Obama responsible for the partisan rift? Yea right

The fact that he could be the first Black President and end up setting Race Relations BACK is incredible.

He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size
Barry just made it infinitely worse.

The fact that he could be the first Black President and end up setting Race Relations BACK is incredible.

He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Sorry but I can't find the word "intransient" in the dictionary but when are lefties going to stop whining and blaming republicans for Hussein's failures and sudden unpopularity? Democrats went so far as borderline treason to undermine the Bush administration. Barry Hussein still has the support of the mainstream media but CBS tried to influence an election with forged documents.
He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

The typical progressive response. Throw money at it. Doesn't work? Throw more money at it. Still doesn't work, throw more money at it, and blame Republicans.
He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

You're such a good little Obamabot. Ignorant but a good Obamabot
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).
That essentially is my take as well. There have been laws passed that both parties agree upon. The farm bill was a positive move for a corrupt program, for example.

But, there are two things you don't account for, and what no president in recent history faced. 1) The tea party. These yahoos got elected promising voters they would do what everyone but the gullible knew was impossible, e.g. federal involvement in universal healthcare is never going to go away. Never. 2) And that ugly word race. The first example any RWer put up here was "he sent WH aids to the funeral of a criminal" (Michael Brown, I assume). Eric Holder was Obama's enforcer. Obama knew from day one he as potus could not be the racial lightening rod. But race is a huge factor in criminal justice (and public health and education .....).

Personally, I think the black lives matter stuff is mostly bs. There are some bad cops. And Michael Brown was a bad man who took on a cop and got killed for it. But, Ferguson was just another town that went black, but the political establishment was white guys hanging on for retirement. Not a new story. But, this time, there was a DOJ led by a guy who was gonna bust it. And that's driven some on the AWG front more nuts than ever.

The Tea Party's reach, scope and objectives have been so vilified by the media and democrats, that I surmise that progressives think of them as some sort of boogeyman under the bed.

And people thought prohibition would be around forever, guess how well that prediction did...

Prohibition? what dead brain cell presented that false comparison. the war on drugs may be a comparison there. But, Obama. Healthcare. sit the fock down

Since WWII there's never been a political movement that refuses any compromise on spending and taxes. If you think that's not new, you're being more obtuse that your usual self.

But the TP really cuts both ways. Boehner was hardly a liberal. But the TP couldn't live with him.

The real divisive issue with Obama is race. It's not simply that old AW folk are racist. It's more than that. America is becoming brown. That's a rub for old AW folks. And then you have Obama, who while he's left the ugly work to Holder, really is about taking out white power structure of maj black locals. And, letting blacks on drug charges out of jail. Flint Mi created it's own problems, but Snyder will take the fall, and Obama will sent Flint federal money .... for water. Obama really does perceive racial injustice, and when he can, he attacks. And, it drives some AWGs nuts.
The fact that he could be the first Black President and end up setting Race Relations BACK is incredible.

He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan, he gave a little to get a little, he worked behind the scenes

Right wing media will not allow republicans to do that
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

You're such a good little Obamabot. Ignorant but a good Obamabot
Stimulus worked. It reversed an economic collapse.
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

The typical progressive response. Throw money at it. Doesn't work? Throw more money at it. Still doesn't work, throw more money at it, and blame Republicans.
It worked

Especially after a typical conservative response. Ignore it and hope it goes away

It didn't
The fact that he could be the first Black President and end up setting Race Relations BACK is incredible.

He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Obama was too thin-skinned, especially his first four years. People like Rush drove him insane. That's what can happen when you elect someone who doesn't have years of political scarring (read experience). He's never gotten over it; he's still sulking. Yes, he's an arrogant elitist, but he had one hell of a hard row to hoe, coming in just as the country fell into a dangerous recession. Now as he's leaving, he's got ISIS blowing up the world. He did his best and he certainly doesn't deserve the vilification he gets on these threads. He was elected by the majority, remember. What happened to at least respecting the fact that he is our President?
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).

No, Bush did not have to deal with the same thing

Democrats supported Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 initiatives, TARP, auto bailouts

What Obama initiative has a SINGLE Republican supported?
Why are you giving dims credit for working with Bush and not Bush credit for working with dims? 0
He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

The typical progressive response. Throw money at it. Doesn't work? Throw more money at it. Still doesn't work, throw more money at it, and blame Republicans.
It worked

Especially after a typical conservative response. Ignore it and hope it goes away

It didn't
I don't think there's much evidence to show the direct federal spending on "shovel ready" projects did much beyond provide opportunities for pork. But, stuff like sending a federal money to prevent cuts in state spending for educ and Medicaid, extending UI benefits, bailouts of the auto industry and yes even though it was simply a gift to the 1%, bailing out Wall St all prevented 25% unemployment.

But without the direct federal spending, Obama might have gotten a gop vote or two.
He came in with a chip on his shoulder
He came in offering a hand and had it slapped away

He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

Reagan didn't mind working with people who viciously ridiculed him behind his back.

He was a better man than most people. Certainly a better man than me.

