Obama responsible for the partisan rift? Yea right

He is partly responsible so are the Republicans that is fact. The partisans may continue with it's all the other sides fault in 3, 2, 1.
Exactly. But the gop can't even agree with itself. They are on the verge of nominating a guy whose supported even the woman he'd be running against. And now he's calling his closest opponent "not American." So, there will not be any bipartisanship. Obama could actually be Christ rather than just thing he is.
This is what happens when you get your news only from leftist sources and when you are not open to persuasion. Name me a president in the modern era who has used the same kind of rhetoric to describe his opponents that Obama has used. Not since Nixon have we had a president who used such reckless rhetoric and used it as often as Obama has done.

You cite a private GOP meeting that did not get publicized until 2012, and then you ignore the extremist rhetoric that Obama has used to attack his opponents every time he can't get his way.
This is what happens when you get your news only from leftist sources and when you are not open to persuasion. Name me a president in the modern era who has used the same kind of rhetoric to describe his opponents that Obama has used. Not since Nixon have we had a president who used such reckless rhetoric and used it as often as Obama has done.

You cite a private GOP meeting that did not get publicized until 2012, and then you ignore the extremist rhetoric that Obama has used to attack his opponents every time he can't get his way.
Name me a president that has had to prove he was born in the USA
Name me a president who has been called a liar during a state of the Union
This is what happens when you get your news only from leftist sources and when you are not open to persuasion. Name me a president in the modern era who has used the same kind of rhetoric to describe his opponents that Obama has used. Not since Nixon have we had a president who used such reckless rhetoric and used it as often as Obama has done.

You cite a private GOP meeting that did not get publicized until 2012, and then you ignore the extremist rhetoric that Obama has used to attack his opponents every time he can't get his way.
Name me a president that has had to prove he was born in the USA
Name me a president who has been called a liar during a state of the Union
Name me a president who blocked release of personal information
Name me a president who lied repeatedly during his SOTU.
This is what happens when you get your news only from leftist sources and when you are not open to persuasion. Name me a president in the modern era who has used the same kind of rhetoric to describe his opponents that Obama has used. Not since Nixon have we had a president who used such reckless rhetoric and used it as often as Obama has done.

You cite a private GOP meeting that did not get publicized until 2012, and then you ignore the extremist rhetoric that Obama has used to attack his opponents every time he can't get his way.
Name me a president that has had to prove he was born in the USA
Name me a president who has been called a liar during a state of the Union
Name me a president who blocked release of personal information
Name me a president who lied repeatedly during his SOTU.

All presidents block release of personal information
This is what happens when you get your news only from leftist sources and when you are not open to persuasion. Name me a president in the modern era who has used the same kind of rhetoric to describe his opponents that Obama has used. Not since Nixon have we had a president who used such reckless rhetoric and used it as often as Obama has done.

You cite a private GOP meeting that did not get publicized until 2012, and then you ignore the extremist rhetoric that Obama has used to attack his opponents every time he can't get his way.
Name me a president that has had to prove he was born in the USA
Name me a president who has been called a liar during a state of the Union
Name me a president who blocked release of personal information
Name me a president who lied repeatedly during his SOTU.

All presidents block release of personal information
Bullshit. QUit making shit up.
He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
Marty, you posted the TPM was biz as usual.

"The Tea Party's reach, scope and objectives have been so vilified by the media and democrats, that I surmise that progressives think of them as some sort of boogeyman under the bed.

And people thought prohibition would be around forever, guess how well that prediction did..."

And your bullshit was just not that fallicy of what the TPM is, but also you chose to ignore any racial element to Obama's pissing off the AWG folks. And he has done that in policy and action. It's not that they just shat themselves over having a black FROM HAWAII as potus. They did shat themselves over that, no doubt. But Eric Holder had a presidential mandate to take out Ferguson.
This is what happens when you get your news only from leftist sources and when you are not open to persuasion. Name me a president in the modern era who has used the same kind of rhetoric to describe his opponents that Obama has used. Not since Nixon have we had a president who used such reckless rhetoric and used it as often as Obama has done.

You cite a private GOP meeting that did not get publicized until 2012, and then you ignore the extremist rhetoric that Obama has used to attack his opponents every time he can't get his way.
Name me a president that has had to prove he was born in the USA
Name me a president who has been called a liar during a state of the Union

Weak response.
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.
Before you protest that Obama himself sometimes questions his opponents' motives, it's important to realize that when he does so, it's in a narrow way focused on the issue at hand — they really want to cut taxes for the wealthy, they don't think women ought to have access to abortion, they're too eager to start a new war, and so on — to explain their behavior at a particular moment. What he doesn't do, and what he has never done, is accuse them of hating their country. But this is something Republicans have done constantly — not once or twice, not a dozen times or even a hundred, but constantly for seven years.

That's why he accuses all Americans of being racist, right?
He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.

Either you are a fucking liar, or one of the dumbest posters on USMB... I vote both!

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.

I don't see how what you said related to what I said.

Here it is again.

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.
The Republican Congress has caved to every Obama demand, so your whine is wide of the mark.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.

Either you are a fucking liar, or one of the dumbest posters on USMB... I vote both!


He's both, actually.
Before you protest that Obama himself sometimes questions his opponents' motives, it's important to realize that when he does so, it's in a narrow way focused on the issue at hand — they really want to cut taxes for the wealthy, they don't think women ought to have access to abortion, they're too eager to start a new war, and so on — to explain their behavior at a particular moment. What he doesn't do, and what he has never done, is accuse them of hating their country. But this is something Republicans have done constantly — not once or twice, not a dozen times or even a hundred, but constantly for seven years.

That's why he accuses all Americans of being racist, right?
Name a single time he has done that
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.
The Republican Congress has caved to every Obama demand, so your whine is wide of the mark.
Actually they dug their heels in, refused to compromise and ended up with nothing
Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.

Either you are a fucking liar, or one of the dumbest posters on USMB... I vote both!


He's both, actually.

Yes, he is...you notice he has no LOGICAL comeback on that meme!
Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.
The Republican Congress has caved to every Obama demand, so your whine is wide of the mark.
Actually they dug their heels in, refused to compromise and ended up with nothing
"Dug in their heels" my ass. They caved to every single Obama demand. They provided funding for 300,000 refugees. The funded Obamacare, and every other unconstitutional program on Obama's agenda.
Before you protest that Obama himself sometimes questions his opponents' motives, it's important to realize that when he does so, it's in a narrow way focused on the issue at hand — they really want to cut taxes for the wealthy, they don't think women ought to have access to abortion, they're too eager to start a new war, and so on — to explain their behavior at a particular moment. What he doesn't do, and what he has never done, is accuse them of hating their country. But this is something Republicans have done constantly — not once or twice, not a dozen times or even a hundred, but constantly for seven years.

That's why he accuses all Americans of being racist, right?
Name a single time he has done that

I already posted three examples.

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