Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins

Quite some time ago I complied a list of PC team names.
I have forgotten most of them, but here is sampling of NFL PC Nicknames
The New York Persons of Augmented Stature
The New York turbine powered aircraft
The New Orleans Pretty Good People.
The Kansas City Persons of Supreme Authority
St Louis Ovis Aries
Dallas Bovine Range Workers.
Indianapolis Equine Quadripeds
Minnesota Nordic Explorers

That's pretty good :thup:

What about that football team -- the Cleveland Persons of Tertiary Hue Comprised of Black, Yellow and Red ?

Or the Los Angeles Persons Who Evade Oncoming Vehicular Facilities of Public Transportation?

The Buffalo Williams?

Let's do 'em all :evil:

Why do I get the impression this would somehow water down the world of sportscasting...

Here's the problem. On planet PC names of colors are not allowed.
For Christ's sake I read a story where a newspaper in the SF Bay area banned the term "walking" from real estate classified ads. The staff claimed the word would offend people who could not walk. WTF!!!!
there was a discussion on another forum about the term 'cotton pickin'--the poster was speaking to a group and substituted 'cotton pickin' for an expletive.

The consensus was that this is a derogative racial term.

I had to really think about this one. I grew up in the South --my grandparents were farmers, picked cotton, etc. The first image that comes to mind when I hear that term is not of slaves but of white farm families picking cotton.

The poster resolved not to use the word again. I suppose that is wise. It hasn't crossed my mind in years but I am now aware--should the situation arise.

Things that I would never consider 'stereotyping'/for insensitivity against ethnic groups are so numerous.

Honestly, whatever the deep inferences that are so objectionable to 'Redskins'--the mental picture I get is a generic Indian--much the same as when I hear 'Atlanta Braves'. So--either change all the team names or none?
I think the Braves stopped using Chief Nokahoma years ago. Fans still do the chop as far as I know. That could be offensive--the chop--Indians on warpath?

And this is the kind of hypersensitive perpetually offended PC crap that is KILLING speech and discourse in this country.
There are far too many people who go about their days looking for things with which to bother themselves.

Yeah, right.

Look around this board for all those dead speech and discourse corpses.

there was a discussion on another forum about the term 'cotton pickin'--the poster was speaking to a group and substituted 'cotton pickin' for an expletive.

The consensus was that this is a derogative racial term.

I had to really think about this one. I grew up in the South --my grandparents were farmers, picked cotton, etc. The first image that comes to mind when I hear that term is not of slaves but of white farm families picking cotton.

The poster resolved not to use the word again. I suppose that is wise. It hasn't crossed my mind in years but I am now aware--should the situation arise.

Things that I would never consider 'stereotyping'/for insensitivity against ethnic groups are so numerous.

Honestly, whatever the deep inferences that are so objectionable to 'Redskins'--the mental picture I get is a generic Indian--much the same as when I hear 'Atlanta Braves'. So--either change all the team names or none?
I think the Braves stopped using Chief Nokahoma years ago. Fans still do the chop as far as I know. That could be offensive--the chop--Indians on warpath?

And this is the kind of hypersensitive perpetually offended PC crap that is KILLING speech and discourse in this country.
There are far too many people who go about their days looking for things with which to bother themselves.

preaching to the choir.

in the forum I mentioned the discussion went on to include--'Would it be offensive to an Asian to see a child dressed for Halloween as an Asian?' --Yes, it was decided, it would. A specific character--that would not be offensive. To wear traditional Asian clothing and make up the face and hair--offensive.

I am certain that one Halloween I chose to go Trick or Treating as a Spanish Lady. Long, long ago--we 'didn't know any better'. If I had a child today--I'm still not certain I am sensitive enough to not do something like this. There are worse costumes--toddlers in glittery teenage celebrity costumes--that bothers me.

eh--I live in Atlanta--Braves, the chop--I don't have any issues with that. If the Redskins have to change their name --I really don't know why the Braves shouldn't change their name. And maybe they will.

no need to try to say that by giving a team such a name it could also be a way to honor the heritage--that much is clear.

such a foolish thing --jmo.
Why would anybody want to name a team after a people of losers anyways?
The Battle of the Redskins

October 11, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Over the summer, those two legendary sources of sports coverage, Salon Magazine and MSNBC, or as they are known in some places the S Word and the M Word, announced that they would begin referring to the Redskins football team as the R Word.

