Obama "professional politicians should know better" hmm...really?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Professional politician senator Obama:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mZ39Zet97Q&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪"O" the Debt Ceiling‬‏[/ame]

Professional politician president Obama:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9xOF2NWmKo&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪Obama says public shouldn't care about spending‬‏[/ame]
Time for Obama to live up to his rhetoric. No increase to the debt limit, no new taxes. Cut spending, now.

That wasn't Obama's position back then. The Republicans got rid of Paygo and implemented tax cuts with no cuts in spending. In fact..spending exploded.

That was the issue.

And it's disingenous to misrepresent his position then..and now.
According to obama were all too stupid to understand the debt problem and should leave it to the "Professionals". It seems to me it's the "Professionals" that got us into the serious debt crisis we are having now. Time to let us stupid people handle the problem.
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Where are the flip flopper cries? It's awful quiet in here, think the lefts heads are still spinning from the duplicity?

Will the real Obama please stand up....
Yep..that old flip floppery..

House Speaker John Boehner did the predictable Republican two-step. On Sunday, he said the U.S. has a “moral obligation to stand with those who seek freedom from oppression and self government.”

But rather than offer support for the President, Boehner criticized him: “The administration has a responsibility to define for the American people, the Congress, and our troops what the mission in Libya is, better explain what America’s role is in achieving that mission, and make clear how it will be accomplished.”
Libya, Republicans, Flip-flops and History Lessons | The Independent Progressive
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Yep..that old flip floppery..

House Speaker John Boehner did the predictable Republican two-step. On Sunday, he said the U.S. has a “moral obligation to stand with those who seek freedom from oppression and self government.”

But rather than offer support for the President, Boehner criticized him: “The administration has a responsibility to define for the American people, the Congress, and our troops what the mission in Libya is, better explain what America’s role is in achieving that mission, and make clear how it will be accomplished.”
Libya, Republicans, Flip-flops and History Lessons | The Independent Progressive

Deflect often? I know its a hard habit to break since that's what every child does when he is caught doing something stupid
Time for Obama to live up to his rhetoric. No increase to the debt limit, no new taxes. Cut spending, now.

That wasn't Obama's position back then. The Republicans got rid of Paygo and implemented tax cuts with no cuts in spending. In fact..spending exploded.

That was the issue.

And it's disingenous to misrepresent his position then..and now.

Hey stupid, the democrats had control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency and they couldn't even draft a budget. And spent like drunken sailors adding more to the national debt in the first 19 months than all the presidents from Washington to Reagan combined.
You idiot liberals are all the same, when your Messiah is criticized for his obvious failures you all don't have the integrity to admit that his policies are ruining our country.

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