Obama Organization Behind Wisconsin Demonstrations

I'm sure that's the reason. :lol:

I keep looking for Badgers and big "W"s on their shirts, but I haven't seen any yet. I'll keep looking for it though.


If I see any Wisconsin supporters in Ohio, Indiana, California, Washington D.C., Wall street, and everywhere else these lefties are protesting, I'll be sure to let you know.


Cafeteria Workers Protest on Wall Street - NYTimes.com


SEIU members

What a fucking moron you are, Mudtrail:




Noticed that color change done back in 2000, when the media decided to lose red as the color of democrats and put it on Republicans. Personally I think the switch was done to designate a 'threat' to them based on public perceptions of the color as used in media. Before that, Republicans were always in blue.

So now the color has little meaning or, by wearing all that red, they're hoping to make people think it's a tea party and obfuscate the issue.

To me, the color in this case denotes a threat.
To sum this all up...Scott Walker is behaving like an Adult while the Teacher Unions & Democrats are behaving like spoiled little Brats. Wisconsin has very serious problems and he's doing his best to fix these problems. The same can be said of our Congress. The Republicans are behaving like Adults and are actually addressing our Nation's terrible problems. But the Democrats just go on sniping at them and opposing them every step of the way. Hopefully the People see this though and hand the Democrats a crushing & humiliating defeat in 2012. They certainly deserve it. I wish Scott Walker and Republicans in Congress the best of luck.

He'd be a good choice. He, Like Chris Christie of New Jersey, Rick Scott of Florida, Jan Brewer of Arizona are walking the walk...as they were elected to do...(and a few others...forgive me if i omitted anyone. Those came to mind on the spur of the moment...).

Oh really? Cafeteria workers?

Sloppy joes! Slop-sloppy Joes!
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I'm sure that's the reason. :lol:

I keep looking for Badgers and big "W"s on their shirts, but I haven't seen any yet. I'll keep looking for it though.


If I see any Wisconsin supporters in Ohio, Indiana, California, Washington D.C., Wall street, and everywhere else these lefties are protesting, I'll be sure to let you know.


Cafeteria Workers Protest on Wall Street - NYTimes.com


SEIU members

What a fucking moron you are, Mudtrail:




Noticed that color change done back in 2000, when the media decided to lose red as the color of democrats and put it on Republicans. Personally I think the switch was done to designate a 'threat' to them based on public perceptions of the color as used in media. Before that, Republicans were always in blue.

So now the color has little meaning or, by wearing all that red, they're hoping to make people think it's a tea party and obfuscate the issue.

To me, the color in this case denotes a threat.

Of course blue can denote calmness...coolness...and it can also portend darkiness
To sum this all up...Scott Walker is behaving like an Adult while the Teacher Unions & Democrats are behaving like spoiled little Brats. Wisconsin has very serious problems and he's doing his best to fix these problems. The same can be said of our Congress. The Republicans are behaving like Adults and are actually addressing our Nation's terrible problems. But the Democrats just go on sniping at them and opposing them every step of the way. Hopefully the People see this though and hand the Democrats a crushing & humiliating defeat in 2012. They certainly deserve it. I wish Scott Walker and Republicans in Congress the best of luck.

His speech last night was excellent. Rational, moral, in clear concise language. He also spoke from his mind without the head whipping teleprompter nonsense employed by Obama.
To sum this all up...Scott Walker is behaving like an Adult while the Teacher Unions & Democrats are behaving like spoiled little Brats. Wisconsin has very serious problems and he's doing his best to fix these problems. The same can be said of our Congress. The Republicans are behaving like Adults and are actually addressing our Nation's terrible problems. But the Democrats just go on sniping at them and opposing them every step of the way. Hopefully the People see this though and hand the Democrats a crushing & humiliating defeat in 2012. They certainly deserve it. I wish Scott Walker and Republicans in Congress the best of luck.

He'd be a good choice. He, Like Chris Christie of New Jersey, Rick Scott of Florida, Jan Brewer of Arizona are walking the walk...as they were elected to do...(and a few others...forgive me if i omitted anyone. Those came to mind on the spur of the moment...).
Wisconsin has two rising conservative stars, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan. Look for them to start factoring big on the national stage over the next 2 years.
What a fucking moron you are, Mudtrail:




Noticed that color change done back in 2000, when the media decided to lose red as the color of democrats and put it on Republicans. Personally I think the switch was done to designate a 'threat' to them based on public perceptions of the color as used in media. Before that, Republicans were always in blue.

So now the color has little meaning or, by wearing all that red, they're hoping to make people think it's a tea party and obfuscate the issue.

To me, the color in this case denotes a threat.

Of course blue can denote calmness...coolness...and it can also portend darkiness

This Red vs. Blue color debate is nonsense.

The flag contains both colors - neither one is more or less American than the other.
To sum this all up...Scott Walker is behaving like an Adult while the Teacher Unions & Democrats are behaving like spoiled little Brats. Wisconsin has very serious problems and he's doing his best to fix these problems. The same can be said of our Congress. The Republicans are behaving like Adults and are actually addressing our Nation's terrible problems. But the Democrats just go on sniping at them and opposing them every step of the way. Hopefully the People see this though and hand the Democrats a crushing & humiliating defeat in 2012. They certainly deserve it. I wish Scott Walker and Republicans in Congress the best of luck.

His speech last night was excellent. Rational, moral, in clear concise language. He also spoke from his mind without the head whipping teleprompter nonsense employed by Obama.

Noticed that color change done back in 2000, when the media decided to lose red as the color of democrats and put it on Republicans. Personally I think the switch was done to designate a 'threat' to them based on public perceptions of the color as used in media. Before that, Republicans were always in blue.

