Obama responsible for the partisan rift? Yea right

Anyone and I mean anyone who is concerned about divisiveness is truly mentally challenged. The more divided the country, the better it works. Hiding behind this false guise of patriotism is both sickening and untrue. We're all in it for ourselves.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.
The Republican Congress has caved to every Obama demand, so your whine is wide of the mark.
Actually they dug their heels in, refused to compromise and ended up with nothing
"Dug in their heels" my ass. They caved to every single Obama demand. They provided funding for 300,000 refugees. The funded Obamacare, and every other unconstitutional program on Obama's agenda.
Caved what?

Republicans went all or nothing and ended up with nothing
Before you protest that Obama himself sometimes questions his opponents' motives, it's important to realize that when he does so, it's in a narrow way focused on the issue at hand — they really want to cut taxes for the wealthy, they don't think women ought to have access to abortion, they're too eager to start a new war, and so on — to explain their behavior at a particular moment. What he doesn't do, and what he has never done, is accuse them of hating their country. But this is something Republicans have done constantly — not once or twice, not a dozen times or even a hundred, but constantly for seven years.

That's why he accuses all Americans of being racist, right?
Name a single time he has done that

I already posted three examples.

Name one
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

The Partisan Divide certainly predates Obama. ANy RW who claims Obama created this divide is being silly.

Any article on this divide that pretends the story of it starts on the day of his inauguration is nonsense.

Obama has been very divisive. His repeated Race Baiting alone is very divisive.

Barry just made it infinitely worse.

The fact that he could be the first Black President and end up setting Race Relations BACK is incredible.

He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away
Offering a hand? He offered a seat in the back of the bus. It was only when he saw power slipping away that he suddenly discovered the value of compromise. Of course, he hasn't yet learned that the other guy giving up what he wants while you don't is not compromise.
Actually, Obama and the Republicans have worked together on many bills.

They broke the govt shutdown plan of a few intransient wacko birds.

Worked together on forming and passing a budget.

Are working on a comprehensive immigration bill

Got TPP passed

Re-chartered the Export-Import bank

and much more!!!

I don't understand this argument that the president is uncooperative when he and the establishment Republicans have accomplished so much.

It is the Tea partiers and their Wacko Bird allies that are divisive partisan hacks. Hell, they even attack establishment Republicans for working with the president. They even forced one of their best speakers of the House, John Boehner, out because he worked with Obama too much. Now they are after Mitch McConnell for his work with the administration!

They(wacko Birds) are the most divisive, inconsistent, anti-government political group probably in all of American history!!
Actually, Obama and the Republicans have worked together on many bills.

They broke the govt shutdown plan of a few intransient wacko birds.

Worked together on forming and passing a budget.

Are working on a comprehensive immigration bill

Got TPP passed

Re-chartered the Export-Import bank

and much more!!!

I don't understand this argument that the president is uncooperative when he and the establishment Republicans have accomplished so much.

It is the Tea partiers and their Wacko Bird allies that are divisive partisan hacks. Hell, they even attack establishment Republicans for working with the president. They even forced one of their best speakers of the House, John Boehner, out because he worked with Obama too much. Now they are after Mitch McConnell for his work with the administration!

They(wacko Birds) are the most divisive, inconsistent, anti-government political group probably in all of American history!!
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.

Either you are a fucking liar, or one of the dumbest posters on USMB... I vote both!

Why is it an either/or? Nutjobber is consistently among the densest most partisan posters here. And a liar.
Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.
Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that

Reagan could work with Tip despite Tip ridiculing him behind his back.

Reagan was nearly saintly in this regard.

That time is past.

You libs have spent decades showing that you have nothing but contempt for US conservatives and then wonder why we don't want to work with you?

This is not about the right wing media.

It is about the ever widening partisan and ideological gap in our society.

Reagan had a Congress that was not afraid to work with him. Today's Republican Congress is bullied by the rightwing media and afraid to even acknowledge Obama is really the President.

Either you are a fucking liar, or one of the dumbest posters on USMB... I vote both!

Why is it an either/or? Nutjobber is consistently among the densest most partisan posters here. And a liar.

I was being kind...I shouldn't be with that Nutjobber!
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

Cry me a river, not everyone in the country felt it should be fundamentally transformed. Especially in the blatantly illegal ways the dear leader has gone about it. Get over it already.
Before you protest that Obama himself sometimes questions his opponents' motives, it's important to realize that when he does so, it's in a narrow way focused on the issue at hand — they really want to cut taxes for the wealthy, they don't think women ought to have access to abortion, they're too eager to start a new war, and so on — to explain their behavior at a particular moment. What he doesn't do, and what he has never done, is accuse them of hating their country. But this is something Republicans have done constantly — not once or twice, not a dozen times or even a hundred, but constantly for seven years.

