they aren't gonna honor it anyway............

The biggest problem is American today is not Obama, but Boehner and McConnell and the Republican Establishment. Obama can't help being a Statist douchebag, that's who he is, where is the principled Conservative, Constitutional opposition to him?
Now that the Iran deal is a done deal you can sense the anxiety of the US right wing WARMONGERS and their propaganda entertainment media machine because when Iran complies and begins to hold a more moderate stance and does not seek nuclear weapons - their chicken little foreign policy track record should be dead and buried. And Obama achieves a major foreign policy legacy.

The Republicans will have failed their original goal to make sure the first black President is a failure.
Liberals have an interesting way of looking at things....

They see and celebrate this as Obama having enough GOP votes to block Obama's treasonous Iran deal...
---(I say treasonous because he is rewarding the leading exporter of terrorism in the world, a nation that continues to call for the destruction of both Israel, our ally, and the United states, and a nation that helped the 9/11/01 terrorists)

The FACT is, with 34 Senators, Obama has secured enough of a MINORITY to block the UN-Constitutional vote on a 'deal', when this is really a 'Treaty' (despite the Obama use of the Clinton 'definition of "IS" argument) and should require a 2/3rds vote majority...part of Congress Constitutional responsibility they UN-Constitutionally forfeited...

They call this a 'GOP attempt' to block Obama when, again the overwhelming majority of Congress - to include Democrats - oppose Obama's 'deal'

Finally, while they celebrate the fact that Obama is once again going to IMPOSE his will on this nation, the FACT is 78% of the American people oppose - do NOT want - this deal. Obama's response? 'F* YOU! It's going through!'

OH...and the fact that an Iranian Special Interest Group is PAYING some of these politicians to vote this way, IMO, is enough to charge them with treason or at LEAST to void their vote on the deal.
Sit tignt-----the "agreement" will soon drop dead------as soon as the Shiite shit invade
Saudi arabia
easyT 12313874
. Finally, while they celebrate the fact that Obama is once again going to IMPOSE his will on this nation, the FACT is 78% of the American people oppose - do NOT want - this deal. Obama's response? 'F* YOU! It's going through!'

That is a vast web of lies you got yourself into believing. Show me your poll that says 78% of Americans oppose this deal.

Here's a recent one for the grown ups, the educated and un-skeered of right winger boogy-man stories.


What? Recent Headline says: americans-support-the-iran-deal-much-more-than-the-alternatives

You see the opponents do not really have any alternatives - just emotional fear-mongering bull crap mixed in with the usual constant refrain of Obama haters for almost seven years now.

The University of Maryland's Program on Public Consultation has developed a new way to assess what a representative sample of American voters wants their members of Congress to do about a complex and controversial policy issue, after they are given a briefing and hear arguments from both sides of the debate. These policymaking simulations are vetted for accuracy and balance by Congressional staffers and experts on both sides, so respondents assess whatever participants in the actual Congressional debate consider their strongest arguments for their preferred policy outcome and against one or more policy alternatives.

The Center for International and Security Studies at the Maryland School of Public Policy has partnered with the program to do policymaking simulations at key points during the negotiations and after the Iran deal was announced. In our new study, the 700 registered voters in our "Citizen Cabinet" were briefed on the terms of the deal, then asked to consider a series of critiques and rebuttals. They were also given pro and con arguments for three alternatives to approving the Iran deal: trying to reopen negotiations and get a "better deal"; trying to increase sanctions until the people of Iran demand an end to uranium enrichment; or using military threats and force to stop Iran's worrisome nuclear activities.

Members of our Citizen Cabinet had some serious concerns about any type of nuclear cooperation with Iran, but ultimately 55 percent wanted Congress to approve the deal. Sizeable majorities thought that most of the critiques were at least "somewhat convincing," but nearly as many found the rebuttals convincing. In contrast to simulations conducted during the negotiations, where large majorities of both Democrats and Republicans preferred negotiating an agreement to imposing more sanctions, 77 percent of Democrats now recommend approving the Iran deal and 65 percent of Republicans recommend rejecting it. In earlier simulations, the majority of support for a diplomatic resolution was smallest among independents, but now three in five independents support it (61 percent).

