Obama Plans to Scrap Missle Defense Shield?

The Czechs are happy about this.

The U.S. and Russians have been playing chess over the missile shield. Warsaw and Prague were just squares on the chessboard.

Still, with nearly 60% of Czechs, according to some recent local polls, opposed to hosting a radar facility for the U.S. missile shield, the decision to scrap it will go down well.

The most common concern among locals who oppose the radar is that the U.S. Army facility intensifies the security risks faced by the Czech Republic. “Terrorists may actually want to attack the Czech Republic because it would host the radar base,” said one protester at one of the recent anti-radar demonstration.

Others argue the radar is based on an untested and unproven technology.

The smallest and least vocal group of Czech radar opponents argued that the radar would in the long-run destabilize the allegedly fragile Russian government of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

“What if some real lunatic rules in Russia in the near future?” an acquaintance of mine once told me. “I’m against the radar because it may stir up a nasty nationalistic backlash in Russia.”

The View From Prague: Goodbye and Good Riddance - New Europe - WSJ

Thanks for the article ... so now it's 60% who are opposed? I wish they'd get their numbers straight ... I read on Fox, it's 80%, on iDnes.cz, which is a Czech source that it is 70% and now it's 60%. Does anyone have actual poll numbers? I'd really appreciate it.
... Fourthly, Russia is a scary place with some ruthless sons of bitches in control - well, one in particular - Putin. However, they are in deep economical troubles and will be for a long time to come. I do not see any immediate or short-term danger coming from that part of the world. They've actually been very cooperative when it comes to the issue of Iran and a few others. What Russia now wants is mainly respect and that is what Obama is giving them. I don't see anything wrong with that.

The Cold War is over, Russia is not about to paint the White House red, climb out of your shelters and try to be a little - tiny little bit - Christian.

When it comes to Iran, I believe US has enough offensive power in place to bomb the crap out of that place whenever they want already. Everything else is up to diplomacy. So, let's try it on for a size.

LOL... So Chamberlain was reincarnated as a Czech woman... and as one might guess... Didn't learn a damn thing.
I am glad we are no longer wasting money defending Poland from Iran.

We spend more money on defense than the rest of the world combined.

It's one of the main reasons we are going broke.

Chris is right we do spend more money than the rest of the world combined on defense.

Of course we also spend more money on Social Entitlements than anyone else... more than most of the world HAS to spend. And of course what Chris is incapable of understanding is that: It is that US Military spending which provides the security for the West's Left to sit around and gush the mindless drivel wherein they spout bold praise for the policies to cripple that security which provides their means to freely gush mindless drivel...


A spokeswoman at the Polish Ministry of Defense also said the program had been suspended.

"This is catastrophic for Poland," said the spokeswoman

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans - CNN.com

Yes, the current polish government justs LUVS this!


Current Polish government, if it doesn't follow the desires of its people that elected it into power can kiss my ass.

The 'dismay' that's been described in all of those articles only refers to CZ and Poland - and - only quotes pro-radar politicians. Even though it's not reported, believe it or not, there are many who are jubilant over Obama's decision.
The radar of this system would provide no intelligence on Russia that we don't already have. It's an irrelevant whine from the Russians.
I would be one thing if the missile defense system actually worked. Then we could have a sane and possibly fruitful debate. But considering it doesn't work, what's the point?
A spokeswoman at the Polish Ministry of Defense also said the program had been suspended.

"This is catastrophic for Poland," said the spokeswoman

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans - CNN.com

Yes, the current polish government justs LUVS this!


Current Polish government, if it doesn't follow the desires of its people that elected it into power can kiss my ass.

The 'dismay' that's been described in all of those articles only refers to CZ and Poland - and - only quotes pro-radar politicians. Even though it's not reported, believe it or not, there are many who are jubilant over Obama's decision.

Ahh yes... Jubillation indeed! Much as it was Mr. Chamberlain, when you returned from Nazi Germany and declared "PEACE" in THAT time... You may recall, that, THAT time was just months prior to Germany invading the whole of Poland...rather openly demonstrating the folly of negotiating with Leftists; which was around the time when jubilation erupted in Germany... jubilation resulting from Germany FINALLY getting the respect it had so long been denied; after their prolonged period of 'economical' depression... and at a time when Germany was determined to return to it's "SUPER-POWER" status.

