Obama Orders US Warships And Marine Special Forces To Libya

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Yurt has always been a whiner, and Neo is a stalker.

Any mod can check our PMs and the negs, that Yurt began.

Yurt can stop stalking anytime he wants.

This is so typical neo-nazi lying and whinging on their part. :lol:

as you wish...i reported this post.

since the mods, as you claim, can check our PM's, they can see that you sent the first PM and that i asked you to stop sending me PM's and yet you continued.

poor troll jake
If you don't PM me again, there won't be a problem.

I replied to your neg and you replied back. Tell the truth, and it will go well.

You don't get to start a PM war and then cry about it.

Bend over and let the butt hurt flow through you, Yurt.

And I will tell you, that if you PM me again, I will PM you and report it.

You are such a fool troll, Yurt.

You are now whining. You negged me, I negged you, and you have been PM'ing me ever since.

Quit your whining, Yurt.

you are a very concerned troll....if you keep pming me...i've been told to report you as an obsessive stalker.

i did neg you, but you started the PM stalking in response to my neg rep and i've asked you to stop several times. i cant believe how butt hurt you are over a neg rep.

i will say it once again on the board, stop PMing me. thank you. since you've reported others, i will report you if you continue troll.
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If you don't PM me again, there won't be a problem.

I replied to your neg and you replied back. Tell the truth, and it will go well.

You don't get to start a PM war and then cry about it.

Bend over and let the butt hurt flow through you, Yurt.

And I will tell you, that if you PM me again, I will PM you and report it.

You are such a fool troll, Yurt.

You are now whining. You negged me, I negged you, and you have been PM'ing me ever since.

Quit your whining, Yurt.

you are a very concerned troll....if you keep pming me...i've been told to report you as an obsessive stalker.

i did neg you, but you started the PM stalking in response to my neg rep and i've asked you to stop several times. i cant believe how butt hurt you are over a neg rep.

i will say it once again on the board, stop PMing me. thank you. since you've reported others, i will report you if you continue troll.

i did neg you, then you sent me a whiny butt hurt PM about my neg rep and i did respond, thinking that would be the end of it. but no, you continued to PM me, i asked you to stop several times but you still continued to PM me.

you are a stalker jake. a sad pathetic stalker who gets massive butt hurt over neg rep. truly funny. consider this - you neg repped me in return and i never sent you a PM crying about it.

poor jakey. all butt hurt and no one to comfort him.
If you don't PM me again, there won't be a problem.

I replied to your neg and you replied back. Tell the truth, and it will go well.

You don't get to start a PM war and then cry about it.

Bend over and let the butt hurt flow through you, Yurt.

And I will tell you, that if you PM me again, I will PM you and report it.

You are such a fool troll, Yurt.

you are a very concerned troll....if you keep pming me...i've been told to report you as an obsessive stalker.

i did neg you, but you started the PM stalking in response to my neg rep and i've asked you to stop several times. i cant believe how butt hurt you are over a neg rep.

i will say it once again on the board, stop PMing me. thank you. since you've reported others, i will report you if you continue troll.

i did neg you, then you sent me a whiny butt hurt PM about my neg rep and i did respond, thinking that would be the end of it. but no, you continued to PM me, i asked you to stop several times but you still continued to PM me.

you are a stalker jake. a sad pathetic stalker who gets massive butt hurt over neg rep. truly funny. consider this - you neg repped me in return and i never sent you PM crying about it.

poor jakey. all butt hurt and no one to comfort him.

Be careful

I feel bad for you...
those kind of posters, spammers/ stalkers can be really creepy
You can see how paranoid they sometimes become...
But, they are harmless
Be happy they are not your neighbors

Like a bad foot fungus, it can be hard to get rid of....

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:lol: Yurt the Stalker got caught, and so has his back butt man, NeoTroll.

Go for it guys, and I will let the posts stand for themselves. Anyone can start with post #123. :lol:
poor jake

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ-__5uj76E]swollen members-paranioa with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
:lol: NeoTroll is moving into an epic meltdown. PM your friends and get them over here to watch!

:lol: Yurt the Stalker got caught, and so has his back butt man, NeoTroll.

Go for it guys, and I will let the posts stand for themselves. Anyone can start with post #123. :lol:

still can't let it go can you jakey.....

poor jakey....

i reported your post about mods reading PM's...they have my permission to post the PM's where you stalked me and i asked you you stop.
#123, Yurt. Let it go, you will feel better. Let the butt hurt flow through you. Just bend over.
:lol: Yurt the Stalker got caught, and so has his back butt man, NeoTroll.

Go for it guys, and I will let the posts stand for themselves. Anyone can start with post #123. :lol:

still can't let it go can you jakey.....

poor jakey....

i reported your post about mods reading PM's...they have my permission to post the PM's where you stalked me and i asked you you stop.

Be careful

you have just released
the much feared

Rino Kraken



To be fair to RINO's
He does supports Papa Obama
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For months before the most recent attacks on U.S. embassies in North African states, Foreign Ministry and U.S. State Department officials had been arguing over developments in these countries. Senior figures in Jerusalem claimed that Washington was burying its head in the sand and ignoring the increasing radicalization in states such as Tunisia and Egypt.

The Obama administration, which since the beginning of the Arab Spring has aided, directly or indirectly, the forces that brought down the dictatorial regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Lybia, now finds itself in a position of helplessness. The attack on the consulate in Benghazi, in which the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed, and the storming of the U.S. embassies in Tunis, Sanaa and Cairo, proved the great hostility to the United States and the unwillingness of these country's new leaders to challenge domestic public opinion.

Senior Foreign Ministry officials say their conversations with their Washington counterparts have focused on what Jerusalem terms "radicalizing trends" against not only Israel but also against the United States and the West in general.

One of the most recent such meetings took place a week ago, during a visit to Jerusalem by the acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, A. Elizabeth Jones.

Israeli Foreign Ministry officials say U.S. ignored Arab radicalization - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
The Haaretz Daily Newspaper is very pro-war, and would love us to knock out Iran's nuclear program for Israel. Read a week's of its front page columns.
I don't care about Israel right now, they aren't attacking our Embassies and killing our Diplomats......
The Haaretz Daily Newspaper is very pro-war, and would love us to knock out Iran's nuclear program for Israel. Read a week's of its front page columns.

I think we should target Mecca with a nuke while we're at it.

Anyone starts any shit.....nuke the bastards back to the 12th century.
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