Participants who wanted Congress to reject the nuclear deal could not agree on a better way to address concerns about Iran's nuclear program. Trying to reopen negotiations – the alternative most commonly offered by Congressional critics – was favored by only 14 percent. That group tended to be much more optimistic than everyone else in the Citizen Cabinet about the likelihood that the United States' negotiating partners would be willing to try again after Congress rejected the deal. Likewise, the 23 percent who favored tightening sanctions was more optimistic than the sample as a whole that other countries would agree not to do business with Iran if Congress did not approve the deal. (Eighty-two percent of proponents thought it likely, compared with a majority of the whole sample who thought it unlikely.) Support for the military option was very low (7 percent), and respondents found the arguments against threats and use of force to be much more convincing than those in favor of that option. Seventy-two percent concurred with arguments that this course of action would be "extremely dangerous," while 81 percent doubted that military threats would make Iran more willing to give up its enrichment program and allow anytime/anywhere inspections.

77 percent of Democrats now recommend approving the Iran deal and 65 percent of Republicans recommend rejecting it. In earlier simulations, the majority of support for a diplomatic resolution was smallest among independents, but now three in five independents support it (61 percent).

Your 78% number is whacko simply because in this poll only 66% of Republicans oppose it.
77 percent of Democrats now recommend approving the Iran deal and 65 percent of Republicans recommend rejecting it. In earlier simulations, the majority of support for a diplomatic resolution was smallest among independents, but now three in five independents support it (61 percent).

Your 78% number is whacko simply because in this poll only 66% of Republicans oppose it.

NotFooled, you did not disprove anything I said. in the poll I referred to people were asked straight up, 'Do You Support the Iran Deal?' The answer was 66% of Congress said 'No' and 78% of Americans said 'No'. In your poll the question was different, as the addition of a CHOICE (defined by someone else) was given - Do you support the Iran deal considering the alternatives that I give you. Of course the numbers were different.

This is Marketing 101 - how to ask the nearly the same question but get the answer you want. Case in point:
A. Are you for or against getting slapped in the head? 'Against'
B. Are you for or against getting slapped in the head when the alternative is to get kicked in the crotch? 'Oh gosh, slap me in the head."
-- They're still against being slapped in the head...but if you say the only alternative is something more drastic of course they are going to go with the 1st.

The REAL fact is the alternatives being offered are NOT the only alternatives, despite what Liberals pollers and Obama says.

As I pointed out, America has seen this and gone down this road before with Clinton. We KNOW what happens. Like North Korea, Obama just ensured Iran gets nukes. Obama thinks he is different, 'special'...didn't work for Clinton but will for him because he is the smartest, shrewdest guy on the planet. If you don't believe him - just ask him...he'll tell you.
Liberals have an interesting way of looking at things....

They see and celebrate this as Obama having enough GOP votes to block Obama's treasonous Iran deal...
---(I say treasonous because he is rewarding the leading exporter of terrorism in the world, a nation that continues to call for the destruction of both Israel, our ally, and the United states, and a nation that helped the 9/11/01 terrorists)

The FACT is, with 34 Senators, Obama has secured enough of a MINORITY to block the UN-Constitutional vote on a 'deal', when this is really a 'Treaty' (despite the Obama use of the Clinton 'definition of "IS" argument) and should require a 2/3rds vote majority...part of Congress Constitutional responsibility they UN-Constitutionally forfeited...

They call this a 'GOP attempt' to block Obama when, again the overwhelming majority of Congress - to include Democrats - oppose Obama's 'deal'

Finally, while they celebrate the fact that Obama is once again going to IMPOSE his will on this nation, the FACT is 78% of the American people oppose - do NOT want - this deal. Obama's response? 'F* YOU! It's going through!'

OH...and the fact that an Iranian Special Interest Group is PAYING some of these politicians to vote this way, IMO, is enough to charge them with treason or at LEAST to void their vote on the deal.
Nice butthurt!

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*****THE ALTERNATIVE******* the islamo Nazi pigs have convinced lots
of people that the "ALTERNATIVE" is war------another shitty lie in the mode
*****THE ALTERNATIVE******* the islamo Nazi pigs have convinced lots
of people that the "ALTERNATIVE" is war------another shitty lie in the mode

I think you guys keep not understanding what Munich was all about- Hint- Chamberlain had a bad argument defending an artificial country that he couldn't bail out if he wanted to.