And all because YOU HELPED!

Do you recall how that worked out for you Mr. Chamberlain? Here's a tip... (not good... incomprehensible catastrophe... err... uhh... "BAD... Really, REALLY BAD!")

But hey... The world cheered you for a moment and that moment was truly a GREAT DAY FOR DIPLOMACY! Right up until it proved that Diplomacy was only possible where all the players are interested in compromise.

What's most interesting to me, is how obvious that point is to non-idiots and yet a person as bright as you clearly feel that you are... can't seem to recognize it.

I wonder what that means...
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I would be one thing if the missile defense system actually worked. Then we could have a sane and possibly fruitful debate. But considering it doesn't work, what's the point?

It does work.
I would be one thing if the missile defense system actually worked. Then we could have a sane and possibly fruitful debate. But considering it doesn't work, what's the point?

It does work.

Point of order...

Rrdean missed the point slightly... otherwise it was a striking insight...

Let me correct and I think you'll agree...

"I(t) would be one thing if the(Leftist Appeasement of Tyranants and Left-think in general) actually worked. Then we could have a sane and possibly fruitful debate. But considering it doesn't work, what's the point?"

She was this>> [] << close...
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I would be one thing if the missile defense system actually worked. Then we could have a sane and possibly fruitful debate. But considering it doesn't work, what's the point?

It does work.

I want one link from each of you :)
K. http://www.mda.mil/mdalink/pdf/testrecord.pdf
Ballistic Missile Defense Flight Test Record
(as of July 31, 2009)
The Missile Defense Agency conducts regular flight tests to verify performance and
confirm the technological progress of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).
Testing to date has given us confidence in the basic design, effectiveness, and
operational capability for short, medium and long-range ballistic missile defense.
Overall Test Record:
• Across all programs, 40 of 51 “Hit-to-Kill” intercept attempts have been
successful since 2001
• 16 of 19 “Hit-to-Kill” intercepts have been successful since 2007
Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense: 19 of 23 intercept attempts (including Operation
Burnt Frost in Feb. 2008), 4 failures since tests began in 2002 (8 of 10 in tests
involving the operationally configured interceptor)
• Includes two Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) blast fragmentation, non hit-to-kill
intercepts using a proximity-fuzed explosive to destroy target
• Causes of Failures:
-FM-5 – Interceptor divert control malfunctioned
-FTM-11 – Fire-control malfunctioned because of operator error
-Pacific Blitz exercise – One target was intercepted, another was missed; all
interceptors were version Block I missiles that had exceeded their service life
-JFTM-2 –Interceptor flew normally until final seconds; cause not yet
Ground-based Midcourse Defense: 8 of 13 intercept attempts, 1 “no-test”
since tests began in 1999 (3 of 3 tests involving the operationally configured
• Causes of Failures:
-IFT-4 –Kill vehicle’s infrared sensor cooling malfunctioned--the only
malfunction thus far in final “endgame” period before intercept
-IFT-5 –Kill vehicle and booster did not separate
-IFT-10 –Kill vehicle and booster did not separate
-IFT-13c –Interceptor failed to launch due to problematic software
-IFT-14 –Interceptor failed to launch after a silo support arm did not retract,
triggering an automatic abort
• FTG-03 was a “no test” because the target malfunctioned after launch;
interceptor was not launched)
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense: 6 of 6 intercept attempts, 2 “no-tests”
(all tests involve the operationally configured interceptor)
• Current test program began in 2006
• No-tests: FTT-04 and FTT-10 had targets malfunction after launch
[Emphasis added]

Room for improvement compared to typical kill rates, but claims that it does not work are inaccurate.
A spokeswoman at the Polish Ministry of Defense also said the program had been suspended.

"This is catastrophic for Poland," said the spokeswoman

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans - CNN.com

Yes, the current polish government justs LUVS this!


Current Polish government, if it doesn't follow the desires of its people that elected it into power can kiss my ass.

The 'dismay' that's been described in all of those articles only refers to CZ and Poland - and - only quotes pro-radar politicians. Even though it's not reported, believe it or not, there are many who are jubilant over Obama's decision.