I am fine with the idea that Republicans will not work with people who despise them and me.
Obama was too thin-skinned, especially his first four years. People like Rush drove him insane. That's what can happen when you elect someone who doesn't have years of political scarring (read experience). He's never gotten over it; he's still sulking. Yes, he's an arrogant elitist, but he had one hell of a hard row to hoe, coming in just as the country fell into a dangerous recession. Now as he's leaving, he's got ISIS blowing up the world. He did his best and he certainly doesn't deserve the vilification he gets on these threads. He was elected by the majority, remember. What happened to at least respecting the fact that he is our President?
Obamas problem was he thought Republicans would get over their hissy fit and work for the good of the country
He was wrong

He has been a better president since he started to do things without them
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

The typical progressive response. Throw money at it. Doesn't work? Throw more money at it. Still doesn't work, throw more money at it, and blame Republicans.
It worked

Especially after a typical conservative response. Ignore it and hope it goes away

It didn't
I don't think there's much evidence to show the direct federal spending on "shovel ready" projects did much beyond provide opportunities for pork. But, stuff like sending a federal money to prevent cuts in state spending for educ and Medicaid, extending UI benefits, bailouts of the auto industry and yes even though it was simply a gift to the 1%, bailing out Wall St all prevented 25% unemployment.

But without the direct federal spending, Obama might have gotten a gop vote or two.
No he wouldn't

Republican position was the economy must fail and Obama with it
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).

No, Bush did not have to deal with the same thing

Democrats supported Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 initiatives, TARP, auto bailouts

What Obama initiative has a SINGLE Republican supported?
Why are you giving dims credit for working with Bush and not Bush credit for working with dims? 0
When did the dims not work with the boy warrior king? did they defund his war? After his "re"election they did refuse to privatize soc sec. But, W lost popular opinion on that.

However, W betrayed his own party. He was a big gummit spend thrift. Obama promised to be, and has been a liberal elitist.
Sorry but I can't find the word "intransient" in the dictionary but when are lefties going to stop whining and blaming republicans for Hussein's failures and sudden unpopularity? Democrats went so far as borderline treason to undermine the Bush administration. Barry Hussein still has the support of the mainstream media but CBS tried to influence an election with forged documents.
He meant intransigent. The Fox News pundits are already clearing the way for future Republican failure to solve the Middle Eastern mess if they are elected to office....due to Obama's mishandling of the situation. It will take ten years or more to clean up that mess, they say. Perfect.
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).
That essentially is my take as well. There have been laws passed that both parties agree upon. The farm bill was a positive move for a corrupt program, for example.

But, there are two things you don't account for, and what no president in recent history faced. 1) The tea party. These yahoos got elected promising voters they would do what everyone but the gullible knew was impossible, e.g. federal involvement in universal healthcare is never going to go away. Never. 2) And that ugly word race. The first example any RWer put up here was "he sent WH aids to the funeral of a criminal" (Michael Brown, I assume). Eric Holder was Obama's enforcer. Obama knew from day one he as potus could not be the racial lightening rod. But race is a huge factor in criminal justice (and public health and education .....).

Personally, I think the black lives matter stuff is mostly bs. There are some bad cops. And Michael Brown was a bad man who took on a cop and got killed for it. But, Ferguson was just another town that went black, but the political establishment was white guys hanging on for retirement. Not a new story. But, this time, there was a DOJ led by a guy who was gonna bust it. And that's driven some on the AWG front more nuts than ever.

The Tea Party's reach, scope and objectives have been so vilified by the media and democrats, that I surmise that progressives think of them as some sort of boogeyman under the bed.

And people thought prohibition would be around forever, guess how well that prediction did...

Prohibition? what dead brain cell presented that false comparison. the war on drugs may be a comparison there. But, Obama. Healthcare. sit the fock down

Since WWII there's never been a political movement that refuses any compromise on spending and taxes. If you think that's not new, you're being more obtuse that your usual self.

But the TP really cuts both ways. Boehner was hardly a liberal. But the TP couldn't live with him.

The real divisive issue with Obama is race. It's not simply that old AW folk are racist. It's more than that. America is becoming brown. That's a rub for old AW folks. And then you have Obama, who while he's left the ugly work to Holder, really is about taking out white power structure of maj black locals. And, letting blacks on drug charges out of jail. Flint Mi created it's own problems, but Snyder will take the fall, and Obama will sent Flint federal money .... for water. Obama really does perceive racial injustice, and when he can, he attacks. And, it drives some AWGs nuts.

You made an absolutists statement, similar to the one that I can't seem to find, where an Anti-Saloon league guy said in general "prohibition will never go away".

Refusing to compromise would be rejected any budget, ever, that didn't meet ones requirements. You are redefining compromise to equal "give the other side what it wants except for some cosmetic fluff"

As for America going Brown, I have faith that as more minorities become successful, they will realize the futility of progressive causes. Considering my kids will be 1/2 brownish (Bengali) I don't see their color as defining them, something which the left needs to continue to keep their hold on power.
He Race Baited during the election.

He ridiculed people of Faith for "clinging to their bibles" and called them racist.

