Obama Plans to Scrap Missle Defense Shield?

How does a missile defense sheild in Eastern Europe keep us safe? Especially from Iran?

First its doubtful that it will keep Europe safe, but if that was the intentions, then LET EUROPE TAKE CARE OF HERSELF!
Second, even it even logical to think Iran would attack us with missiles? I mean if they are going to attack us, it would be grated rowed up to our ports or dragged across the US/Mexican border!
Third, if we want Russia to be on our side on issues like NK and Iran, is it really smart to piss them off with a shield that really does nothing for us!

I think the US should move more to having a direct alliance with Russia, rather than have an alliance with weak European countries (other than the UK)! Just my 2 cents
A direct alliance with Russia is less likely to happen than the resurrection of Elvis.

The MDS is designed to destroy long range missiles in flight...before they reach and destroy their targets. It therefore makes a long range missile system less effective, thus weakening the country that tries to use missiles.

We are wise to protect our allies with such equipments, especially if we are also to preclude their becoming a nuclear power themselves.

You should not make the mistake of believing that we caused the terrorism. It is caused by the tribal mentality, the religious misguides and the lack of respect for human life of the radical Muslim leaders that are centuries behind in realizing the smallness of the earth we inhabit.

You should also think about the wisdom in waiting for a missile strike to respond to as opposed to preventing the strike from happening. Maybe the attacker would get in only one good shot, but an entire city might be destroyed before your overwhelming response gets the attackers attention. I would rather be able to destroy the attacking missiles in the air and then pepper the attacker with enough conventional weapons to put it out of commission for a few more years.

Missle defense is unproven, expensive and provocative; our strategic defense is the power to destroy - not defeat - destroy, any nation on earth with a retalitory nuclear strike. Many of you continue to believe, even after 9/11, that as the strongest military power on earth we have exclusive rights, rights which we can deny others even as we feign human rights for all.
I do not reject defense or military strength as an important aspect of our foreign policy; I do reject the idea that might makes right or that the power we possess allows us to determine the fate of other people. It seems most of you applaud brinkmanship and the Principles for a New American Century, and reject the idea that diplomacy, fair and equal trade, & respect for the diversity of cultures, religions and ideas as a sign of weakness. The irony is, if what I suspect is true, is that you (those who posted in response to my short note) are not conservatives in the traditional sense, but neoconservatives and thereby (IMHO) no different than those who at other times hoped to conquer the world. And we know how that turned out.
Seeing diplomacy, fair trade, respect for other cultures, religions and ideas as a sign of weakness does not automatically accompany a desire to have a strong military defense (or offense). Just because one favors having superior weapons and defense mechanisms does not translate to being isolationist or bigoted. The possession of an effective shield merely keeps the weapons of others from being so effective when used. A shield is not generally used as a weapon. It is used to deflect weapons. There is no harm in staying behind shields. The nature of the missile defense shield requires that smaller missiles be used to shoot down larger missiles. This facet is inappropriately characterized by opponents of the system as nuclear proliferation.

I do not believe that the MDS system will protect us from radical Muslim terrorism. It will protect our allies in Europe from missile attacks from the radical fucking idiots running Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, China, Russia, ...our whoever decides to launch a missile attack.

To drop this program just because Putin asks us to is total fucking LUNACY!

the putin spin is stupid. of course russia was not pleased with this awesome plan. but neither were many poles, many czechs and NATO.

stop pretending this shield was for the protection of european allies.
No pretending on my part. It is for protection of us. Some Europeans get additional perks associated with that, though.
A direct alliance with Russia is less likely to happen than the resurrection of Elvis.

The MDS is designed to destroy long range missiles in flight...before they reach and destroy their targets. It therefore makes a long range missile system less effective, thus weakening the country that tries to use missiles.

We are wise to protect our allies with such equipments, especially if we are also to preclude their becoming a nuclear power themselves.

You should not make the mistake of believing that we caused the terrorism. It is caused by the tribal mentality, the religious misguides and the lack of respect for human life of the radical Muslim leaders that are centuries behind in realizing the smallness of the earth we inhabit.

You should also think about the wisdom in waiting for a missile strike to respond to as opposed to preventing the strike from happening. Maybe the attacker would get in only one good shot, but an entire city might be destroyed before your overwhelming response gets the attackers attention. I would rather be able to destroy the attacking missiles in the air and then pepper the attacker with enough conventional weapons to put it out of commission for a few more years.

Seeing diplomacy, fair trade, respect for other cultures, religions and ideas as a sign of weakness does not automatically accompany a desire to have a strong military defense (or offense). Just because one favors having superior weapons and defense mechanisms does not translate to being isolationist or bigoted. The possession of an effective shield merely keeps the weapons of others from being so effective when used. A shield is not generally used as a weapon. It is used to deflect weapons. There is no harm in staying behind shields. The nature of the missile defense shield requires that smaller missiles be used to shoot down larger missiles. This facet is inappropriately characterized by opponents of the system as nuclear proliferation.

I do not believe that the MDS system will protect us from radical Muslim terrorism. It will protect our allies in Europe from missile attacks from the radical fucking idiots running Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, China, Russia, ...our whoever decides to launch a missile attack.