Sorry bubba, you don't want to fundamentally change something you love. It's that simple.
"I do not believe that the president loves America," said Rudy Giuliani last year, in a statement notable only for being a tad more explicit than the way Republicans usually talk about this question."He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

There was nothing incorrect in that statement.
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).

No, Bush did not have to deal with the same thing

Democrats supported Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 initiatives, TARP, auto bailouts

What Obama initiative has a SINGLE Republican supported?

Killing OBL, he did finally get one thing right, after much procrastination.
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

The Partisan Divide certainly predates Obama. ANy RW who claims Obama created this divide is being silly.

Any article on this divide that pretends the story of it starts on the day of his inauguration is nonsense.

Obama has been very divisive. His repeated Race Baiting alone is very divisive.

The difference is that divisiveness has become total once Obama took office. To the point not a single Republican would support initiatives they formerly voted for under Bush

Things like stimulus, TARP and auto bailouts were ok when they would help a Bush economy

Funny, I didn't agree with any of them.
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

The Partisan Divide certainly predates Obama. ANy RW who claims Obama created this divide is being silly.

Any article on this divide that pretends the story of it starts on the day of his inauguration is nonsense.

Obama has been very divisive. His repeated Race Baiting alone is very divisive.

Barry just made it infinitely worse.

The fact that he could be the first Black President and end up setting Race Relations BACK is incredible.

He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

Right, that little "I won, you lost" comment really set a favorable tone.
He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

Yep, that's the regressivecrat way, throw more money a carp that doesn't work. How's that worked for ya in the Dept of Education? 2 trillion for more dropouts and lower test scores.
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).

No, Bush did not have to deal with the same thing

Democrats supported Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 initiatives, TARP, auto bailouts

What Obama initiative has a SINGLE Republican supported?

Killing OBL, he did finally get one thing right, after much procrastination.
He didnt kill OBL. The Navy Seals did. This was a program begun by Bush. It was the biggest no brainer call in history and still it took Joe Biden urging Obama to do it.
And in any case what did it change? Did the war on terror end at that point?
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).

No, Bush did not have to deal with the same thing

Democrats supported Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 initiatives, TARP, auto bailouts

What Obama initiative has a SINGLE Republican supported?

Killing OBL, he did finally get one thing right, after much procrastination.
He didnt kill OBL. The Navy Seals did. This was a program begun by Bush. It was the biggest no brainer call in history and still it took Joe Biden urging Obama to do it.
And in any case what did it change? Did the war on terror end at that point?

To put it in civilian terms, he gave the order to kill OBL which makes him just as responsible as the person who pulled the trigger, the rest is all semantics. But no, it didn't change a damn thing, if anything his victory laps made things worse.
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).

No, Bush did not have to deal with the same thing

Democrats supported Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 initiatives, TARP, auto bailouts

What Obama initiative has a SINGLE Republican supported?

Killing OBL, he did finally get one thing right, after much procrastination.
He didnt kill OBL. The Navy Seals did. This was a program begun by Bush. It was the biggest no brainer call in history and still it took Joe Biden urging Obama to do it.
And in any case what did it change? Did the war on terror end at that point?

To put it in civilian terms, he gave the order to kill OBL which makes him just as responsible as the person who pulled the trigger, the rest is all semantics. But no, it didn't change a damn thing, if anything his victory laps made things worse.
OK but it was not the bold leadership move the Dems want to say it is. It was the culmination of many years of hard work.
LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).

No, Bush did not have to deal with the same thing

Democrats supported Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 initiatives, TARP, auto bailouts

What Obama initiative has a SINGLE Republican supported?

Killing OBL, he did finally get one thing right, after much procrastination.
He didnt kill OBL. The Navy Seals did. This was a program begun by Bush. It was the biggest no brainer call in history and still it took Joe Biden urging Obama to do it.
And in any case what did it change? Did the war on terror end at that point?

To put it in civilian terms, he gave the order to kill OBL which makes him just as responsible as the person who pulled the trigger, the rest is all semantics. But no, it didn't change a damn thing, if anything his victory laps made things worse.
OK but it was not the bold leadership move the Dems want to say it is. It was the culmination of many years of hard work.

You're right about that, and those victory laps, talk about aiding recruitment efforts of the terrorist.

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