Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins

Watching Sunday Night Football, Cowboys and REDSKINS and just finished listening to Bob Costas halftime liberals spew on the subject.
Leftists truly are candy-ass people who seem to melt anytime someone claims they are offended.

Costas started his PC diatribe and I hit the mute butto.
That peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray. Most of us watch sports to get away from politics and well, reality.....For at least a little while.

Can't escape leftist politics on NBC even when you're just trying to watch football.

So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?
Costas started his PC diatribe and I hit the mute butto.
That peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray. Most of us watch sports to get away from politics and well, reality.....For at least a little while.

Can't escape leftist politics on NBC even when you're just trying to watch football.

So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?

You know as well as anyone that this issue is pretty much divided on ideological lines. Therefore it has become political.

White liberals are the only ones that are butt hurt about this. They'll work tirelessly to convince Native-Americans that they too should be butt hurt.
Can't escape leftist politics on NBC even when you're just trying to watch football.

So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?

You know as well as anyone that this issue is pretty much divided on ideological lines. Therefore it has become political.

White liberals are the only ones that are butt hurt about this. They'll work tirelessly to convince Native-Americans that they too should be butt hurt.

No, I don't. Explain how this is "political".
And where are your data on these "white liberals" and "Native-Americans"?

And again- what did Costas say that was "political"? I don't have TV so I didn't see it.
Corollary: remember Costas' halftime commentary from last December after the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide on gun culture? Was that "political"?
Are you actually suggesting that cultural mores are political?

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Costas started his PC diatribe and I hit the mute butto.
That peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray. Most of us watch sports to get away from politics and well, reality.....For at least a little while.

Can't escape leftist politics on NBC even when you're just trying to watch football.

So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?

are you really an idiot or just playing the part of one ??

did you hear his spew ?
Yeah, right.

Look around this board for all those dead speech and discourse corpses.

You are well aware to which I refer.

I'm aware that the same guy that moaned and groaned about "killing speech and discourse" also just expressed a wish that "that peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray" for doing exactly that.

Kinda ironic.

Appreciate you for missing my point.
The fact is IMO it is inappropriate for a political issue to be discussed during sports programming.
If Costas wants to discuss the issues of the day/politics, let him do that in the proper forum.
I am trying to watch a football game. If I want political discussions, I will tune to politically based programming.
I have no Objections to Costas eliciting his political leanings.
The ashtray comment was an invective to indicate my disdain for injecting politics into sporting event.
Now,if that is not crystal clear to you, then it's your problem.
Costas started his PC diatribe and I hit the mute butto.
That peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray. Most of us watch sports to get away from politics and well, reality.....For at least a little while.

Can't escape leftist politics on NBC even when you're just trying to watch football.

So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?

Umm discussing Political correctness of a team nickname would be political.
So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?

You know as well as anyone that this issue is pretty much divided on ideological lines. Therefore it has become political.

White liberals are the only ones that are butt hurt about this. They'll work tirelessly to convince Native-Americans that they too should be butt hurt.

No, I don't. Explain how this is "political".
And where are your data on these "white liberals" and "Native-Americans"?

And again- what did Costas say that was "political"? I don't have TV so I didn't see it.
Corollary: remember Costas' halftime commentary from last December after the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide on gun culture? Was that "political"?

Cut the crap. Now you are being argumentative. Case closed.
You are well aware to which I refer.

I'm aware that the same guy that moaned and groaned about "killing speech and discourse" also just expressed a wish that "that peckerhead should be smacked in the head with an ashtray" for doing exactly that.

Kinda ironic.

Appreciate you for missing my point.
The fact is IMO it is inappropriate for a political issue to be discussed during sports programming.
If Costas wants to discuss the issues of the day/politics, let him do that in the proper forum.
I am trying to watch a football game. If I want political discussions, I will tune to politically based programming.
I have no Objections to Costas eliciting his political leanings.
The ashtray comment was an invective to indicate my disdain for injecting politics into sporting event.
Now,if that is not crystal clear to you, then it's your problem.

So you're saying -- speech and discourse should be protected, except the speech you don't want to hear, which gets an ashtray thrown at its head. Thanks for clearing that up.

I'll toss the same question to you-- what did Costas say that was "political"? I have no idea, I haven't seen it.
You know as well as anyone that this issue is pretty much divided on ideological lines. Therefore it has become political.

White liberals are the only ones that are butt hurt about this. They'll work tirelessly to convince Native-Americans that they too should be butt hurt.

No, I don't. Explain how this is "political".
And where are your data on these "white liberals" and "Native-Americans"?

And again- what did Costas say that was "political"? I don't have TV so I didn't see it.
Corollary: remember Costas' halftime commentary from last December after the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide on gun culture? Was that "political"?

Cut the crap. Now you are being argumentative. Case closed.

There we go. When the question is inconvenient, run away. Seeya.
So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?

You know as well as anyone that this issue is pretty much divided on ideological lines. Therefore it has become political.