Then he doubled down on stupid by writing the Polish Colonels a blank check that he couldn't cash, either.

But on to this deal. The Zionists hate it, because they can't bully Iran anymore, or get us to bully Iran for them.
*****THE ALTERNATIVE******* the islamo Nazi pigs have convinced lots
of people that the "ALTERNATIVE" is war------another shitty lie in the mode

I think you guys keep not understanding what Munich was all about- Hint- Chamberlain had a bad argument defending an artificial country that he couldn't bail out if he wanted to.

Then he doubled down on stupid by writing the Polish Colonels a blank check that he couldn't cash, either.

But on to this deal. The Zionists hate it, because they can't bully Iran anymore, or get us to bully Iran for them.

your comment is as meaningless as is "the deal"
your comment is as meaningless as is "the deal"

Oh, I think you don't get the true meaning of the deal.

America finally told the Zionists to go fuck themselves. This is a great day for American liberty.
easyt 12320649
NotFooled, you did not disprove anything I said. in the poll I referred to people were asked straight up, 'Do You Support the Iran Deal?' The answer was 66% of Congress said 'No' and 78% of Americans said 'No'. In your poll the question was different, as the addition of a CHOICE (defined by someone else) was given - Do you support the Iran deal considering the alternatives that I give you. Of course the numbers were different.

This is Marketing 101 - how to ask the nearly the same question but get the answer you want. Case in point:
A. Are you for or against getting slapped in the head? 'Against'
B. Are you for or against getting slapped in the head when the alternative is to get kicked in the crotch? 'Oh gosh, slap me in the head."
-- They're still against being slapped in the head...but if you say the only alternative is something more drastic of course they are going to go with the 1st.

The REAL fact is the alternatives being offered are NOT the only alternatives, despite what Liberals pollers and Obama says.

As I pointed out, America has seen this and gone down this road before with Clinton. We KNOW what happens. Like North Korea, Obama just ensured Iran gets nukes. Obama thinks he is different, 'special'...didn't work for Clinton but will for him because he is the smartest, shrewdest guy on the planet. If you don't believe him - just ask him...he'll tell you.

What poll are you referring to? They support the deal when given the alternatives. Is being specific and informed a problem for you?
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irosie 12322201
*****THE ALTERNATIVE******* the islamo Nazi pigs have convinced lots of people that the "ALTERNATIVE" is war------

Who are the Islamo Nazi Pigs and what people have they convinced? It's knowledge for anyone that can think that the alternative to this deal is war. The alternative of war still exists if the Iranian try to break out and build a nuclear bomb.
irosie 12322201
*****THE ALTERNATIVE******* the islamo Nazi pigs have convinced lots of people that the "ALTERNATIVE" is war------

Who are the Islamo Nazi Pigs and what people have they convinced? It's knowledge for anyone that can think that the alternative to this deal is war. The alternative of war still exists if the Iranian try to break out and build a nuclear bomb.

you are fooled by everyone--------the "alternative to the iran deal is war" why? war with whom?
You can see irosie that when easyt was asked for any other alternatives to the diplomatic Iran P5+1 Iran deal, he cannot come up with one,

easyt 12320649
. The REAL fact is the alternatives being offered are NOT the only alternatives, despite what Liberals pollers and Obama says.

Maybe you can answer for him. I await anxiously.
irosie 12352885
. you are fooled by everyone--------the "alternative to the iran deal is war" why? war with whom?

Republican US Senator John McCain said it best; bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. Iran that's who.

Iran is fomenting war right now-----bomb or no bomb------McCain knows that FACT.
Iran is in Syria and in Yemen----VERY ACTIVELY fomenting war and also engaged
in organizing terrorism world wide------Shiite terrorism. Iran will ally with Russia and
China in so that alliance can GRAB as much port cities and water way control
as possible---------its a SPHERE OF INFLUENCE thing
You can see irosie that when easyt was asked for any other alternatives to the diplomatic Iran P5+1 Iran deal, he cannot come up with one,

easyt 12320649
. The REAL fact is the alternatives being offered are NOT the only alternatives, despite what Liberals pollers and Obama says.

Maybe you can for him. I await anxiously.

I just got back-----the ALTERNATIVE is no deal and continued sanctions and
response to Iranian aggression

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