Obama Proposes Retirement Account Limit In First "Wealth Tax"


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama Proposes Retirement Account Limit In First "Wealth Tax" Salvo | Zero Hedge

Obama plans to set a limit of how much one can spend per year on retirement through tax-preferred retirement plans. As it turns out, according to the Obama administration it is only fair to spend a total of $205,000 in nominal dollars per year on retirement, but not more.

Per The Hill, "The proposal would save around $9 billion over a decade, a senior administration official said, while also bringing more fairness to the tax code." Ah yes, "fairness." This means that as a result of the artificial limit, the Budget will set a total cap on retirement plans of about $3 million. Anything above that, feel free to please spend on your peas instead of saving, or just invest in Bernanke's stock market ponzi. After all, that is the only artificial indicator Obama has to point to, when "proving" his policies are working.

Of course, once the administration's destructive policies of attempting to inflate away the debt finally funnel through to the economy, and inflation explodes, that $205,000 may or may not be enough to buy a loaf of bread. But why pretend to even think logically or ahead at this point. It's not like anyone has any real plans about the future of the country when the president is actually willing to release statements like this: “Under current rules, some wealthy individuals are able to accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving."

Why thank you Mr. President for telling the people what you consider "reasonable." Of course, it would be so much below you to simply go on the record as saying the rich (arbitrarily chosen as those who have over $1 million in assets... or $500,000... or $50,000 - who knows, it's "arbitrary") are now fair game and all those who recently received an Obama phone would be legally excused if they were to accidentally eat them. Because all is fair in hate and class warfare.
No President in US history has spent as much time and effort as Obama at pitting one race against another, one sex against another, one class against another, one party against another.

Sure, 200k is a lot of money to dump into retirement in a single year... But why does that person need to be fined for doing the right thing? People keep wondering why the rich take their money off shores, fuck, if I had that kind of money I'd get as much of it outa the country as I possibly could. Think of all the good I could do around the world with it, that or Obama can tax me for it and then manage to run massive deficits blowing people up all over the world... Then of course to top it off, Obama would call me the unpatriotic bad guy.
What is wrong with these rich people??? Why do they think they should be able to accumulate enough wealth to take care of their children - and their children too? That isn't FAIR! Why should they get to be comfortable while I have to work to pay my bills?

Think I'm gonna start posting for the liberals in all these threads that they are afraid of the truth.
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Tax preference for retirement account contributions are a form of tax expenditure. There isn't anything wrong with placing a limit on such an expenditure. Sorta like a means-test.
No President in US history has spent as much time and effort as Obama at pitting one race against another, one sex against another, one class against another, one party against another.

Sure, 200k is a lot of money to dump into retirement in a single year... But why does that person need to be fined for doing the right thing? People keep wondering why the rich take their money off shores, fuck, if I had that kind of money I'd get as much of it outa the country as I possibly could. Think of all the good I could do around the world with it, that or Obama can tax me for it and then manage to run massive deficits blowing people up all over the world... Then of course to top it off, Obama would call me the unpatriotic bad guy.

Haven't you heard all the campaign bumper slogans? Obama wants to work across the aisle, "young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America". This President is a master at performing great speeches such as this, and blowing smoke up people's ass. To him, all these speeches are just a performance show to wooo the people into giving him what he wants, and that he's doing a fantastic job (provided it's not someone else's fault for what policies hasn't worked). Anyone who disagrees with him he attacks and labels, yet we are the UNITED States and it doesn't matter what background you come for, or what class you are. He states he wants to work across the aisle with those who oppose him to find common ground, yet this President travels the country more with his speeches than he does meeting with lawmakers. He's not a Presidential leader more than an instigator of the political divisions we see, and the mainstream media tracks his repeated "pom pom" cheerleader rallying points and encourages him in his efforts.

With regard to all this "wealth tax", someone has to pay for all these government funded experiments into green companies that have later resulted in uncovering a few "financial issues", or the cost of subsidizing and pushing an expensive Chevy Volt that's a production goal failure. This president has an insatiable appetite for spending, and I hope the House forces that issue onto the American people. It's rather interesting that those who are acknowledged and counted on as being financially responsible, are the very ones targeted to bail-out a government that's fiscally incompetent. I never thought the United States would become a nation that judges success as an injustice that needs to be punished, while rewarding failure. Our Founders believed in a system that granted each "individual" the opportunity, by taking upon themselves the sole weight and responsibility in the 'PURSUIT of happiness'. When did we get this twisted perverted mindset that it's now the government's role to decide that?
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Just a matter of time before the government confiscates IRA and 401 k plans.
They will not be able to help themselves.Probably why Obama is fine with our debt
approaching $20 trillion.
Just a matter of time before the government confiscates IRA and 401 k plans.
They will not be able to help themselves.Probably why Obama is fine with our debt
approaching $20 trillion.

401k "money" is not real. Meaning there is no cash sitting somewhere in your name.
Your 401k "money" is an assumed value of the investments. The government can't tap into money that isn't really there.
Today the markets are obviously grossly over-valued...so the 401k money people think they have is also....401k crash II - coming soon.
Are you really surprised by this move? I mean .... really?

"We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money". Barack Obama, April 2010.
Limiting qualified retirement plans is stupid.

It shows how much these idiots in the White House know about them.

For one the government rakes in taxes off of qualified plans because all the growth is taxed at regular income rates and not the lower capital gains rates. And with the required minimum distribution the more you have the more you have to take out every year. The older you are the more you have to take out and the more taxes you pay.

By limiting these plans the government will be collecting less revenue.
Tax preference for retirement account contributions are a form of tax expenditure. There isn't anything wrong with placing a limit on such an expenditure. Sorta like a means-test.

It's not a tax expenditure.

Believe me the fucking government gets all those deferred taxes back in the first couple years of your retirement and then they tax all the gains as regular income not at the lower capital gains rate
Until these figures change, I am all for major taxes on the very wealthy. The distribution of wealth today is absolutely unhealthy for the economy, and for the majority of Americans.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]
The wrath of Obama continues, soon your paycheck will only supply the Government ,leaving only enough money to supply your basic needs.........:cuckoo:
Let's face it Obama believes that he has the right to any and all money owned by private citizens.
Obama is essentially asking people this: How much do you really need for retirement? Some wealthy people are socking away millions in these accounts, much more than they actually need, the White House said in a statement.

Soon the Government will take your personal assets as it belongs to the community because you you did not build that.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=YKjPI6no5ng]Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That - YouTube[/ame]
Just a matter of time before the government confiscates IRA and 401 k plans.
They will not be able to help themselves.Probably why Obama is fine with our debt
approaching $20 trillion.

401k "money" is not real. Meaning there is no cash sitting somewhere in your name.
Your 401k "money" is an assumed value of the investments. The government can't tap into money that isn't really there.
Today the markets are obviously grossly over-valued...so the 401k money people think they have is also....401k crash II - coming soon.

The cash that comes from your pay sure is real,and that's exactly why we cashed our's in 07 at its peak. Payed the penalty and taxes,but would have lost a shit pot full if we didn't.We invest in other areas,have very little in the markets.

The Feds should have NO power to dictate what and how much you can save from one's efforts.
Until these figures change, I am all for major taxes on the very wealthy. The distribution of wealth today is absolutely unhealthy for the economy, and for the majority of Americans.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

Wrong way to go about it.
The reason for concentration of wealth is because of the corrupt ties between special interest groups and lawmakers. Take the recent legislation that passed protecting Monsanto from lawsuits. Take that times a couple thousand other legislation that benefits large companies and this is what you get - an environment where little guys can't possibly compete with giants - so all that is left is giants.

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