Ordinarily liberals would not be too eager to call a team with 40 black players, a black quarterback and a passionate black fan base a hyphenated euphemism. But worried liberals were reassured when Barack Obama, or the B.O. Word, endorsed a name change for the Redskins.

The affinity that black D.C. residents have for the Redskins, a team that white D.C. liberals feel they should despise, has long been a sore spot. Every story about the Redskins begins with the team’s segregationist past even though it has as much to do with the current issue as Harry Truman saying, “I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not an N Word.”

If the Democratic Party was covered the way the Redskins are, every story would begin by wondering at how, despite a really bad start of supporting slavery and segregation, African-Americans came around to the Democratic Party. And that would be fair because even in their worst season, the Redskins have killed fewer people than the Democratic Party.

Political correctness though doesn’t practice consistency. Like most liberal activism, it’s about class and power.


Controlling language is about controlling people.

The white liberal sportswriters chasing after the Redskins have no interest in the problems of Native Americans. They care only about beating another phantom enemy that they created in order to give their politically correct crusades meaning.

They don’t care about what Ray Halbritter is doing to his own people. They are not interested in what people, including the black fans of the Redskins and the chiefs who like the Redskins, think; they are only interested in getting their way.

The Battle of the Redskins isn’t about racism. It’s about power.

The Battle of the Redskins | FrontPage Magazine
The Battle of the Redskins

October 11, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Over the summer, those two legendary sources of sports coverage, Salon Magazine and MSNBC, or as they are known in some places the S Word and the M Word, announced that they would begin referring to the Redskins football team as the R Word.

Ordinarily liberals would not be too eager to call a team with 40 black players, a black quarterback and a passionate black fan base a hyphenated euphemism. But worried liberals were reassured when Barack Obama, or the B.O. Word, endorsed a name change for the Redskins.

The affinity that black D.C. residents have for the Redskins, a team that white D.C. liberals feel they should despise, has long been a sore spot. Every story about the Redskins begins with the team’s segregationist past even though it has as much to do with the current issue as Harry Truman saying, “I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not an N Word.”

If the Democratic Party was covered the way the Redskins are, every story would begin by wondering at how, despite a really bad start of supporting slavery and segregation, African-Americans came around to the Democratic Party. And that would be fair because even in their worst season, the Redskins have killed fewer people than the Democratic Party.

Political correctness though doesn’t practice consistency. Like most liberal activism, it’s about class and power.


Controlling language is about controlling people.

The white liberal sportswriters chasing after the Redskins have no interest in the problems of Native Americans. They care only about beating another phantom enemy that they created in order to give their politically correct crusades meaning.

They don’t care about what Ray Halbritter is doing to his own people. They are not interested in what people, including the black fans of the Redskins and the chiefs who like the Redskins, think; they are only interested in getting their way.

The Battle of the Redskins isn’t about racism. It’s about power.

The Battle of the Redskins | FrontPage Magazine


and what about the 'Dolphins'--for example--maybe that species feels violated, too.

so stupid --just stupid. My mind is gone--.

eta: It appears that the Mayor of Atlanta has taken a position. ftr.

<But Reed won&#8217;t follow Obama on this point. Said Reed:

&#8220;I think that the name, the Atlanta Braves, is a name that we should keep. I have a number of friends who are Indians, and they haven&#8217;t shared any offense with me about it.&#8221;

Names are tricky things. Before you exercise yourself over this, keep in mind that Atlanta-Fulton County stadium was finished a year before the Milwaukee Braves moved here in1966.>
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Lets get rid of as many things we can that remind us of the Indians
Now THERE's a possibility... already on the brink of Cultural Oblivion, that would certainly put a cap in it.

First thing to go will have to be Indiana...
Wake me up when we get to the down-side...

We can just call it Hoosierland and be done with it.

No biggie.

"...Mexican food will never be the same..."


We'll just appropriate the credit, wipe all evidence to the contrary from the books, and, inside of a generation or two, nobody will be the wiser.

If they seek to complete the journey towards Cultural Oblivion - God knows they're almost there already - we can certainly oblige.
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Now THERE's a possibility... already on the brink of Cultural Oblivion, that would certainly put a cap in it.

First thing to go will have to be Indiana...
Wake me up when we get to the down-side...

We can just call it Hoosierland and be done with it.

No biggie.

"...Mexican food will never be the same..."


We'll just appropriate the credit, wipe all evidence to the contrary from the books, and, inside of a generation or two, nobody will be the wiser.

