Obama, Oy Vey! American Jews Finally Have Had Enough


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
"Two Jews, three opinions" goes the famous joke. And every day, more of those opinions turn pro-Romney, as American Jews increasingly reject the collapsing presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

Romney's surging poll numbers in the crucial state of Florida reflect his growing success with Bubbie Molly and her unemployed grandson Adam, who both thought their right hand would wither if it ever pulled the lever for a Republican.

The signs and portents are everywhere, beginning with the special election of a Republican in Anthony Weiner's heavily Jewish, New York congressional district one year ago. Now a startling new poll even has Romney performing the ultimate miracle: the parting of the blue states, winning the Jewish vote by a healthy 44% to 40%!

Articles: Obama, Oy Vey! American Jews Finally Have Had Enough
Obama's "talk to the hand, Bibi, I'm busy with the Muslim Brotherhood" Diplomacy is costing him Florida worse than the Elian Gonzalez raid
I'm sure there will be a lot of Jews who don't support him this go-round, but I'd be surprised if it hits half of the likely Jewish vote. Regardless, whatever erosion there is will be combined with the same from lots of different voter demographics. That's a major fly in the ointment for Barry's team. They have no idea whatsoever how many former voters they've alienated through a variety of words and/or actions.

It's gonna bite 'em in the ass though.
I dont know why any Jewish person who would want to vote for him. As many times he has thrown Israel under the bus would be enough to know Obama does not like Jewish people
The dam is bursting for Obama.....

He's just about washed up.

I am so looking forward to Nov 6th. I am gonna camp on PMSNBC and watch the five baboons go nuts.
Obama's "talk to the hand, Bibi, I'm busy with the Muslim Brotherhood" Diplomacy is costing him Florida worse than the Elian Gonzalez raid

It's interesting the people who think that Israel's interests take priority over America's interests.
Obama's "talk to the hand, Bibi, I'm busy with the Muslim Brotherhood" Diplomacy is costing him Florida worse than the Elian Gonzalez raid

It's interesting the people who think that Israel's interests take priority over America's interests.

I'm not a fan of Israel. Zionism has been a plague on the world since the first Zionist congress in the late 1800s.

But, Israel's interests are our interests. Israel has nukes. It's in our best interest to keep the whacky muzzies' hands off them.
Obama's "talk to the hand, Bibi, I'm busy with the Muslim Brotherhood" Diplomacy is costing him Florida worse than the Elian Gonzalez raid

It's interesting the people who think that Israel's interests take priority over America's interests.

Jews have a right to vote against an administration that is unfriendly towards the nation of their ancestry. In addition many of those Jews who are seniors, have a right to vote against this administrations cuts to medicare.

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