Obama persecuted Filmmaker still rots in jail-

Tuesday cannot get here soon enough.. The far leftist KOOKS have taken over the Democrat Party and this is who they are..

Thank God for the new media in this nation or these lowlifes would get away with it.. AND FOR BLOGGERS.. ;-) Politically connected..
All of a sudden the resident LYNCH MOB wants to make this about the guy violating parole.. How many CRIMINALS in this nation doesn't BIG DADDY GUBMINT and the LIBERAL LYNCH POSSE blame for the deaths of Americans and then............... AND THEN........... Go and out his identity, ARREST THE MAN??? HOW MANY???

STFU you lying lowlifes.
Just a guess, but I'm gonna say this particular guy got busted for his probation violation because his film was international news for several weeks. A bit of attention.

Just a guess, though.

Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!

On top of which federal agents, that is, men who take orders from Obama, are the ones who arrested him. Somehow local officials just didn't see the need.

But it's not because of the video he made!
I went back through an entire thread here where the LIBRUL LYNCH MOB demanded this poor man's death in some cases, wanted him to rot in a prison, to be labeled a terrorist.. etc etc.. I brought it back in to date to show just how CRAZY and out of control libruls are.. if they had of had their way, that man would be dead or handed over to the animals who killed our Ambassador.. The thread is titled, "Filmmaker outted by Government." Go read it and you'll see just how disgusting these libs are here..

Meanwhile, this man rots in jail, no bail.. no hearing until the FRIDAY AFTER THE ELECTION.. How convenient, no?

The same LYNCH MOB libs here also came back just the past couple of weeks claiming Obama never blamed the film and yet we have an entire thread with 48 pages of PROOF that he most certainly did.. Obama merely said the word and his Zombies were in a blood lust.. LOL

Anti-Islam filmmaker still jailed—Editorial - NYPOST.com

You right wingers can't stop lying about this whole thing can you?
What a joke.

IF Romney is elected I will attack him when he's in office. You won't think about yours. Stop being blind. :eusa_boohoo:
This is the number 1# Reason to throw Obama out right here. Nothing else matters but our constitutional rights of freedom of speech.

Every freedom loving human being should make flims, video's and pictures and speak our minds. Show that our freedom of speech means something.


not even violating your parole? So let's see....your busted for molesting midgets(I've heard stories about you)....You're told never to be seen in the vicinity of midgets again....then all of a sudden you make a youporn midget movie....do you REALLY think the reason you're going to jail is the curtailment of your freedom of speech?

You do have a point....

But still Obama went in front of the islamic world agreeing with them. What light of freedom is that?

Agreeing with them? you're nuts. He disagreed with the video...he said that the future must not belong to people like that....he also condemned the violence of the Muslim community and explained to them specifically about our society's freedom of speech rights.

Your outrage isn't about freedom of speech, it's because you hate Islam. I don't care that you hate Islam.....that's your choice....but let's call a spade a spade here.
All of a sudden the resident LYNCH MOB wants to make this about the guy violating parole.. How many CRIMINALS in this nation doesn't BIG DADDY GUBMINT and the LIBERAL LYNCH POSSE blame for the deaths of Americans and then............... AND THEN........... Go and out his identity, ARREST THE MAN??? HOW MANY???

STFU you lying lowlifes.
Just a guess, but I'm gonna say this particular guy got busted for his probation violation because his film was international news for several weeks. A bit of attention.

Just a guess, though.

Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.

Did Obama and Eric Holder go after and arrest the Black Panthers? Why no.. they didn't.. Perhaps if they had made a movie calling ridiculing Mohamed they would be rotting also.

Did the black panthers have eight counts of probation violations? Were they not allowed to use the Internet?

They put out a bounty on a man's head.

Offering money to have someone killed is just a slight violation of the law, you fucking nitwit.
All of a sudden the resident LYNCH MOB wants to make this about the guy violating parole.. How many CRIMINALS in this nation doesn't BIG DADDY GUBMINT and the LIBERAL LYNCH POSSE blame for the deaths of Americans and then............... AND THEN........... Go and out his identity, ARREST THE MAN??? HOW MANY???

STFU you lying lowlifes.
Just a guess, but I'm gonna say this particular guy got busted for his probation violation because his film was international news for several weeks. A bit of attention.

Just a guess, though.

Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!

Gee you think (stupid question ,I know) that posting a video on Youtube that is viewed by millions of people worldwide when you aren't even supposed to have access to the internet without permission might garner some attention?
If you are not suppose to use the Internet you probably shouldn't post videos on YouTube.
The man has been to prison, has used aliases, violated his probation... And you guys are sticking up for him only because he made an anti Muslim video.
Oh and Lady gun slinger Obama isn't holding him, a judge ruled he was a flight risk and ordered him to stay in jail until his next hearing.
Just a guess, but I'm gonna say this particular guy got busted for his probation violation because his film was international news for several weeks. A bit of attention.

Just a guess, though.

Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.


No one has provided a shred of evidence that the man uploaded the video to the internet. The judge who jailed him didn't use that as a justification.

All you Sharia lovers are just proving how fucking stupid and total unconcerned about the facts you are.
Tuesday cannot get here soon enough.. The far leftist KOOKS have taken over the Democrat Party and this is who they are..

Thank God for the new media in this nation or these lowlifes would get away with it.. AND FOR BLOGGERS.. ;-) Politically connected..

You are like a one woman comedy show. Lol
Just a guess, but I'm gonna say this particular guy got busted for his probation violation because his film was international news for several weeks. A bit of attention.

