Obama: Perennial Winner!

So....if Obama wasn't a congenital liar....what would he propose, to alleviate that bug-a-boo, income inequality?

9." .... Huey Long, who in 1935 proposed that no one should be allowed to keep any wealth beyond $50 million—or perhaps, he suggested, only $10 million. Whatever the figure, Long said, “it will still be more than any one man, or any one man and his children and their children, will be able to spend in their lifetimes; and it is not necessary or reasonable to have wealth piled up beyond that point where we cannot prevent poverty among the masses.”

10. Long’s $50 million wealth limit, adjusted for inflation, would be about $850 million today—still more than anyone could spend in a lifetime. But not even Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders will go there.

11. Why not? Probably because any such proposal would make Republicans out of the Hollywood and Silicon Valley crowd in a big hurry. The scene is another good reminder of the hypocrisy of modern liberalism."
How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich? - Forbes
There is no right answer to the income inequality, except to maybe expand monopoly laws.

It is apparent to anyone who follows the economy that corporations are doing well while the overall economy, typically fueled by the middle class, is not.

It is also a known fact that those in affluent positions are taking a larger % then in the past. Not just a larger overall dollar amount, a larger percentage whereas they're keeping the middle class wages tempered to a minimal.

Now, it's smart business to maximize your personal wealth.

And it's wrong to punish such - so what's the answer? Everyone in America start their own business? Unrealistic.

Should big box corporations pay below poverty level wages for FULL time workers while the rest of said worker's wage is subsidized by the Government - - - - - -
and then said worker takes said welfare check and shops at same big box store because it's where the affordable goods are............and we don't call that fucked up? Not even a little hey?

There's not a problem of wage balance when the same positions doing the same middle class work (not referring to box store work any longer) get paid a much lower percentage than their superiors then it has been in the past - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - what happened there? Do they somehow not work as hard?

Well, no, they work harder. Production and work hours are actually up.

So - what gives? Why has top tier compensation increased so drastically and those cutting the paychecks suddenly decided that instead of compensating their middle class laborers at the same rate (%wise) as has been historically, they just take bigger and bigger percentages for themselves?

What happened? Can it be fixed?

I don't think so - save for maybe fixing up some monopoly laws.
There is no right answer to the income inequality, except to maybe expand monopoly laws.

It is apparent to anyone who follows the economy that corporations are doing well while the overall economy, typically fueled by the middle class, is not.

It is also a known fact that those in affluent positions are taking a larger % then in the past. Not just a larger overall dollar amount, a larger percentage whereas they're keeping the middle class wages tempered to a minimal.

Now, it's smart business to maximize your personal wealth.

And it's wrong to punish such - so what's the answer? Everyone in America start their own business? Unrealistic.

Should big box corporations pay below poverty level wages for FULL time workers while the rest of said worker's wage is subsidized by the Government - - - - - -
and then said worker takes said welfare check and shops at same big box store because it's where the affordable goods are............and we don't call that fucked up? Not even a little hey?

There's not a problem of wage balance when the same positions doing the same middle class work (not referring to box store work any longer) get paid a much lower percentage than their superiors then it has been in the past - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - what happened there? Do they somehow not work as hard?

Well, no, they work harder. Production and work hours are actually up.

So - what gives? Why has top tier compensation increased so drastically and those cutting the paychecks suddenly decided that instead of compensating their middle class laborers at the same rate (%wise) as has been historically, they just take bigger and bigger percentages for themselves?

What happened? Can it be fixed?

I don't think so - save for maybe fixing up some monopoly laws.

You know how I love to jump all over you....but this seems to be a thoughtful post.

You've proven to be a buzz kill today.

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