Obama Raises H1-B cap Proving Who He Serves and it is NOT The American Worker


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This man has shown his hole card and it is pathetic. Obama serves American multinational corporations and Wall Street Banksters, not us.

Obama will be a despised and hated former President who will foul any cause he ever becomes associated with for the rest of his life after this. He will be the Jane Fonda of the Millennial generation.

We do not have enough jobs as of yet to justify bringing in several hundred thousand new H1-Bs annually.

There are way too many as it is and there will be violence to send these ass holes back home if the government does not start doing its fucking job and protect American jobs from cheap indentured labor.

Obama Challenges Donald Trump by Expanding H-1B Outsourcing Program - Breitbart

Obama’s new regulation would increase the annual inflow of H-1B professionals, and also allow more foreign professionals to get the permanent Green Cards that allow them to stay in the United States and eventually, to get citizenship for themselves and their family. The new regulation also benefits employers because it ensures more competition for jobs in business, academia, science, healthcare, technology, design and the media.

“This is an attempt to rewrite the Green Card [immigration] system through regulation,” said John Miano, an attorney who represents American workers hit by H-1B outsourcing. “The effect is to make an even bigger hash of the problems we have now,” he told Breitbart News.

Companies, universities and government agencies currently employ a population of more than 1 million foreign white-collar “guest workers,” who are usually hired without any chance for Americans to apply for the U.S. jobs.

These foreign professionals are not immigrants, but are temporary workers slated to return home to Europe, India, China or elsewhere after six or seven years. The population includes roughly 650,000 six-year H-1B professionals, plus several hundred thousand additional foreign college graduates holding L-1, B-1 or NAFTA visas, plus at least 120,000 foreign graduates in the expanded OPT program.

These foreign graduates are eager to take U.S. jobs, even at very low salaries, partly because the U.S. government supplements their salaries with the chance to win the very valuable reward of U.S. citizenship for themselves, their children, siblings and parents. That taxpayer-funded supplement allows companies to hire foreign workers for much less money than requested by young debt-burdened American graduates. The hidden subsidy for foreign graduates makes it difficult for American graduates to compete against foreign graduates for many jobs that don’t require direct cooperation with customers.

Obama’s pending regulation is beneficial, according to the regulation, because it encourages “skilled nonimmigrant workers contributing to the economy to continue seeking LPR [Green Card] status … Allows [foreign] dependents to enter labor market earlier and contribute to [guest workers’s] household income … [and] may expand the numbers of [Green Card] petitioners that are cap exempt and thus allow certain employers greater access to H-1B workers,” says the new regulation, which was drafted by the Department of Homeland Security, which runs much of the H-1B program.

“DHS has made an effort to provide additional flexibilities to as many high-skilled foreign workers as possible,” said the regulation, which downplays the concerns of Americans professionals. “Employer demand for immigrant visas has increasingly outpaced supply in some categories and for some nationalities, resulting in growing waits for some sponsored employees to obtain their LPR [green Card] status … [resulting] in substantial inequalities and other hardships” for the foreign workers, says the DHS regulation.

The regulation also helps foreign professionals to change jobs, and it allows H-1B professionals to stay longer than six years.
This man has shown his hole card and it is pathetic. Obama serves American multinational corporations and Wall Street Banksters, not us.

Obama will be a despised and hated former President who will foul any cause he ever becomes associated with for the rest of his life after this. He will be the Jane Fonda of the Millennial generation.

We do not have enough jobs as of yet to justify bringing in several hundred thousand new H1-Bs annually.

There are way too many as it is and there will be violence to send these ass holes back home if the government does not start doing its fucking job and protect American jobs from cheap indentured labor.

Obama Challenges Donald Trump by Expanding H-1B Outsourcing Program - Breitbart

Obama’s new regulation would increase the annual inflow of H-1B professionals, and also allow more foreign professionals to get the permanent Green Cards that allow them to stay in the United States and eventually, to get citizenship for themselves and their family. The new regulation also benefits employers because it ensures more competition for jobs in business, academia, science, healthcare, technology, design and the media.