Ahh yes... Jubillation indeed! Much as it was Mr. Chamberlain, when you returned from Nazi Germany and declared "PEACE" in THAT time... You may recall, that, THAT time was just months prior to Germany invading the whole of Poland...rather openly demonstrating the folly of negotiating with Leftists; which was around the time when jubilation erupted in Germany... jubilation resulting from Germany FINALLY getting the respect it had so long been denied; after their prolonged period of 'economical' depression... and at a time when Germany was determined to return to it's "SUPER-POWER" status.

And all because YOU HELPED!

Do you recall how that worked out for you Mr. Chamberlain? Here's a tip... (not good... incomprehensible catastrophe... err... uhh... "BAD... Really, REALLY BAD!")

But hey... The world cheered you for a moment and that moment was truly a GREAT DAY FOR DIPLOMACY! Right up until it proved that Diplomacy was only possible where all the players are interested in compromise.

What's most interesting to me, is how obvious that point is to non-idiots and yet a person as bright as you clearly feel that you are... can't seem to recognize it.

I wonder what that means...

I wonder if you have any knowledge of the current geo-political situation of Europe - Eastern Europe included - because it seems that your knowledge stops at the end of WWII. Hilariously enough, that is what I observed with a lot of 'elder' Americans that deem themselves 'right off center'.

Both Czech Republic and Poland are part of European Union, yet they've been rather 'Eurospceptical' and leaning more towards US, this will give them the proper impetus to ally themselves more strongly with the rest of the EU, which is something they should have been doing all along (IMHO, although it is always good to have a bit of skepticism handy); they are also members of NATO. There is no immediate danger coming from either Russia or Iran. And, there really is no reason for there to be the additional shield. What else, many have argued that placing the radar on the Czech territory would make the Czech republic more susceptible to a possible terrorist attack.

In the entire body of the snide little comment of yours, you've not made a single intelligent point. Comparing this situation to what was leading up to WWII is beyond dense. The two situations are not comparable. There were many signs coming from Germany that it's going to do what it did. They were frantically building up their offense, anyone who read Mein Kampf (with at least half a brain) knew that Hitler was not joking about taking Sudetenland back and knew he HATED Jews, Slavs, gypsies and who knows whom or what else. Russia is still devastated by its regime-change. Believe you me, shifting from Communism (or rather socialistic totalitarianism) to market-based economy, etc. is not easy. I've witnessed some of the changes myself as I lived in CZ when it was going through such changes (and it still is - it's a freakin' wild west out there right now).

I'm sorry, but that was not a good argument at all. And insinuating I or anyone else that disagrees with you is an idiot doesn't make your drivel any more convincing.
It does work.

I want one link from each of you :)
K. http://www.mda.mil/mdalink/pdf/testrecord.pdf
Ballistic Missile Defense Flight Test Record
(as of July 31, 2009)
The Missile Defense Agency conducts regular flight tests to verify performance and
confirm the technological progress of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).
Testing to date has given us confidence in the basic design, effectiveness, and
operational capability for short, medium and long-range ballistic missile defense.
Overall Test Record:
• Across all programs, 40 of 51 “Hit-to-Kill” intercept attempts have been
successful since 2001
• 16 of 19 “Hit-to-Kill” intercepts have been successful since 2007
Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense: 19 of 23 intercept attempts (including Operation
Burnt Frost in Feb. 2008), 4 failures since tests began in 2002 (8 of 10 in tests
involving the operationally configured interceptor)
• Includes two Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) blast fragmentation, non hit-to-kill
intercepts using a proximity-fuzed explosive to destroy target
• Causes of Failures:
-FM-5 – Interceptor divert control malfunctioned
-FTM-11 – Fire-control malfunctioned because of operator error
-Pacific Blitz exercise – One target was intercepted, another was missed; all
interceptors were version Block I missiles that had exceeded their service life
-JFTM-2 –Interceptor flew normally until final seconds; cause not yet
Ground-based Midcourse Defense: 8 of 13 intercept attempts, 1 “no-test”
since tests began in 1999 (3 of 3 tests involving the operationally configured
• Causes of Failures:
-IFT-4 –Kill vehicle’s infrared sensor cooling malfunctioned--the only
malfunction thus far in final “endgame” period before intercept
-IFT-5 –Kill vehicle and booster did not separate
-IFT-10 –Kill vehicle and booster did not separate
-IFT-13c –Interceptor failed to launch due to problematic software
-IFT-14 –Interceptor failed to launch after a silo support arm did not retract,
triggering an automatic abort
• FTG-03 was a “no test” because the target malfunctioned after launch;
interceptor was not launched)
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense: 6 of 6 intercept attempts, 2 “no-tests”
(all tests involve the operationally configured interceptor)
• Current test program began in 2006
• No-tests: FTT-04 and FTT-10 had targets malfunction after launch
[Emphasis added]

