Obama now has 34 Senators supporting the Iran Deal - GOP will not be able to block it

irosie 12375828
. Iran is fomenting war right now-----bomb or no bomb------

The Iran deal is about preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb. Do you not understand the topic? So what is the alternative to preventing Iran from going beyond peaceful use of nuclear energy? Sanctions was not stopping them at all.

US sanctions alone surely won't stop them,
. Iran is fomenting war right now-----bomb or no bomb------

The Iran deal is about preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb. Do you not understand the topic? So what is the alternative to preventing Iran from going beyond peaceful use of nuclear energy? Sanctions was not stopping them at all.

US sanctions alone surely won't stop them,

Sanctions will help keep them from being FLUSH with funds to carry on their PRESENTLY ONGOING AGGRESSIONS ------in Syria and in Yemen-----.
You are right-----sanctions alone will not do it-----but it will help. ALL HELL
will break out when Iran gets its paws on the billions the plan releases to it.
AS to their nuclear bomb ambitions-----NOTHING ---including "the plan"---will
keep them from obtaining nuclear weapons. Regarding Iran----the civilized world must DO WHAT IT CAN to put the brakes on the SHIIITE JIHAD (which is
only part of the problem-----the REAL problem is an alliance between
the SHIITE JIHAD,, RUSSIA, CHINA ---and whoever else might join----probably Pakistan
irosie 12375841
the ALTERNATIVE is no deal and continued sanctions and response to Iranian aggression

The sanctions didn't stop anything you accuse Iran of doing. The sanctions coalition was unraveling. So what is your" response to Iranian aggression" all about. Does it involve the use of military force against Iran? That's called war in case you didn't know.
irosie 12375841
the ALTERNATIVE is no deal and continued sanctions and response to Iranian aggression

The sanctions didn't stop anything you accuse Iran of doing. The sanctions coalition was unraveling. So what is your" response to Iranian aggression" all about. Does it involve the use of military force against Iran? That's called war in case you didn't know.

economic sanctions help to keep things under control. Other issues could
involve embargos. Right now Iran is shipping weapons INCESSANTLY to
Yemen and Syria and Lebanon and Gaza ----embargoes on that shipping
might help ----------feel free to ask any questions of the ORACLE of USMB---
that you wish to ask
irosie 12376024
sanctions will help keep them from being FLUSH with funds to carry on their PRESENTLY ONGOING AGGRESSIONS --

The sanctions were imposed regarding nuclear activities.

Whatever Iranian aggressions you are all worked up about can only be stopped by war followed up by regime change. So like I said there is no alternative to the P5+1 deal with Iran except war.

Why did you try to argue that there are any?
irosie 12376024
sanctions will help keep them from being FLUSH with funds to carry on their PRESENTLY ONGOING AGGRESSIONS --

The sanctions were imposed regarding nuclear activities.

Whatever Iranian aggressions you are all worked up about can only be stopped by war followed up by regime change. So like I said there is no alternative to the P5+1 deal with Iran except war.

Why did you try to argue that there are any?

no----economic sanctions can help ----and embargoes. terrorist activity SPONSORED by Iran should result in criminal prosecution of Iran.
You are a very pessimistic person
irosie 12376091
economic sanctions help to keep things under control. Other issues could involve embargos.

Economic sanctions were put into effect during the Bush 43 Admininstration. When he took office Iran had zero centrifuges. When the deal was signed this summer Iran had over 22,000 spinning away. You call that being kept 'under control' in your above statement. You really don't understand what is going on, do you?
I just got back-----the ALTERNATIVE is no deal and continued sanctions and
response to Iranian aggression

Except the rest of the world has decided to end sanctions because they are stupid.

Sanctions never work. 55 years of Sanctions have not gotten rid of the Castros. Starving North Korea did not prevent them from making a bomb. 12 years of sanctions did not get rid of Saddam.

This is the best deal we are going to get. The Zionists should be told to go fuck themselves.
Sanctions will help keep them from being FLUSH with funds to carry on their PRESENTLY ONGOING AGGRESSIONS ------in Syria and in Yemen-----.

Wait a minute. Iran's proxies in Yemen and Syria are fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda. This is actually a GOOD thing.

You are right-----sanctions alone will not do it-----but it will help. ALL HELL
will break out when Iran gets its paws on the billions the plan releases to it.

Most of it will probably go to peaceful economic uses. Most of it is private capital assets, not cold hard cash.