“This is an attempt to rewrite the Green Card [immigration] system through regulation,” said John Miano, an attorney who represents American workers hit by H-1B outsourcing. “The effect is to make an even bigger hash of the problems we have now,” he told Breitbart News.

Companies, universities and government agencies currently employ a population of more than 1 million foreign white-collar “guest workers,” who are usually hired without any chance for Americans to apply for the U.S. jobs.

These foreign professionals are not immigrants, but are temporary workers slated to return home to Europe, India, China or elsewhere after six or seven years. The population includes roughly 650,000 six-year H-1B professionals, plus several hundred thousand additional foreign college graduates holding L-1, B-1 or NAFTA visas, plus at least 120,000 foreign graduates in the expanded OPT program.

These foreign graduates are eager to take U.S. jobs, even at very low salaries, partly because the U.S. government supplements their salaries with the chance to win the very valuable reward of U.S. citizenship for themselves, their children, siblings and parents. That taxpayer-funded supplement allows companies to hire foreign workers for much less money than requested by young debt-burdened American graduates. The hidden subsidy for foreign graduates makes it difficult for American graduates to compete against foreign graduates for many jobs that don’t require direct cooperation with customers.

Obama’s pending regulation is beneficial, according to the regulation, because it encourages “skilled nonimmigrant workers contributing to the economy to continue seeking LPR [Green Card] status … Allows [foreign] dependents to enter labor market earlier and contribute to [guest workers’s] household income … [and] may expand the numbers of [Green Card] petitioners that are cap exempt and thus allow certain employers greater access to H-1B workers,” says the new regulation, which was drafted by the Department of Homeland Security, which runs much of the H-1B program.

“DHS has made an effort to provide additional flexibilities to as many high-skilled foreign workers as possible,” said the regulation, which downplays the concerns of Americans professionals. “Employer demand for immigrant visas has increasingly outpaced supply in some categories and for some nationalities, resulting in growing waits for some sponsored employees to obtain their LPR [green Card] status … [resulting] in substantial inequalities and other hardships” for the foreign workers, says the DHS regulation.

The regulation also helps foreign professionals to change jobs, and it allows H-1B professionals to stay longer than six years.
Always trying to blame everyone else for your failure to get a job, pitiful
Always trying to blame everyone else for your failure to get a job, pitiful

Lol, no, I blame my two herniated sics, dumbass.
Get retrained, JB, and quit whining.

Retard, I am 58 years old and there is no obligation for me to retrain nor is there any fiscal sense to it. By the time I finished retraining I would be too old to hire and near retirement.

Any other stupid bullshit you care to reveal to the world, Jake the Fake?

Always trying to blame everyone else for your failure to get a job, pitiful

Lol, no, I blame my two herniated sics, dumbass.
Get retrained, JB, and quit whining.

Retard, I am 58 years old and there is no obligation for me to retrain nor is there any fiscal sense to it. By the time I finished retraining I would be too old to hire and near retirement.

Any other stupid bullshit you care to reveal to the world, Jake the Fake?

If you are able to subsist without retraining and work, fine.

If you want to work anyway, retrain and stop your stupid bullshit, JB.

Take personal responsibility for yourself, man.
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I don't believe a word of Briebart, esp when a link in the article sends one to another Briebart article. We create our own news, (it should say)
This man has shown his hole card and it is pathetic. Obama serves American multinational corporations and Wall Street Banksters, not us.

Obama will be a despised and hated former President who will foul any cause he ever becomes associated with for the rest of his life after this. He will be the Jane Fonda of the Millennial generation.

We do not have enough jobs as of yet to justify bringing in several hundred thousand new H1-Bs annually.

Where in the regulation- or in Breitbarts article are 'several hundred thousand new H1-Bs annually' referred to?

I don't see it anywhere.

Luckily though, for Trump, they are planning on expanding the visa program for more unskilled laborers- so he will be able to continue hiring those for his resorts.
This man has shown his hole card and it is pathetic. Obama serves American multinational corporations and Wall Street Banksters, not us.