If they seek to complete the journey towards Cultural Oblivion - God knows they're almost there already - we can certainly oblige.

Actually I meant we'd have no corn. Not that that's a bad thing, considering (a) what Monsanto has done to it and (b) how fattening those appetizer chips are...
Bonus track: we could get rid of "E10" :eusa_think:
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Watching Sunday Night Football, Cowboys and REDSKINS and just finished listening to Bob Costas halftime liberals spew on the subject.
Leftists truly are candy-ass people who seem to melt anytime someone claims they are offended.
Watching Sunday Night Football, Cowboys and REDSKINS and just finished listening to Bob Costas halftime liberals spew on the subject.
Leftists truly are candy-ass people who seem to melt anytime someone claims they are offended.

Doesn't mean much without telling us what he said, does it?... :dunno:
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Watching Sunday Night Football, Cowboys and REDSKINS and just finished listening to Bob Costas halftime liberals spew on the subject.
Leftists truly are candy-ass people who seem to melt anytime someone claims they are offended.

Doesn't mean much without telling us what he said, does it?... :dunno:

The usual leftist bilge on this topic, that there should be a distinction between team names like the "Indians" or the Braves" and a situation like this where the use of "skins" is used.

It's nothing special, I've heard it a hundred times. Same old butthurt spew.
Watching Sunday Night Football, Cowboys and REDSKINS and just finished listening to Bob Costas halftime liberals spew on the subject.
Leftists truly are candy-ass people who seem to melt anytime someone claims they are offended.

Doesn't mean much without telling us what he said, does it?... :dunno:

The usual leftist bilge on this topic, that there should be a distinction between team names like the "Indians" or the Braves" and a situation like this where the use of "skins" is used.

It's nothing special, I've heard it a hundred times. Same old butthurt spew.

Uh, OK, thanks for that excruciating detail. I guess if it's worth anything it'll be on YouTube or something. Basically sounds like a rehash of what we already did here.

I take it it wasn't on par with the "gun culture" halftime commentary a year ago December...
Watching Sunday Night Football, Cowboys and REDSKINS and just finished listening to Bob Costas halftime liberals spew on the subject.
Leftists truly are candy-ass people who seem to melt anytime someone claims they are offended.

Costas started his PC diatribe and I hit the mute butto.
That peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray. Most of us watch sports to get away from politics and well, reality.....For at least a little while.
there was a discussion on another forum about the term 'cotton pickin'--the poster was speaking to a group and substituted 'cotton pickin' for an expletive.

The consensus was that this is a derogative racial term.

I had to really think about this one. I grew up in the South --my grandparents were farmers, picked cotton, etc. The first image that comes to mind when I hear that term is not of slaves but of white farm families picking cotton.

The poster resolved not to use the word again. I suppose that is wise. It hasn't crossed my mind in years but I am now aware--should the situation arise.

Things that I would never consider 'stereotyping'/for insensitivity against ethnic groups are so numerous.

Honestly, whatever the deep inferences that are so objectionable to 'Redskins'--the mental picture I get is a generic Indian--much the same as when I hear 'Atlanta Braves'. So--either change all the team names or none?
I think the Braves stopped using Chief Nokahoma years ago. Fans still do the chop as far as I know. That could be offensive--the chop--Indians on warpath?

And this is the kind of hypersensitive perpetually offended PC crap that is KILLING speech and discourse in this country.
There are far too many people who go about their days looking for things with which to bother themselves.

Yeah, right.

Look around this board for all those dead speech and discourse corpses.

You are well aware to which I refer.
And this is the kind of hypersensitive perpetually offended PC crap that is KILLING speech and discourse in this country.
There are far too many people who go about their days looking for things with which to bother themselves.

Yeah, right.

Look around this board for all those dead speech and discourse corpses.

You are well aware to which I refer.

I'm aware that the same guy that moaned and groaned about "killing speech and discourse" also just expressed a wish that "that peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray" for doing exactly that.

Kinda ironic.
Watching Sunday Night Football, Cowboys and REDSKINS and just finished listening to Bob Costas halftime liberals spew on the subject.
Leftists truly are candy-ass people who seem to melt anytime someone claims they are offended.

Costas started his PC diatribe and I hit the mute butto.
That peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray. Most of us watch sports to get away from politics and well, reality.....For at least a little while.

Can't escape leftist politics on NBC even when you're just trying to watch football.

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