AS to their nuclear bomb ambitions-----NOTHING ---including "the plan"---will
keep them from obtaining nuclear weapons. Regarding Iran----the civilized world must DO WHAT IT CAN to put the brakes on the SHIIITE JIHAD (which is
only part of the problem-----the REAL problem is an alliance between
the SHIITE JIHAD,, RUSSIA, CHINA ---and whoever else might join----probably Pakistan

Pakistan is mostly Sunni. The thing is, most of the Islamic World is Sunni, they aren't going to rally to the Shi'ite banner.
economic sanctions help to keep things under control. Other issues could
involve embargos. Right now Iran is shipping weapons INCESSANTLY to
Yemen and Syria and Lebanon and Gaza ----embargoes on that shipping
might help ----------feel free to ask any questions of the ORACLE of USMB---
that you wish to ask

Okay, the thing is, as stated above.

In Syria and Iraq, the funding Iran is doing is helping to fight ISIS.

IN Yemen, they are fighting Al Qaeda.

In Gaza, they are fighting the Zionist scum who shouldn't be in Gaza (or Palestine, for that matter) to start with. Go the fuck back to Europe, you won't have a problem.
irosie 12376394
terrorist activity SPONSORED by Iran should result in criminal prosecution of Iran.

Terrorist activity is not what the deal is about. How do you criminally prosecute Iran or leaders in Iran?

war crimes------Iran has been murdering Yemeni citizens for years----planting
agents there and supplying them with weapons. Since you consider it legal to
kill jewish children-----I will leave out the fact that Iran has supplied tens of thousands of baby brain smashing nail bombs to its agents in southern Lebanon and to
Hamas people in Gaza along with long range missile launchers------lets concentrate
on the blood running in the gutters of Sanaa, Taiz and Aden-------it is also that of
expendables------Yemeni sunnis. ----there is supposed to be some sort of international criminal court-------(watta joke)
economic sanctions help to keep things under control. Other issues could
involve embargos. Right now Iran is shipping weapons INCESSANTLY to
Yemen and Syria and Lebanon and Gaza ----embargoes on that shipping
might help ----------feel free to ask any questions of the ORACLE of USMB---
that you wish to ask

Okay, the thing is, as stated above.

In Syria and Iraq, the funding Iran is doing is helping to fight ISIS.

IN Yemen, they are fighting Al Qaeda.

In Gaza, they are fighting the Zionist scum who shouldn't be in Gaza (or Palestine, for that matter) to start with. Go the fuck back to Europe, you won't have a problem.

In Syria and Iraq------the Iranian Shiite shit are not coming close to Isis ---in Iraq they are murdering YAZIDIS----which is a sect likely derived from Zoroastrianism-----just as Shiite shit of Iran HAS, historically murdered millions of Zoroastrians in Iran (talk to a Zoroastrian-----there are some in Mumbai and some in Israel and
some eventually show up in the USA) . In Yemen----the Shiite shit from Iran are
murdering Yemeni sunnis ----talk to a Yemeni in the USA-----there are lots -----generally working unskilled jobs and as small merchants. Go the fuck back to the methadone clinic
Sanctions will help keep them from being FLUSH with funds to carry on their PRESENTLY ONGOING AGGRESSIONS ------in Syria and in Yemen-----.

Wait a minute. Iran's proxies in Yemen and Syria are fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda. This is actually a GOOD thing.

You are right-----sanctions alone will not do it-----but it will help. ALL HELL
will break out when Iran gets its paws on the billions the plan releases to it.

Most of it will probably go to peaceful economic uses. Most of it is private capital assets, not cold hard cash.

AS to their nuclear bomb ambitions-----NOTHING ---including "the plan"---will
keep them from obtaining nuclear weapons. Regarding Iran----the civilized world must DO WHAT IT CAN to put the brakes on the SHIIITE JIHAD (which is
only part of the problem-----the REAL problem is an alliance between
the SHIITE JIHAD,, RUSSIA, CHINA ---and whoever else might join----probably Pakistan

Pakistan is mostly Sunni. The thing is, most of the Islamic World is Sunni, they aren't going to rally to the Shi'ite banner.

you are confused-----Pakistan WILL rally to JIHAD involving invasion of Saudi arabia------Pakistan is TALIBAN-----TALIBAN and OSAMA were one-------
and intent on the same purpose-------CALIPHATE Pakistan will support anything
ISIS and AL Queda wants-------Isis and Al queada wants SAUDI ARABIA just as
much as does the Shiite shit of Iran------Pakistan will be delighted to join the AXIS powers so long at those Axis powers are intent on the USA, Israel and Saudi arabia --------war makes strante bedfellows
irosie 12377923
war crimes------Iran has been murdering Yemeni citizens for years----planting
agents there and supplying them with weapons. Since you consider it legal to
kill jewish children-----I will leave out the fact that Iran has supplied tens of thousands of baby brain smashing nail bombs to its agents in southern Lebanon and to
Hamas people in Gaza along with long range missile launchers------lets concentrate
on the blood running in the gutters of Sanaa, Taiz and Aden-------it is also that of
expendables------Yemeni sunnis. ----there is supposed to be some sort of international criminal court-------(watta joke)

Why can't you answer the question that you first challenged me on? What alternative is there to the P5+1 deal with Iran on nuclear weapons besides war?