Obama will be a despised and hated former President who will foul any cause he ever becomes associated with for the rest of his life after this. He will be the Jane Fonda of the Millennial generation.

We do not have enough jobs as of yet to justify bringing in several hundred thousand new H1-Bs annually.

There are way too many as it is and there will be violence to send these ass holes back home if the government does not start doing its fucking job and protect American jobs from cheap indentured labor.

Obama Challenges Donald Trump by Expanding H-1B Outsourcing Program - Breitbart

Obama’s new regulation would increase the annual inflow of H-1B professionals, and also allow more foreign professionals to get the permanent Green Cards that allow them to stay in the United States and eventually, to get citizenship for themselves and their family. The new regulation also benefits employers because it ensures more competition for jobs in business, academia, science, healthcare, technology, design and the media.

“This is an attempt to rewrite the Green Card [immigration] system through regulation,” said John Miano, an attorney who represents American workers hit by H-1B outsourcing. “The effect is to make an even bigger hash of the problems we have now,” he told Breitbart News.

Companies, universities and government agencies currently employ a population of more than 1 million foreign white-collar “guest workers,” who are usually hired without any chance for Americans to apply for the U.S. jobs.

These foreign professionals are not immigrants, but are temporary workers slated to return home to Europe, India, China or elsewhere after six or seven years. The population includes roughly 650,000 six-year H-1B professionals, plus several hundred thousand additional foreign college graduates holding L-1, B-1 or NAFTA visas, plus at least 120,000 foreign graduates in the expanded OPT program.

These foreign graduates are eager to take U.S. jobs, even at very low salaries, partly because the U.S. government supplements their salaries with the chance to win the very valuable reward of U.S. citizenship for themselves, their children, siblings and parents. That taxpayer-funded supplement allows companies to hire foreign workers for much less money than requested by young debt-burdened American graduates. The hidden subsidy for foreign graduates makes it difficult for American graduates to compete against foreign graduates for many jobs that don’t require direct cooperation with customers.

Obama’s pending regulation is beneficial, according to the regulation, because it encourages “skilled nonimmigrant workers contributing to the economy to continue seeking LPR [Green Card] status … Allows [foreign] dependents to enter labor market earlier and contribute to [guest workers’s] household income … [and] may expand the numbers of [Green Card] petitioners that are cap exempt and thus allow certain employers greater access to H-1B workers,” says the new regulation, which was drafted by the Department of Homeland Security, which runs much of the H-1B program.

“DHS has made an effort to provide additional flexibilities to as many high-skilled foreign workers as possible,” said the regulation, which downplays the concerns of Americans professionals. “Employer demand for immigrant visas has increasingly outpaced supply in some categories and for some nationalities, resulting in growing waits for some sponsored employees to obtain their LPR [green Card] status … [resulting] in substantial inequalities and other hardships” for the foreign workers, says the DHS regulation.

The regulation also helps foreign professionals to change jobs, and it allows H-1B professionals to stay longer than six years.
Who is Trump putting into his cabinet?
This man has shown his hole card and it is pathetic. Obama serves American multinational corporations and Wall Street Banksters, not us.

The 2008 collapse afforded Obama the opportunity to seize control of the banks and order the Attorney General he'd appointed (a former Wall Street lawyer) to prosecute the bankers whose criminal activities had put us in that spot. Instead he gave the banks back to the same bankers who gambled their depositors money away and stole what was left and he struck a modified business-as-usual deal with them.

So Obama's hole card was visible right from the beginning of the game.
Let's not forget the traitor Paul Ryan signed off on them just a month or two during the election cycle as well; Obama has many friends in the RNC as well. This isn't just about Obama, it's about both wings of the establishment shitting on the country.
Always trying to blame everyone else for your failure to get a job, pitiful

Lol, no, I blame my two herniated sics, dumbass.
They (H-1Bs) come here from shitholes where they earn shit for pay and then work for shit pay here which causes our companies to pay shitty wages for Americans.

They are simply indentured servants, and easily abused. The same for illegal aliens; they can be abused with impunity by employers, and as soon as they have legal status they are no longer desirable as employees, and companies just hire illegals to replace them.

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