Obama on his Nobel win via HIS "barackobama.com" Site

This was his speech on TV. No news here.

No, that copy of his speech left out some things he actually said on TV...

"Malia came in and said, 'Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and it is Bo’s birthday.' Then Sasha added, 'Plus we have a three-day weekend coming up!' " he told reporters. "So it’s good to have kids to keep things in perspective," he added.

lol...now there is some real news...it's a 3 day weekend and Happy birthday B.O. ..or is it Bo....keep mixing up the two dogs....

Well undeserved and now the prize means far far less than it did before. Nice one Obama...
Dying for this story to go away ? :lol:
Not at all. But it's pointless to act like it's some big news, what he said in his speech, just because it's also posted on his site.

You still never explained why you're so butthurt over this.

It was e-mailed to me and Addressed to me like he Meant it for ME!?!?...

It wasn't for me?... :(

You Sir, have Shat all over my Saturday Morning. :lol:


hey seth, it what way is this award Obama's fault

Excellent Point... This is about Nobel...

Unfortunately it seems that EVERYTHING is about Obama, even when he's NOT Trying...


Well undeserved and now the prize means far far less than it did before. Nice one Obama...

To his Credit, he Basically said he didn't Deserve it...

Would've been Statesman Like of him to Deny it out of Respect for the Office that Nobel was Trashing with it.


Not at all. But it's pointless to act like it's some big news, what he said in his speech, just because it's also posted on his site.

You still never explained why you're so butthurt over this.

It was e-mailed to me and Addressed to me like he Meant it for ME!?!?...

It wasn't for me?... :(

You Sir, have Shat all over my Saturday Morning. :lol:



Go back to the Flame Zone and Fling Poo with the other Hapless Monkies...

This isn't the Flame Zone, and you are Obviously Lost.

That Game is now Over... Sorry. :(


I wonder where the People who were Claiming that this is not Barry's Site are...



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