Obama pardons meth dealer

The "violent" part. Violent has a meaning you know
Violent behavior often has a result of harming another person. When you sell meth you are harming the person you are selling it to.

But thats not the definition of violent. A rose often has a result of spreading seeds but you cant use that and say Roses are whores.

You cant pick pieces of a definition, thats not how any of this works
But thats not the definition of violent. A rose often has a result of spreading seeds but you cant use that and say Roses are whores.

You cant pick pieces of a definition, thats not how any of this works
After you untwist your pretzel logic I suggest you get some help. If your child got hooked on meth and died or you had to watch as his or her life was sucked out of them by a drug made in a scumbags bathtub you would have a different definition of violence.
But thats not the definition of violent. A rose often has a result of spreading seeds but you cant use that and say Roses are whores.

You cant pick pieces of a definition, thats not how any of this works
After you untwist your pretzel logic I suggest you get some help. If your child got hooked on meth and died or you had to watch as his or her life was sucked out of them by a drug made in a scumbags bathtub you would have a different definition of violence.

Words have definitions.. They dont mean something different because you feel a certain way
If it hurts the United States of America Obama seems to be in favor of it. Thank God the GOP took over the House and senate or this nation would be even further off the rails than it is. His supporters are blinded by the color of his skin to a point where their arguments defending him sound absolutely ridiculous.
Words have definitions.. They dont mean something different because you feel a certain way
Just out of curiosity what word would you use to describe the action of selling dangerous narcotics to your fellow citizens?
And do you favor meth dealers being prematurely released back into a neighborhood near you? They have not served their full punishment so can we expect full rehabilitation has taken place or our we kidding ourselves? There is no good at all that comes from what Obama has done with his pardon pen so why even try to defend it?
As a former methamphetamine addict 20 years ago, this pisses me off (in my early 20s I had a meth habit so bad my nose was like an industrial vacuum cleaner). Crystal meth is the most cold-blooded psychopath drug of all time. I can't think of a drug that creates more anti-social monsters. Speed is the reason I had to be fitted with full dentures in my 20s; I found out the excruciating way that meth incinerates teeth into liquid shit. My teeth agony was so electrifying, so convulsive, that it instantly cured my speed habit forever - I haven't snorted anything in 19 years now.

One quality that makes meth abuse so anti-social is that it causes high-speed, hyper-rationalization for one's actions, emotional drama & paranoia. So a person strung out on speed will do horrid, malicious things and honestly believe they're perfectly justified; that's how the drug affects ego and conscience.
Words have definitions.. They dont mean something different because you feel a certain way
Just out of curiosity what word would you use to describe the action of selling dangerous narcotics to your fellow citizens?
And do you favor meth dealers being prematurely released back into a neighborhood near you? They have not served their full punishment so can we expect full rehabilitation has taken place or our we kidding ourselves? There is no good at all that comes from what Obama has done with his pardon pen so why even try to defend it?

There are a number of things you can call it but violent isnt one of them.

If you think prison has anything to do with rehabilitation then you've been under a rock.
If you think prison has anything to do with rehabilitation then you've been under a rock
That is the biggest load of crap...you are just repeating the drivel you have heard from other left leaning folks.
No one with a clear mind wants to go to prison. Prison sucks and because it sucks it is it's own deterrent for future crimes but aside from that there are rehabilitation courses in prison these days that do work and lower the recidivism rate. But getting sprung early by a blowhard of a president doesn't help. Do the crime and do the time.

Considering all the terrorists Obama has pardoned out of Gitmo, this is not, like, hugely out of character.
Considering all the terrorists Obama has pardoned out of Gitmo, this is not, like, hugely out of character
A few of the terrorists he released have killed again. Can you imagine the media if it were a republican president doing it?
In other words, you pulled that right out of your as I already knew. Thanks
No...in other words your education is not a concern of mine. You can walk around stupid and uniformed your whole life...I don't care.

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