He never truthfully explained what he was doing in Rev. Wright racist and anti-american church.

His offered no hand.
The stimulus bill was his first act as president. It included tax cuts, state control of funding, infrastructure jobs
All things Republicans supported under Bush

Not a single Republican voted for it

The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

The typical progressive response. Throw money at it. Doesn't work? Throw more money at it. Still doesn't work, throw more money at it, and blame Republicans.
It worked

Especially after a typical conservative response. Ignore it and hope it goes away

It didn't

That makes no sense whatsoever.
The stimulus was a massive failure....all those "shovel ready" jobs and thousands of "green" jobs? You bit it hook, line and sinker. A bunch of people got rich off of it
Stimulus did what it was supposed to do. Infuse money into a collapsing economy

The only problem is it should have been twice the size

The typical progressive response. Throw money at it. Doesn't work? Throw more money at it. Still doesn't work, throw more money at it, and blame Republicans.
It worked

Especially after a typical conservative response. Ignore it and hope it goes away

It didn't
I don't think there's much evidence to show the direct federal spending on "shovel ready" projects did much beyond provide opportunities for pork. But, stuff like sending a federal money to prevent cuts in state spending for educ and Medicaid, extending UI benefits, bailouts of the auto industry and yes even though it was simply a gift to the 1%, bailing out Wall St all prevented 25% unemployment.

But without the direct federal spending, Obama might have gotten a gop vote or two.
No he wouldn't

Republican position was the economy must fail and Obama with it
Well TARP started out bipartisan. Gopers have traditionally accepted extending UI and sending direct aid to state govt to prevent laying off teachers and medical care folks.

There's no way any credible goper would vote for that spending directly to individuals to build dog parks. I'd vote against anyone who voted for that crap.
No other President has had to deal with such an intransient political opposition

Let's just remind ourselves of how Republicans have treated Obama over his seven years in office, with a few of the greatest hits. You can start right on the day of his inauguration, when congressional Republicans gathered for a dinner at which they decided that rather than seek areas of cooperation with the new president, they would employ a strategy of maximum confrontation and obstruction in order to deny him any legislative victories.

Republicans say Obama has been historically divisive. That's very, very revealing.

LOL, The LAST President had to deal with the exact same thing.

So when did forgetting about the Bush Years (we are at war with Eurasia) become the party line instead of blaming the Bush years for every bad thing under the sun? (we are at war with Eastasia, we have always been at war with eastasia).
That essentially is my take as well. There have been laws passed that both parties agree upon. The farm bill was a positive move for a corrupt program, for example.

But, there are two things you don't account for, and what no president in recent history faced. 1) The tea party. These yahoos got elected promising voters they would do what everyone but the gullible knew was impossible, e.g. federal involvement in universal healthcare is never going to go away. Never. 2) And that ugly word race. The first example any RWer put up here was "he sent WH aids to the funeral of a criminal" (Michael Brown, I assume). Eric Holder was Obama's enforcer. Obama knew from day one he as potus could not be the racial lightening rod. But race is a huge factor in criminal justice (and public health and education .....).

Personally, I think the black lives matter stuff is mostly bs. There are some bad cops. And Michael Brown was a bad man who took on a cop and got killed for it. But, Ferguson was just another town that went black, but the political establishment was white guys hanging on for retirement. Not a new story. But, this time, there was a DOJ led by a guy who was gonna bust it. And that's driven some on the AWG front more nuts than ever.

The Tea Party's reach, scope and objectives have been so vilified by the media and democrats, that I surmise that progressives think of them as some sort of boogeyman under the bed.

And people thought prohibition would be around forever, guess how well that prediction did...

Prohibition? what dead brain cell presented that false comparison. the war on drugs may be a comparison there. But, Obama. Healthcare. sit the fock down

Since WWII there's never been a political movement that refuses any compromise on spending and taxes. If you think that's not new, you're being more obtuse that your usual self.

But the TP really cuts both ways. Boehner was hardly a liberal. But the TP couldn't live with him.

The real divisive issue with Obama is race. It's not simply that old AW folk are racist. It's more than that. America is becoming brown. That's a rub for old AW folks. And then you have Obama, who while he's left the ugly work to Holder, really is about taking out white power structure of maj black locals. And, letting blacks on drug charges out of jail. Flint Mi created it's own problems, but Snyder will take the fall, and Obama will sent Flint federal money .... for water. Obama really does perceive racial injustice, and when he can, he attacks. And, it drives some AWGs nuts.

You made an absolutists statement, similar to the one that I can't seem to find, where an Anti-Saloon league guy said in general "prohibition will never go away".

Refusing to compromise would be rejected any budget, ever, that didn't meet ones requirements. You are redefining compromise to equal "give the other side what it wants except for some cosmetic fluff"

As for America going Brown, I have faith that as more minorities become successful, they will realize the futility of progressive causes. Considering my kids will be 1/2 brownish (Bengali) I don't see their color as defining them, something which the left needs to continue to keep their hold on power.
bullshit Marty. You're the absolutist.

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