Obama on Colbert- hater dupes are physically unable to watch- video-lol

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Why would anyone but an asshole want to watch an asshole being interviewed by another asshole?

AND, the 64,000 dollar question: Why is this asshole still here?
Exactly. Keep those Fox Rush etc blinders on hater dupe. Might hear some facts lol.
Yeah, the Comedy Channel. Pretty appropriate.

I don't watch The Comedy Channel, don't watch FOXNews.
Obama is lying, the host is lying...are you libs still mad about the ass whooping we put on you in Nov? :laugh: Now THAT was funny :lmao:
"The Decree" was delivered pretty well.

I think it was better than the Norman Lear interview on Stewart's show, and that was pretty good too.
No commentary by the OP. Thread closed.
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