Obama now upside down with 2 most prolific Pollsters!!!


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Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
March 17th, 2010
Obama Goes Upside Down in Gallup Tracking
Posted by Tom Bevan | Email This | Permalink | Email Author
A rather dramatic swing in the Gallup Daily Tracking poll has put President Obama's job rating upside down for the first time, with more Americans now disapproving of job he's doing than approving. According to today's numbers, which represent a rolling average of surveys taken over the past three days, 47% say they disapprove of Obama while 46% approve. That's a net five-point change from yesterday's reading of 48% approve and 44% disapprove, which is a pretty substantial move for a tracking poll. It means the President probably suffered a combination of a good day of polling dropping off the back end of the rolling average while adding a bad day of polling to the front end.

Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThis.Advertisement
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18 (see trends).

Among men, 19% Strongly Approve and 42% Strongly Disapprove. Among women, 29% Strongly Approve and 41% Strongly Disapprove.

Republicans have opened up a ten-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot. In a three-way generic ballot test, it’s Democrats 34%, Republicans 27%, and the Tea Party at 21%. However, most Tea Party supporters would vote for the Republican if the GOP candidate was the only one with a chance to win.

The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates are also available on Twitter and Facebook.

Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

Hey............all I got to say is w00t!!!!!!! Thank God Americans have fully woken up to how uber radical this president is. That it has happened within 13 months is shocking...............even to me.

Most compelling is, whats going to happen to these polls following the HealthCare debate?? Either way, he drops more the way I see it. If it fails, he loses some of the k00k support. If he wins, he loses more independents who think this bill is a corrupt farce.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I seriously don't understand how he can have even that much support.:confused:

Well.......you gotta look at it this way..................

He's always going to have 20% right off the top..........he could commit murder in cold blood and the k00ks would still support him (ps.....like almost 100% of the Democrats on this board). These are the people who hate their own nation as does Obama. They watch the Olbermann show every night like a religion.

Then you have another 15% to 20% lifelong Democrats who are more pragmatic and actually are becomming somewhat concerned about issues like the deficit and yet are more traditional than the k00ks. They dont blindly trust government like the k00ks but trust it more than the free market. Most of these folks simply vote Democrat because their Mom and Dad did or they are part of a union etc..........some can be moved but mostly not. Some percentage can swing once they realize that the way the government is going to fund all the spending is with THEIR money!!:lol: These folks dont blindly hate their own country like the k00ks.

Its crystal clear now that Obama's nomination had nothing to do with the country moving left..........and had everything to do with the political center getting their asses pwned beliveing the dog and pony show of 2008 when candidate Obama campaigned as a moderate instead of a radical.

Still............Im amazed that the #'s have fallen as precipitiously as they have in just 13 months. INdeed.........its is a clear sign of blind ideology!!!! America doesnt go for that sh!t..............never has. Never will.
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17% still love Congress. So yes, there will be the loyal opposition to the end. I will give the Democrats credit where credit is due. They have created a universal bill here. It screws everyone who cares and makes them sick. Sort of universal health care huh?

Seriously, 0bama won as the anti-Bush candidate. Here comes the good part libs. Because Bush and the Republicans had some of it coming. 2012 folks, pick your poison.
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I don't like him personally. He's arrogant, has no grasp of policy detail, and thinks we're all stupid enough to be won over with bland generalities.

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