Room for improvement compared to typical kill rates, but claims that it does not work are inaccurate.

Thanks SiModo....now we are just awaiting a link from the other side of the argument.
I want one link from each of you :)
K. http://www.mda.mil/mdalink/pdf/testrecord.pdf
Ballistic Missile Defense Flight Test Record
(as of July 31, 2009)
The Missile Defense Agency conducts regular flight tests to verify performance and
confirm the technological progress of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).
Testing to date has given us confidence in the basic design, effectiveness, and
operational capability for short, medium and long-range ballistic missile defense.
Overall Test Record:
• Across all programs, 40 of 51 “Hit-to-Kill” intercept attempts have been
successful since 2001
• 16 of 19 “Hit-to-Kill” intercepts have been successful since 2007
Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense: 19 of 23 intercept attempts (including Operation
Burnt Frost in Feb. 2008), 4 failures since tests began in 2002 (8 of 10 in tests
involving the operationally configured interceptor)
• Includes two Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) blast fragmentation, non hit-to-kill
intercepts using a proximity-fuzed explosive to destroy target
• Causes of Failures:
-FM-5 – Interceptor divert control malfunctioned
-FTM-11 – Fire-control malfunctioned because of operator error
-Pacific Blitz exercise – One target was intercepted, another was missed; all
interceptors were version Block I missiles that had exceeded their service life
-JFTM-2 –Interceptor flew normally until final seconds; cause not yet
Ground-based Midcourse Defense: 8 of 13 intercept attempts, 1 “no-test”
since tests began in 1999 (3 of 3 tests involving the operationally configured
• Causes of Failures:
-IFT-4 –Kill vehicle’s infrared sensor cooling malfunctioned--the only
malfunction thus far in final “endgame” period before intercept
-IFT-5 –Kill vehicle and booster did not separate
-IFT-10 –Kill vehicle and booster did not separate
-IFT-13c –Interceptor failed to launch due to problematic software
-IFT-14 –Interceptor failed to launch after a silo support arm did not retract,
triggering an automatic abort
• FTG-03 was a “no test” because the target malfunctioned after launch;
interceptor was not launched)
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense: 6 of 6 intercept attempts, 2 “no-tests”
(all tests involve the operationally configured interceptor)
• Current test program began in 2006
• No-tests: FTT-04 and FTT-10 had targets malfunction after launch
[Emphasis added]

Room for improvement compared to typical kill rates, but claims that it does not work are inaccurate.

Thanks SiModo....now we are just awaiting a link from the other side of the argument.
Me too. I usually provide links to support claims I make so I apologize that you had to ask.
Even though I really do not want to enter the whole - does the system work - debate, I found this quote from a BBC article interesting.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Q&A: US missile defence

Will it work?

The theory is that the interceptor missile homes in on and destroys its target in the air by physically hitting the incoming warhead.

However, the closing speed of interceptor and target will be 24,000kph (14,900mph), or 6.5km (4 miles) per second - so the task is more difficult than hitting a bullet with another bullet.

The system's supporters say that not only does it work, but it is even more accurate than that.

But critics say that, despite having spent over $100bn (£54bn), the Pentagon still has not proved the system can work in realistic conditions.

Independent scientific bodies in the US have said that tests of the system's intercept capabilities have been highly scripted, with the defence being given detailed information about the attack beforehand.

They also argue that the defence system could be easily circumvented by potential attackers.
I wish people would stop listening to the so called news and get their information from the actual source before makin conclusions as to the operational capability of this system.

