Obama now using farm workers as an excuse


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Fixing our broken immigration system
May 29, 2011

Most Americans don't realize it, but farmers and the food they put on our tables play an important role in the high quality of life we all enjoy. Partly because American-grown food is relatively inexpensive compared to food in much of the rest of the world, American families can spend more of their income on a home, a vacation or a college education for their children. In fact, Americans spend only half as much of our total expenditures on food as do the citizens of Italy or Japan.

Tom Vilsack is U.S. secretary of agriculture.

Fixing our broken immigration system

H-2A visa supply unlimited supply of immigrants legally to work the farms. This problem has nothing to do with the 20 million illegal aliens in the country or immigration. If there is a shortage of farm workers it is because illegal aliens do not want to work on farms either.

Once again, immigration reform has nothing to do with lack of farm workers. Legalize them and farmers will have no farm workers. How many legal aliens are working on farms? NONE. There are 20 million illegal aliens in the country and only 2% are working on farms. What are the others doing? Taking jobs from Americans and lowering wages.

So we must take action to prevent the further outsourcing of farm-related jobs.
Good by, out source your farms, if it means you take the 20 million with you and keep those who want to come from coming here.

The legal process to deport all those not here legally would take a long time and cost tens of billions of dollars. The more efficient approach involves pursuit of comprehensive immigration reform that meets our economic and security needs for the 21st century.

Bucket of horse shit. Go after business that hire illegal aliens and they will get the message and SELF DEPORT as the did doing Operation Wet Back.
How many legal aliens are working on farms? NONE

utter bullshit!.

I live in farm country and own a farm. Many illegals work on farms.
CO and GA have used prisoners for farm labor since immigration crackdowns have ran many illegals off.

Remember the meat packing co in MO? which was shut down when the majority of it's workers were busted for being illegals?
Now, they're more likely to have green cards or temporary work visas. Sometimes they are treated as slaves, yes - with papers.

Today's immigration population is more likely to be 'skilled'.
A meat packing plant is not a farm.

There are many LEGALS who were dismissed to hire illegals for lower pay! Wake up people this is all about the big profits at the expense of the american taxpayer!!! LEGAL farm workers can be brought into this country from many other countries so stop kidding yourselves. Mexico is not the only country where people are willing to come to the USA at whatever expense.
How many legal aliens are working on farms? NONE

utter bullshit!.:confused:

I live in farm country and own a farm. Many illegals work on farms.
CO and GA have used prisoners for farm labor since immigration crackdowns have ran many illegals off.

Remember the meat packing co in MO? which was shut down when the majority of it's workers were busted for being illegals?

I should have said, How many of those who have been legalized are working on farms. How many of the 20 million are workign on farms? Less then 2%. So what the fuck does Comprehensive Immigration Reform (legalization) have to do with supply of farm workers? And the price of a head of lettuce? H-2A visas supply farmers with an unlimited supply of workers.:eusa_hand:
A meat packing plant is not a farm.:confused:


No. but when there were raided, Americans were standing in line to take those jobs.
I am confused or my post is confusing? What does meat packing plants have to do with illegal aliens when americans are will to do those jobs.
Farm work is hard and I have done it and don't want to do it again and that is why I went to college. So what is Americans don't want to pick cotton? We have H-2A visas that solve that problem. Meat packing plants, construction, and even yard work are a differnt story.
My grand-daughter's boyfriend want a career in landscaping but cannot find work.

Landscaping Schools and Colleges in the U.S.
Undergraduate landscaping programs usually carry the title of landscape architecture or ornamental horticulture. Master's degree programs and above often specialize further, offering studies in environmental planning or another specialty area. This article acts as a resource for those trying to decide which landscaping school to attend.


You cannot convince me that americans will not do lawn work?
Illegal aliens are doing these jobs for less without a college degree and taking jobs from Americans.
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Now, they're more likely to have green cards or temporary work visas. Sometimes they are treated as slaves, yes - with papers.

Today's immigration population is more likely to be 'skilled'.

You don't know much about slavery. No one force illegal aliens to work for slave wages? Slave wages? Slave did not get paid at all and were forced to work. If they don't like it they are free to leave. There are farm worker laws that protect them if they came legally and they can but they will not. So they get what they deserve for entering illegally. Price they chose to pay. :eusa_whistle:
A meat packing plant is not a farm.:confused:


No. but when there were raided, Americans were standing in line to take those jobs.
I am confused or my post is confusing? What does meat packing plants have to do with illegal aliens when americans are will to do those jobs.
Farm work is hard and I have done it and don't want to do it again and that is why I went to college. So what is Americans don't want to pick cotton? We have H-2A visas that solve that problem. Meat packing plants, construction, and even yard work are a differnt story.
My grand-daughter's boyfriend want a career in landscaping but cannot find work.

Landscaping Schools and Colleges in the U.S.
Undergraduate landscaping programs usually carry the title of landscape architecture or ornamental horticulture. Master's degree programs and above often specialize further, offering studies in environmental planning or another specialty area. This article acts as a resource for those trying to decide which landscaping school to attend.

Landscaping Schools and Colleges in the U.S.

You cannot convince me that americans will not do lawn work?
Illegal aliens are doing these jobs for less without a college degree and taking jobs from Americans.
Tell the girl to get a new boyfriend. Landscaping, for the most part, is a luxury ( other than mandatory code items which are installed by nursery owners).
Luxury, in the nation formerly known as the USA, is history. A handful of fatcats cannot solely support the industry.
If farmers are having a tough time finding workers, I think its about time we made people on welfare actually work. Have welfare recepients work on the farms.

Or better yet just end all welfare and unemployment benefits and let them get jobs are farms.
A meat packing plant is not a farm.:confused:


No. but when there were raided, Americans were standing in line to take those jobs.
I am confused or my post is confusing? What does meat packing plants have to do with illegal aliens when americans are will to do those jobs.
Farm work is hard and I have done it and don't want to do it again and that is why I went to college. So what is Americans don't want to pick cotton? We have H-2A visas that solve that problem. Meat packing plants, construction, and even yard work are a differnt story.
My grand-daughter's boyfriend want a career in landscaping but cannot find work.

Landscaping Schools and Colleges in the U.S.
Undergraduate landscaping programs usually carry the title of landscape architecture or ornamental horticulture. Master's degree programs and above often specialize further, offering studies in environmental planning or another specialty area. This article acts as a resource for those trying to decide which landscaping school to attend.

Landscaping Schools and Colleges in the U.S.

You cannot convince me that americans will not do lawn work?
Illegal aliens are doing these jobs for less without a college degree and taking jobs from Americans.
Tell the girl to get a new boyfriend. Landscaping, for the most part, is a luxury ( other than mandatory code items which are installed by nursery owners).
Luxury, in the nation formerly known as the USA, is history. A handful of fatcats cannot solely support the industry.

Lancscaping is a luxury? There are people who DO have money and they pay well for a good landscaper. New home builders hire landscapers but since building has slowed he may only be grooming what is already landscaped.

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