To drop this program just because Putin asks us to is total fucking LUNACY!

the putin spin is stupid. of course russia was not pleased with this awesome plan. but neither were many poles, many czechs and NATO.

stop pretending this shield was for the protection of european allies.
No pretending on my part. It is for protection of us. Some Europeans get additional perks associated with that, though.


i was telling asaratis to stop pretending. just in case there was a misunderstanding.
Dems have been looking to kill SDI for years.

The system is completly defensive and would save millions of people from the possibility of nuclear holocaust, so naturally the boiking wants to appease Russia (and his long standing party members) while spitting in the eye of the eastern Europeans who actually like us (like Poland).

SDI is the REAL road to nuclear disarmament as it makes a major delivery system unreliable.

Hey, let's go back to the cold war and MAD, that was so much fun for 50 years.

I know what the nuclear defense might do for Eastern Europe, but what will it do for AMERICA!
How does a missile defense sheild in Eastern Europe keep us safe? Especially from Iran?

First its doubtful that it will keep Europe safe, but if that was the intentions, then LET EUROPE TAKE CARE OF HERSELF!
Second, even it even logical to think Iran would attack us with missiles? I mean if they are going to attack us, it would be grated rowed up to our ports or dragged across the US/Mexican border!
Third, if we want Russia to be on our side on issues like NK and Iran, is it really smart to piss them off with a shield that really does nothing for us!

I think the US should move more to having a direct alliance with Russia, rather than have an alliance with weak European countries (other than the UK)! Just my 2 cents
A direct alliance with Russia is less likely to happen than the resurrection of Elvis.

The MDS is designed to destroy long range missiles in flight...before they reach and destroy their targets. It therefore makes a long range missile system less effective, thus weakening the country that tries to use missiles.

We are wise to protect our allies with such equipments, especially if we are also to preclude their becoming a nuclear power themselves.

You should not make the mistake of believing that we caused the terrorism. It is caused by the tribal mentality, the religious misguides and the lack of respect for human life of the radical Muslim leaders that are centuries behind in realizing the smallness of the earth we inhabit.

You should also think about the wisdom in waiting for a missile strike to respond to as opposed to preventing the strike from happening. Maybe the attacker would get in only one good shot, but an entire city might be destroyed before your overwhelming response gets the attackers attention. I would rather be able to destroy the attacking missiles in the air and then pepper the attacker with enough conventional weapons to put it out of commission for a few more years.

Missle defense is unproven, expensive and provocative; our strategic defense is the power to destroy - not defeat - destroy, any nation on earth with a retalitory nuclear strike. Many of you continue to believe, even after 9/11, that as the strongest military power on earth we have exclusive rights, rights which we can deny others even as we feign human rights for all.
I do not reject defense or military strength as an important aspect of our foreign policy; I do reject the idea that might makes right or that the power we possess allows us to determine the fate of other people. It seems most of you applaud brinkmanship and the Principles for a New American Century, and reject the idea that diplomacy, fair and equal trade, & respect for the diversity of cultures, religions and ideas as a sign of weakness. The irony is, if what I suspect is true, is that you (those who posted in response to my short note) are not conservatives in the traditional sense, but neoconservatives and thereby (IMHO) no different than those who at other times hoped to conquer the world. And we know how that turned out.
Seeing diplomacy, fair trade, respect for other cultures, religions and ideas as a sign of weakness does not automatically accompany a desire to have a strong military defense (or offense). Just because one favors having superior weapons and defense mechanisms does not translate to being isolationist or bigoted. The possession of an effective shield merely keeps the weapons of others from being so effective when used. A shield is not generally used as a weapon. It is used to deflect weapons. There is no harm in staying behind shields. The nature of the missile defense shield requires that smaller missiles be used to shoot down larger missiles. This facet is inappropriately characterized by opponents of the system as nuclear proliferation.

I do not believe that the MDS system will protect us from radical Muslim terrorism. It will protect our allies in Europe from missile attacks from the radical fucking idiots running Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, China, Russia, ...our whoever decides to launch a missile attack.

To drop this program just because Putin asks us to is total fucking LUNACY!

the putin spin is stupid. of course russia was not pleased with this awesome plan. but neither were many poles, many czechs and NATO.

stop pretending this shield was for the protection of european allies.

Are you telling me you think Putin didn't ask Obama to scrap the plan? Are you?

Obama is merely kissing Russian ass right now...something he's wanted to do for a long time. Russia is elated with this news...which ironically (or intentionally) comes on September 17, 2009...the 70th anniversary of Russia's invasion of Poland.

I pretend not. We have other MDS for other areas. This was essentially for Europe.
Good on Obama. It's about time someone acknowledged that we don't need it...it doesn't work...and we can afford it.

oh wait... it's health coverage we can't afford...

I forgot.
I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that you silly bastards would be the FIRST people to scream bloody fucking murder if Russia put a "missile defense system" in Cuba. Guarenfuckingteed. The irony of your chicken little routine makes me laugh.
I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that you silly bastards would be the FIRST people to scream bloody fucking murder if Russia put a "missile defense system" in Cuba. Guarenfuckingteed. The irony of your chicken little routine makes me laugh.