Overall Test Record:
&#8226; Across all programs, 40 of 51 &#8220;Hit-to-Kill&#8221; intercept attempts have been
successful since 2001
&#8226; 16 of 19 &#8220;Hit-to-Kill&#8221; intercepts have been successful since 2007


Thats the test record in case your interested, and this system what many do not realize would not have been fielded in Europe for many years. That test record in fact is a good one and if this system "does not work" as many of the so called progressives call themselves say then they may want to advocate that the US dismantle it's current missile interceptors here. The facts are this system works, and this president unilaterally conceeded this program and left two NATO allies in the dark in the middle of the night and people wonder why no one trusts the word of the United States when we cannot keep our own word to allies. By the way, it did not escape notice that on the very same day this was annouced that the IAEA announced that Iran now has the capability to make a nuclear weapon as well as deliver it "long range". In fact if you don't believe this, then try launching a SAT. into earth orbit with a short range missile. This is a result of a change in the assesment of Iranian capability, I find that statement laughable by Gates, considering this is the same guy who in Jan. was saying the exact opposite. The bottom line here is you have a US President who handed over to Russia without concession and without consluting a NATO ally a system that could rendered long range Iranian Missiles a mute point, all in an attempt so that nations who don't like us will like us more. I have news for this President, nations who do not like us won't ever like us and by conceeding to them you show a weakness that will be exploited. I didn't see Russia making an effort to stop it's nuclear exports to South America.
Even though I really do not want to enter the whole - does the system work - debate, I found this quote from a BBC article interesting.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Q&A: US missile defence

Will it work?

The theory is that the interceptor missile homes in on and destroys its target in the air by physically hitting the incoming warhead.

However, the closing speed of interceptor and target will be 24,000kph (14,900mph), or 6.5km (4 miles) per second - so the task is more difficult than hitting a bullet with another bullet.

The system's supporters say that not only does it work, but it is even more accurate than that.

But critics say that, despite having spent over $100bn (£54bn), the Pentagon still has not proved the system can work in realistic conditions.

Independent scientific bodies in the US have said that tests of the system's intercept capabilities have been highly scripted, with the defence being given detailed information about the attack beforehand.

They also argue that the defence system could be easily circumvented by potential attackers.
And that's the entire point of having a multilayered ballistic missile defense - if one layer is circumvented, there are others to fall back on. We should not scrap any layer.
US missile system's track record: test delays, failed launches, missed targets | World news | The Guardian

From the Article:
"The planned European missile defence system would have essentially no capability to defend against a real missile attack.

Like I said, the ONLY time it's successful is if the coordinates of the target are fed into the system first and if the day is nice and if no geese are flying around, then the success rate is barely above 50%.

You know, this info is freely available. If anyone really wants to know, it's easy to go look it up from a hundred reputable sites. And remember, it's scientists who are reporting this. They are the ones that have to be convinced, because they follow where the data leads. Republicans just make crap up.
US missile system's track record: test delays, failed launches, missed targets | World news | The Guardian

From the Article:
"The planned European missile defence system would have essentially no capability to defend against a real missile attack.

Like I said, the ONLY time it's successful is if the coordinates of the target are fed into the system first and if the day is nice and if no geese are flying around, then the success rate is barely above 50%.

You know, this info is freely available. If anyone really wants to know, it's easy to go look it up from a hundred reputable sites. And remember, it's scientists who are reporting this. They are the ones that have to be convinced, because they follow where the data leads. Republicans just make crap up.
You stated, "It doesn't work, so what's the point?". This does not support your statement at all.

laughs, I just posted the test record from the actual tests, and rather than absorb that information from the actual source from the people who perform those test on these systems, someone would rather believe the Guardian? I suggest my friend you go back to the link i provided which is a US Military link and not some Republican site and read it. While any system such as this is going to have some failures, it is an evolution for any defense system as it matures. However, the test results for this system since 2001 have been very good overall and to say it won't work is completely false when it has been demostrated to work quite well. In fact some of the same technology was used by the US Navy recently to shoot down a Sat. in orbit from a US Destroyer. So rather than get your information from what is most likely hearsay or slanted media outlet perhaps you may want to get it from the source.

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