So now the color has little meaning or, by wearing all that red, they're hoping to make people think it's a tea party and obfuscate the issue.

To me, the color in this case denotes a threat.

Of course blue can denote calmness...coolness...and it can also portend darkiness

This Red vs. Blue color debate is nonsense.

The flag contains both colors - neither one is more or less American than the other.

Of course it is. :)
To sum this all up...Scott Walker is behaving like an Adult while the Teacher Unions & Democrats are behaving like spoiled little Brats. Wisconsin has very serious problems and he's doing his best to fix these problems. The same can be said of our Congress. The Republicans are behaving like Adults and are actually addressing our Nation's terrible problems. But the Democrats just go on sniping at them and opposing them every step of the way. Hopefully the People see this though and hand the Democrats a crushing & humiliating defeat in 2012. They certainly deserve it. I wish Scott Walker and Republicans in Congress the best of luck.

His speech last night was excellent. Rational, moral, in clear concise language. He also spoke from his mind without the head whipping teleprompter nonsense employed by Obama.

Well said. The man is behaving like an Adult. I respect him a lot. Unions & Democrats are just going to have to stop behaving like spoiled little Brats and realize it's not all about them. The man is doing his best for Wisconsin. I think the People see this though. These protests will be heavily covered and applauded by the usual suspect Liberal Press,but i think the People actually support Scott Walker. I really do wish him luck.
To sum this all up...Scott Walker is behaving like an Adult while the Teacher Unions & Democrats are behaving like spoiled little Brats. Wisconsin has very serious problems and he's doing his best to fix these problems. The same can be said of our Congress. The Republicans are behaving like Adults and are actually addressing our Nation's terrible problems. But the Democrats just go on sniping at them and opposing them every step of the way. Hopefully the People see this though and hand the Democrats a crushing & humiliating defeat in 2012. They certainly deserve it. I wish Scott Walker and Republicans in Congress the best of luck.

His speech last night was excellent. Rational, moral, in clear concise language. He also spoke from his mind without the head whipping teleprompter nonsense employed by Obama.

Well said. The man is behaving like an Adult. I respect him a lot. Unions & Democrats are just going to have to stop behaving like spoiled little Brats and realize it's not all about them. The man is doing his best for Wisconsin. I think the People see this though. These protests will be heavily covered and applauded by the usual suspect Liberal Press,but i think the People actually support Scott Walker. I really do wish him luck.

Obama needs to realize it too:

“Some of what I’ve heard coming out of Wisconsin, where you’re just making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain generally, seems like more of an assault on unions…”
All I see here is union thuggery, Browbeating...children taking their toys and going home...and threatening to hold their collective breath until they turn blue if they don't get their way...petulant children.
Why is it that you folks say nothing about the fact that Gov Walker exempts public employee unions that supported him from the legislation ending collective bargaining?
Did you folks ever try to be consistent?

ALL he is asking them to do is bite the bullet as the rest of America is doing to get through these tough times. These people should be glad they still have a JOB and haven't been dismissed by going to a protest while calling in SICK...

If I were the Governor? I'd FIRE all of them
So, Walker acting like an adult? Yet he only imposed his legislation on the unions that endorsed his opponent in the last election. Previous posts with links prove it.
That's childish behavior or abuse of power, make your choice. Those who endorse such behavior are also acting like little children or are so married to their ideology they don't see the light through the forest..
So, Walker acting like an adult? Yet he only imposed his legislation on the unions that endorsed his opponent in the last election. Previous posts with links prove it.
That's childish behavior or abuse of power, make your choice. Those who endorse such behavior are also acting like little children or are so married to their ideology they don't see the light through the forest..

His opponent isn't in office, is he?

The governor ran on what he is doing now...so WHY did he win election?

Childish indeed. Where were these people?
It's about time that Obama got his finger out of his butt hole and remembers who elected him two years ago. It sure was NOT the Republican Union busting members of the Wisconsin legislature! It was mostly the hard working Union members who go to work every day and pay their taxes only to see the rich and influential get away with murder. Perhaps it's time that we in America do like they did in Egypt and Tunisia. Fill the town squares and wherever legislatures meet and demand justice. Here in Arizona they are giving tax breaks to rich business owners while dumping a quarter million people off the medicaid roles. Of course we too have a Republican legislature and a Republican Governor. Enough said. It makes me sick!

have at it.
good luck tearing them away from American Idol.:lol:
And Glee, or their favorite Justin Bieber video that they have permanently loaded on their DVR's.

Friggin' losers.
So, Walker acting like an adult? Yet he only imposed his legislation on the unions that endorsed his opponent in the last election. Previous posts with links prove it.
That's childish behavior or abuse of power, make your choice. Those who endorse such behavior are also acting like little children or are so married to their ideology they don't see the light through the forest..

I guess we could say the same of the fucken Democrats then.

I loved it when Obama started preaching about Mubarak not listening to his people.

That was fucken hilarious.
So, Walker acting like an adult? Yet he only imposed his legislation on the unions that endorsed his opponent in the last election. Previous posts with links prove it.
That's childish behavior or abuse of power, make your choice. Those who endorse such behavior are also acting like little children or are so married to their ideology they don't see the light through the forest..

I guess we could say the same of the fucken Democrats then.

I loved it when Obama started preaching about Mubarak not listening to his people.

That was fucken hilarious.

Obama shows himself to be quite the hypocrite. He only selectively listens to those that support HIM...and it's glaringly obvious the comparison between Egypt and Wisconsin where Obama is trying to shore up his supporters for 2012...while the rest of the world in his mind can fuck off. He's trying to make it of HIM.

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