All you are doing is repeating other problems that have no diplomatic or legal solutions at the moment, So why kill a solution to one Iran problem just because you don't know how to remedy the others. Terrorism costs very little to carry out you know.

Sunnis not Shiites carried out 9/11 using box cutters and flying but not landing lessons. How much did killing 3000 Americans on US soil actually cost your Sunni friends mostly from Saudi Arabia?
irosie 12377923
war crimes------Iran has been murdering Yemeni citizens for years----planting
agents there and supplying them with weapons. Since you consider it legal to
kill jewish children-----I will leave out the fact that Iran has supplied tens of thousands of baby brain smashing nail bombs to its agents in southern Lebanon and to
Hamas people in Gaza along with long range missile launchers------lets concentrate
on the blood running in the gutters of Sanaa, Taiz and Aden-------it is also that of
expendables------Yemeni sunnis. ----there is supposed to be some sort of international criminal court-------(watta joke)

Why can't you answer the question that you first challenged me on? What alternative is there to the P5+1 deal with Iran on nuclear weapons besides war?

All you are doing is repeating other problems that have no diplomatic or legal solutions at the moment, So why kill a solution to one Iran problem just because you don't know how to remedy the others. Terrorism costs very little to carry out you know.

Sunnis not Shiites carried out 9/11 using box cutters and flying but not landing lessons. How much did killing 3000 Americans on US soil actually cost your Sunni friends mostly from Saudi Arabia?

you are deflecting-----not me. Why do you bring up the sunni operation of 9-11? It does not nullify the filth of Iran. I was addressing the Iranian program. Your
reference to the people who were murdered before my own eyes on 9-11-01 is disgusting ----marking you as the islamo Nazi dog that you are. ------a little insight----then you can apologize for your stink and filth-------lots of the victims of the islamo Nazi pigs on 9-11-01 ended up my patients------you pile of shit. On the other hand-----I have also seen the autopsy videos of the children who died of the poison nail bomb explosions furnished to your heroes around the world-------ie the Shiite shit whose asses you lick---- it is the Shiite shit who make and supply tens of thousands of poison soaked nail bombs------used to liquefy the brains of children----to your perverted delight. The US----during the time of my son's active duty----fought your fellow islamo Nazis in Afghanistan (sunnis) In fact he was less than 100 feet from a man ------BLOWN TO PIECES by a Shiite shit nail bomb. I learned LONG AGO----that the dispute between Sunnis and Shiites is not a "good vs bad"--------both groups stink. Both groups tie nail bombs onto the whorish asses of
their own daughters for the GLORY of blowing the brains out of babies

Try to focus----the ALTERNATIVE----is defang the terrorists----of all of their fangs.
A nail bomb on the ass of a stinking slut-----sunni or Shiite------anywhere in the world----including a market place in Pakistan is a WAR CRIME and should
be investigated by no less than the PINK PANTHER
irosie 12377958
In Syria and Iraq------the Iranian Shiite shit are not coming close to Isis ---in Iraq they are murdering YAZIDIS----

Where did you read or hear that the Iranian Shiite shit in Iraq are murdering YAZIDIS?

You need to source that bogus statement. Iranian Shiites in Iraq are indeed fighting ISIS on the same side as the Iraq government and the U.S. led coalition.
This actually could be marvelous! But only if Iran went nuke and sanitized DC while America's Kenyan Emperor were "at home". A rarity, it is true but a consummation for which one might wish.....

Now, liberals, before you get your little girl panties all knotted around your withered little dicks, consider carefully the meaning of that word "might".
irosie 12377958
In Syria and Iraq------the Iranian Shiite shit are not coming close to Isis ---in Iraq they are murdering YAZIDIS----

Where did you read or hear that the Iranian Shiite shit in Iraq are murdering YAZIDIS?

You need to source that bogus statement. Iranian Shiites in Iraq are indeed fighting ISIS on the same side as the Iraq government and the U.S. led coalition.
The shah are running like the little bitches they are. Iran is simply moving i,n to fill a vacuum and spread their influence. They are also targeting the Kurds who are the true heroes in Iraq. You Iran lovers are laughable:slap:
This actually could be marvelous! But only if Iran went nuke and sanitized DC while America's Kenyan Emperor were "at home". A rarity, it is true but a consummation for which one might wish.....

Now, liberals, before you get your little girl panties all knotted around your withered little dicks, consider carefully the meaning of that word "might".

There is no Kenyan Emperor in DC in the first place. And Iran is not going to nuke any place you hate filled know-nothing.

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