White liberals are the only ones that are butt hurt about this. They'll work tirelessly to convince Native-Americans that they too should be butt hurt.

No, I don't. Explain how this is "political".
And where are your data on these "white liberals" and "Native-Americans"?

And again- what did Costas say that was "political"? I don't have TV so I didn't see it.
Corollary: remember Costas' halftime commentary from last December after the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide on gun culture? Was that "political"?
Are you actually suggesting that cultural mores are political?


Didn't miss anything, just Costas spewing his opinion.
Can't escape leftist politics on NBC even when you're just trying to watch football.

So ... what did Costas say that was "political"?

Umm discussing Political correctness of a team nickname would be political.

What law can or could determine what the team name is? Who's going to legislate that? How would they do it?

You understand the term "political correctness" means culture, not politics?
Or do you not understand that?
Democrats needed something to deflect away from obama's latest failure so they dredged up a ten year old poll and presented it as if it was just taken today. Now they have a nice little conflict to divert attention from the fact that we have a failure as a presidunce.
Well, since none of the Costas reference posters will back up their own point, it's up to me to do it for them. Here's the Costas commentary from last night, for anyone else who like me might not have seen it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT9wy5xoMcI]Bob Costas on the Redskins Name SNF Halftime - YouTube[/ame]

Full Transcript:
>> With Washington playing Dallas here tonight, it seems like an appropriate time to acknowledge the ongoing controversy about the name “Redskins.”

Let’s start here. There is no reason to believe that owner Daniel Snyder, or any official or player from his team, harbors animus toward Native Americans or wishes to disrespect them. This is undoubtedly also true of the vast majority of those who don’t think twice about the longstanding moniker. And in fact, as best can be determined, even a majority of Native Americans say they are not offended.

But, having stipulated that, there’s still a distinction to be made. Objections to names like “Braves,” “Chiefs,” “Warriors,” and the like strike many of us as political correctness run amok. These nicknames honor, rather than demean. They are pretty much the same as “Vikings,” “Patriots,” or even “Cowboys.” And names like “Blackhawks,” “Seminoles,” and “Chippewas,” while potentially more problematic, can still be okay provided the symbols are appropriately respectful – which is where the Cleveland Indians with the combination of their name and “Chief Wahoo” logo have sometimes run into trouble.

A number of teams, mostly in the college ranks, have changed their names in response to objections. The Stanford Cardinal and the Dartmouth Big Green were each once the Indians; the St. John’s Redmen have become the Red Storm, and the Miami of Ohio Redskins – that’s right, Redskins – are now the Red Hawks.

Still, the NFL franchise that represents the nation’s capital has maintained its name. But think for a moment about the term “Redskins,” and how it truly differs from all the others. Ask yourself what the equivalent would be, if directed toward African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, or members of any other ethnic group.

When considered that way, “Redskins” can’t possibly honor a heritage, or noble character trait, nor can it possibly be considered a neutral term. It’s an insult, a slur, no matter how benign the present-day intent. It is fair to say that for a long time now, and certainly in 2013, no offense has been intended. But, if you take a step back, isn’t it clear to see how offense might legitimately be taken?

No mention of politics. An examination of how offense can be legitimate, but that's a social value. No mention of anything "political". Like the Jovan Belcher commentary a year ago, this is about cultural values, not political ones. A lot of posters then tried to make that into a "political" rant too. Same thing.

I can see why nobody who made that point wanted to post the content.
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A number of teams, mostly in the college ranks, have changed their names in response to objections.

No, they changed their names in response to being threatened by the NCAA which took a political position. FSU had to get a papal dispensation from the Seminole Tribe to continue to be allowed to use that name.
A number of teams, mostly in the college ranks, have changed their names in response to objections.

No, they changed their names in response to being threatened by the NCAA which took a political position. FSU had to get a papal dispensation from the Seminole Tribe to continue to be allowed to use that name.

The NCAA is a "political" organisation?
Whether it is or not, how does it refute the statement that "A number of teams, mostly in the college ranks, have changed their names in response to objections"?
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The only ones butt hurt about this are white liberals and their media, every poll has always shown a strong majority are in favor of the name remaining.
This won't stop white liberals of course, they will demand that we all become butt hurt like them, and in the meantime tgey'll harass the owners and the NFL until eventually the name will be changed in order to shut the noisy minority up.
A number of teams, mostly in the college ranks, have changed their names in response to objections.

No, they changed their names in response to being threatened by the NCAA which took a political position. FSU had to get a papal dispensation from the Seminole Tribe to continue to be allowed to use that name.

The NCAA is a "political" organisation?
Whether it is or not, how does it refute the statement that "A number of teams, mostly in the college ranks, have changed their names in response to objections"?

The NCAA took a political position, namely that those names were somehow offensive and should be changed without consulting the schools, and told the schools that if they didn't change the team names, the schools would be expelled from the NCAA and unable to play for those big money games. The schools didn't change their names due to objections or anything of the like, they did it due to extortion.

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