Just a guess, though.

Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.


Who fuckin cares?! NO ONE.. Americans care about a LIAR PRESIDENT who used a person REGARDLESS of his stupid actions TO COVER UP AMERICAN DEATHS.. SPIN THAT.
Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.


No one has provided a shred of evidence that the man uploaded the video to the internet. The judge who jailed him didn't use that as a justification.

All you Sharia lovers are just proving how fucking stupid and total unconcerned about the facts you are.

Si Modo is a Sharia lover? Lol
I dislike the women but I am still not dumb enough to say that. Some of you right wingers are really going off the deep end.
Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.


Who fuckin cares?! NO ONE.. Americans care about a LIAR PRESIDENT who used a person REGARDLESS of his stupid actions TO COVER UP AMERICAN DEATHS.. SPIN THAT.

Cover up American deaths?
You are insane.
I will never submit to islam. Freedom of speech is all about speech that people don't like.

Who said you had to submit to Islam? Look lunatic....our constitution prevents Sharia law from ever being implemented here. There's not a court in this country that wouldn't throw the whole idea in the trash.

We will never have a theocracy here in the US....Islamic, Christian, or otherwise. This is SPECIFICALLY why the founding fathers, Jefferson in particular....insisted upon the separation of church and state. It was not only for the purpose of "freedom OF religion" but also "freedom FROM religion".
Gee you think? When the sitting President of the United States of America, POINTS to one person and ACCUSES this person for the slaughter of AMERICANS.. and continues to do so FOR WEEKS, with his HAPPY LYNCH Posse all following suit.. Goes to the United Nations and does no different.. TELLS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD.. You think it garnered some attention???!
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.


No one has provided a shred of evidence that the man uploaded the video to the internet. The judge who jailed him didn't use that as a justification.

All you Sharia lovers are just proving how fucking stupid and total unconcerned about the facts you are.
I'm a "Sharia lover"? :lmao:

Well, I guess that's a change from my being called an Islamophobe. I prefer being called the latter, though.

Oh, and when on probation, it's the probation officer who presses the charges and it's the judge's discretion to allow or disallow bail. For probation violations, bail is not that common, especially when the perp has out-of-country contacts. When the guy's trial happens, the evidence will be examined. If the probation officer was out of line, that will come to light...at trial.
Did Obama and Eric Holder go after and arrest the Black Panthers? Why no.. they didn't.. Perhaps if they had made a movie calling ridiculing Mohamed they would be rotting also.

Did the black panthers have eight counts of probation violations? Were they not allowed to use the Internet?

They put out a bounty on a man's head.

Offering money to have someone killed is just a slight violation of the law, you fucking nitwit.

They didn't put money out to have him killed, they put money out to have him captured?
And it was the New Black Panthers not the black panthers. You wanna know the difference? The New Black Panthers have been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and denounced by the Black Panthers.
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.


Who fuckin cares?! NO ONE.. Americans care about a LIAR PRESIDENT who used a person REGARDLESS of his stupid actions TO COVER UP AMERICAN DEATHS.. SPIN THAT.

Cover up American deaths?
You are insane.

not necessarily insane.....brainwashed? yeah, absolutely. The sad thing is? there are son many like her on this board, and they spend so much time on here.....that they actually think that they are the mainstream in this country.

Funny how their extremist Tea Party candidates got their collective asses kicked in the presidential primary and a waffling moderate....a RINO......got the nod to oppose Obama in the general.
I'm laughing most at her peculiar delusion that President Obama runs the judicial branch of the US government. His power is truly vast and terrible. And just why is BriPat gibbering about his Sharia fantasies?

If you look in the closets of these crazy conservative types, you'll find a burqa. Which they wear in secret, prancing about in front of the mirror. Even the men, who dream of being castrated so they can legally service (under Islamic law) their cruel, cruel islamomaster.
Sure it did. And, the asswipe moronic Muslims also paid a lot of attention to it.

I dunno...but if I were on probation and my probation said I had to get prior approval of any access I had to the internet because I defrauded banks before, using the internet; one of the LAST things I would do is to upload something to the internet that is going to get a lot of attention.

But, that's just me. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to jail.


No one has provided a shred of evidence that the man uploaded the video to the internet. The judge who jailed him didn't use that as a justification.

All you Sharia lovers are just proving how fucking stupid and total unconcerned about the facts you are.
I'm a "Sharia lover"? :lmao:

Well, I guess that's a change from my being called an Islamophobe. I prefer being called the latter, though.

Oh, and when on probation, it's the probation officer who presses the charges and it's the judge's discretion to allow or disallow bail. For probation violations, bail is not that common, especially when the perp has out-of-country contacts. When the guy's trial happens, the evidence will be examined. If the probation officer was out of line, that will come to light...at trial.

Federal agents pressed the charges, not his probation officer.
I will never submit to islam. Freedom of speech is all about speech that people don't like.

Who said you had to submit to Islam? Look lunatic....our constitution prevents Sharia law from ever being implemented here. There's not a court in this country that wouldn't throw the whole idea in the trash.

Nevertheless, a man sits in jail solely because he violated Sharia.

We will never have a theocracy here in the US....Islamic, Christian, or otherwise. This is SPECIFICALLY why the founding fathers, Jefferson in particular....insisted upon the separation of church and state. It was not only for the purpose of "freedom OF religion" but also "freedom FROM religion".

Obama and the Democrats wipe their ass on the Bill of Rights, so what does it matter what it says?

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