What do you mean If?

To drop this program just because Putin asks us to is total fucking LUNACY!

the putin spin is stupid. of course russia was not pleased with this awesome plan. but neither were many poles, many czechs and NATO.

stop pretending this shield was for the protection of european allies.

Are you telling me you think Putin didn't ask Obama to scrap the plan? Are you?

Obama is merely kissing Russian ass right now...something he's wanted to do for a long time. Russia is elated with this news...which ironically (or intentionally) comes on September 17, 2009...the 70th anniversary of Russia's invasion of Poland.

I pretend not. We have other MDS for other areas. This was essentially for Europe.

ok you pretend not. then you stupid.

try to follow the conversation. i called your putin spin stupid. i bolded it for you and cut out the rest of your post for clarity.

i even wrote that russia was not happy with this plan, you think the USA would be happy with Russia establishing a missile defense shield in Cuba?

This plan was scrapped for a lot of reasons, not only because Russia did not cower to US hegemony. Care to address that? Remember NATO, czechs, poles, the one you pretend this shield was designed to protect?

This shield was not for Europe, it was a thank you for the Polish and Czech governments for supporting the war in Iraq and a fuck you to Russia.

Poles and Czechs never feared Iran, they fear Russia. This MDS does nothing to help them against Russia.

I am just waiting for assholes of the Bush admin to criticize this decision, cheney and bolton, come out of your holes.
The Missile defense shield for Europe had a scheduled completion date of 2015 - 2020. Iran already knows how to make a bomb and has the missile systems to deliver it. A multi-hundred billion dollar defense shield for Eastern Europe against a country that seems to want ISRAEL destroyed, isn't exactly the best way to spend our money. In addition, we were poking a sleeping bear called Russia.

Guaranteed that we will see a missile "defense" system in Venzeula in 10 years from now or sooner. How many of you cooks will be screaming bloody murder then?
I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that you silly bastards would be the FIRST people to scream bloody fucking murder if Russia put a "missile defense system" in Cuba. Guarenfuckingteed. The irony of your chicken little routine makes me laugh.
There's no need of one there. There is need of one in Europe.
I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that you silly bastards would be the FIRST people to scream bloody fucking murder if Russia put a "missile defense system" in Cuba. Guarenfuckingteed. The irony of your chicken little routine makes me laugh.
What nonsense. The Soviet missiles in Cuba were aimed at us - offensive. This shield not only is not defensive of any Russian launches, it's not offensive at all. It's defensive to other threats, none of which are Russian.
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A direct alliance with Russia is less likely to happen than the resurrection of Elvis.

Why is that? They were our direct allies during both World Wars and we never went to war with them.
I think it was after they split Berlin and adopted the "We will bury you!" attitude that we lost the desire to be real allies. We're no more allied with Russia than we are Communist China.

We outspent Russia in the space race and the Cold War. I'm sure they are pleased as punch that we are dropping our guard in Europe now...time to crank up the Cold War again.
I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that you silly bastards would be the FIRST people to scream bloody fucking murder if Russia put a "missile defense system" in Cuba. Guarenfuckingteed. The irony of your chicken little routine makes me laugh.
What nonsense. The Soviet missiles in Cuba were aimed at us - offensive. This sheild not only is not defensive of any Russian launches, it's not offensive at all. It's defensive to other threats, none of which are Russian.

Don't try to present logic to Shogun he is a mental midget!
A direct alliance with Russia is less likely to happen than the resurrection of Elvis.

Why is that? They were our direct allies during both World Wars and we never went to war with them.
I think it was after they split Berlin and adopted the "We will bury you!" attitude that we lost the desire to be real allies. We're no more allied with Russia than we are Communist China.

We outspent Russia in the space race and the Cold War. I'm sure they are pleased as punch that we are dropping our guard in Europe now...time to crank up the Cold War again.
OK. Step forward. Who logged into my account and posted those words while I was at the Coke machine? 'Fess up.
I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that you silly bastards would be the FIRST people to scream bloody fucking murder if Russia put a "missile defense system" in Cuba. Guarenfuckingteed. The irony of your chicken little routine makes me laugh.
What nonsense. The Soviet missiles in Cuba were aimed at us - offensive. This sheild not only is not defensive of any Russian launches, it's not offensive at all. It's defensive to other threats, none of which are Russian.

The once proposed system was defensive? How do you know? More importantly, how would the Russian's know?
How hard is it for a defensive missle to be outfitted as an offensive weapon?
A direct alliance with Russia is less likely to happen than the resurrection of Elvis.

Why is that? They were our direct allies during both World Wars and we never went to war with them.
I think it was after they split Berlin and adopted the "We will bury you!" attitude that we lost the desire to be real allies. We're no more allied with Russia than we are Communist China.

We outspent Russia in the space race and the Cold War. I'm sure they are pleased as punch that we are dropping our guard in Europe now...time to crank up the Cold War again.

the russians split berlin, huh?

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