Obama rally falls way short on crowd size.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
It looks like those hysterical--fainting crowds are a distant memory for Barack Obama. Obama starts his campaign at Ohio State University.


But the event fell short of the 20,000 supporters the campaign had forecast as organizers moved people from seats to the arena floor in front of the dais to project fullness to television audiences. Obama volunteers had worked feverishly over the last week to gin up a crowd, making multiple calls to residents believed to be supportive of the president.

Twitter was abuzz with photos and comments about vast areas of empty seats in the arena’s upper deck.

Noting that the Obama campaign had predicted an "overflow crowd," Williams said, "This arena was not full so the president failed to meet the bar his campaign set."
Obama launches re-election campaign at Ohio State | The Columbus Dispatch
Wow. Thread number three (at least) on the same subject.
Wow. Thread number three (at least) on the same subject.

Really--I didn't see any others? I just thought this was kind of odd--that this was the 1st campaign stop of the season--at Ohio State University--and no one was being carried out because of a fainting spell?---:cuckoo:
The thrill is gone... the poor college saps that bought into this 4 years ago are now mostly unemployed, as are to a large part their families, they're paying $4 for gas, a trip to the grocery is up a good 10%, the debt has increased $5,000,000,000,000, deficits as far as the eyes can see....
The thrill is gone... the poor college saps that bought into this 4 years ago are now mostly unemployed, as are to a large part their families, they're paying $4 for gas, a trip to the grocery is up a good 10%, the debt has increased $5,000,000,000,000, deficits as far as the eyes can see....

Yup. Don't think the Indi's are gonna fall for his Hope and Change and Believe in Me BS again either.
The thrill is gone... the poor college saps that bought into this 4 years ago are now mostly unemployed, as are to a large part their families, they're paying $4 for gas, a trip to the grocery is up a good 10%, the debt has increased $5,000,000,000,000, deficits as far as the eyes can see....

Yeah look what's going on in Denver Colorado-at-the 4/20/2012 marijuana festival.


The 16 medical marijuana states are PO'D at Barack Obama.
If he'd of just given them the free education, free healthcare, free food, free homes, free cars, free gas, free whatever else, that place would have been PACKED FULL!
Darn you Obama! He's going to have to do some pretty good bribing i believe or he's out on his butt! Lol!
It looks like those hysterical--fainting crowds are a distant memory for Barack Obama. Obama starts his campaign at Ohio State University.


But the event fell short of the 20,000 supporters the campaign had forecast as organizers moved people from seats to the arena floor in front of the dais to project fullness to television audiences. Obama volunteers had worked feverishly over the last week to gin up a crowd, making multiple calls to residents believed to be supportive of the president.

Twitter was abuzz with photos and comments about vast areas of empty seats in the arena’s upper deck.

Noting that the Obama campaign had predicted an "overflow crowd," Williams said, "This arena was not full so the president failed to meet the bar his campaign set."
Obama launches re-election campaign at Ohio State | The Columbus Dispatch

Nice picture, it seems the picture may have been taken before the crowd filed in.
Now there's no doubt that Obama has lost his luster, hell I'm not voting for the guy. But the other guy that I am also not voting for hasn't done much better as he attracted less than 500 at his rally in Ohio.
Maybe people are just plain tired of candidates who will say anything to get elected.
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It looks like those hysterical--fainting crowds are a distant memory for Barack Obama. Obama starts his campaign at Ohio State University.


But the event fell short of the 20,000 supporters the campaign had forecast as organizers moved people from seats to the arena floor in front of the dais to project fullness to television audiences. Obama volunteers had worked feverishly over the last week to gin up a crowd, making multiple calls to residents believed to be supportive of the president.

Twitter was abuzz with photos and comments about vast areas of empty seats in the arena’s upper deck.

Noting that the Obama campaign had predicted an "overflow crowd," Williams said, "This arena was not full so the president failed to meet the bar his campaign set."
Obama launches re-election campaign at Ohio State | The Columbus Dispatch

The Dispatch is owned by "Conservative" Republican Wolfe family.
It looks like those hysterical--fainting crowds are a distant memory for Barack Obama. Obama starts his campaign at Ohio State University.


But the event fell short of the 20,000 supporters the campaign had forecast as organizers moved people from seats to the arena floor in front of the dais to project fullness to television audiences. Obama volunteers had worked feverishly over the last week to gin up a crowd, making multiple calls to residents believed to be supportive of the president.

Twitter was abuzz with photos and comments about vast areas of empty seats in the arena’s upper deck.

Noting that the Obama campaign had predicted an "overflow crowd," Williams said, "This arena was not full so the president failed to meet the bar his campaign set."
Obama launches re-election campaign at Ohio State | The Columbus Dispatch

The Dispatch is owned by "Conservative" Republican Wolfe family.

And this bit of brilliant knowledge fills the stadium how exactly? hmmm?
It's probably because they have jobs to go to. Novel concept for you all I know.
It looks like those hysterical--fainting crowds are a distant memory for Barack Obama. Obama starts his campaign at Ohio State University.


But the event fell short of the 20,000 supporters the campaign had forecast as organizers moved people from seats to the arena floor in front of the dais to project fullness to television audiences. Obama volunteers had worked feverishly over the last week to gin up a crowd, making multiple calls to residents believed to be supportive of the president.

Twitter was abuzz with photos and comments about vast areas of empty seats in the arena’s upper deck.

Noting that the Obama campaign had predicted an "overflow crowd," Williams said, "This arena was not full so the president failed to meet the bar his campaign set."
Obama launches re-election campaign at Ohio State | The Columbus Dispatch

The Dispatch is owned by "Conservative" Republican Wolfe family.
And it matters WHOM owns it? Really? Did they block anyone from entering?


Obama Launches Campaign to Empty Seats; Unveils Ad That Should be Called "Just Go"

Ohio State Student Answers The One

RUSH: I'm gonna start with Rob in Columbus. It's great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. Thanks very much for taking my call and it's a great honor and privilege to be a part of helping spread the light of truth.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: Oh, it's a great honor. Well, I just wanted to let you know that on the Ohio State University campus there were very active campaign functions going on. They were going door-to-door pumping people up to get them to the Obama event and passing out literature.

RUSH: Is that right? What day was this?

CALLER: It was actually last week. I tried to get through. It could have been last Sunday, but through Monday and Tuesday it was an ongoing event.

RUSH: So they knew. They knew or suspected a week prior to the event they weren't gonna sell the place out and they were going door-to-door trying to get people to show up Saturday?

CALLER: Absolutely. And also under the guise of, "You know, this really doesn't have anything to do with politics. It's just that the president's coming."
RUSH: That's what they were saying?

CALLER: That's what at least some of them were saying.

RUSH: Some of these people going door-to-door trying to get people to show up said, "It has nothing to do with politics. It's just the president's coming"?

CALLER: Yeah. Denying that it's politics.

RUSH: It was only his campaign reelection announcement.

CALLER: Exactly!

RUSH: Nothing to do with politics?

CALLER: Right. You know, I kind of --

RUSH: What's he gonna do, introduce Julia?

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