Obama...Ripping America Apart

Mon Dieu!

Is there anyone here (anyone at all) who seriously believes for one minute that
conservatives ever had any intention whatsoever of doing anything other than obstructing virtually everything that President Obama and the Democrats proposed?

"Is there anyone here (anyone at all) who seriously believes for one minute that, Democrats/Obama were willing to negotiate in good faith..?
lets just admit both sides probally wanted to work together but would to idelogical in the way they approched talks and that made it hard for anything to happen. neither bothenir or obama were willing to give ground and that never helps things.

mmm..a little confusing there but I'm thinking the power of the leadership in Congress needs to be diminished.
Sorry my spelling was rushed their so sorry about that. I think point i was making is like you said congress less powerful now as neither side wants to work together. So nothing really get done very quickly. In turn this does not help the country.
Can Obama bring the country together in any common cause?

my opinion... not a chance


Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears
Ninety percent of Democrats, 8% of Republicans approve of him
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in October, an average of 90% of Democrats, and 8% of Republicans, approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That 82-percentage-point gap in approval ratings by party is on pace to be the largest Gallup has measured for a recent incumbent president in the final month before Americans vote on his re-election. George W. Bush had an 80-point party gap in approval, while the October gaps for other presidents were less than 70 points.

Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears

I think Obama has and is doing everything he can to tear the nation down. He wants it rebuilt into something he and his find ideal and many others do not want. What disturbs me the most is the overwhelming amount of bigotry that has been coming out of the left in the past few years. It's just amazing that any disagreement with Obama at all is met with instant screams of racism and followed up by huge amounts of racist comments direct at those they are accusing of being racists.

He's following all the steps of Alinsky's:

i don,t think he is that radical. More like a center left politican. You do make one good point. name calling and abuse does nobody any favours. I would argue those that both sides do it and throw name calling with ease. Msnbc from left and fox from the right thrive on this divide.
i don,t think he is that radical. More like a center left politican. You do make one good point. name calling and abuse does nobody any favours. I would argue those that both sides do it and throw name calling with ease. Msnbc from left and fox from the right thrive on this divide.

Don't think he's a radical even after the 'you didn't build that' comment?
That was the clincher for me, especially after everything Obie DID before he said that. That comment did not actually occur earlier in his 1st term.
But i don,t think he was that radical saying that. it was just stupid comment he said about people not bulding up their own buisness. it was a gaffe and stupid one at that but not evidence of some far left wing radical.

belive you me if he was far left winger he never get near being president. just as far right winger would not either.
But i don,t think he was that radical saying that. it was just stupid comment he said about people not bulding up their own buisness. it was a gaffe and stupid one at that but not evidence of some far left wing radical.

belive you me if he was far left winger he never get near being president. just as far right winger would not either.

Beg to differ.
The farthest left winger in my lifetime (I'm 59) was Jimmy Carter. He was Prez. The farthest right winger in my lifetime was Ronald Reagan. He was Prez.
I flourished personally under Reagan, acknowleding that no Prez is ideal, and had my highest 'misery index' under Carter.
My 'misery index' has been elevated under Obama.
BTW, how old are you?
well i was not born before 1980s. but i do know that under president clinton their was lot of growth as he was not far left or far right guy. Also from what i read president reagan was not far right. He was pretty liberal in wanting to ban nuclear weapons from the world. I doubt you get into office if you were too far right or far left. it put off undecideds.
Can Obama bring the country together in any common cause?

my opinion... not a chance


Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears
Ninety percent of Democrats, 8% of Republicans approve of him
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in October, an average of 90% of Democrats, and 8% of Republicans, approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That 82-percentage-point gap in approval ratings by party is on pace to be the largest Gallup has measured for a recent incumbent president in the final month before Americans vote on his re-election. George W. Bush had an 80-point party gap in approval, while the October gaps for other presidents were less than 70 points.

Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears

Obama is the most divisive President we have ever had.
His hatred towards people who produce in this country is remarkable.
His "You didn't build that" speech was unbelievable.
His raising taxes on small business owners by raising taxes on those making over $250,000 is insane.

It seems like the Democrat party wants people on government assistance instead of out there starting a business.
Can Obama bring the country together in any common cause?

my opinion... not a chance


Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears
Ninety percent of Democrats, 8% of Republicans approve of him
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in October, an average of 90% of Democrats, and 8% of Republicans, approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That 82-percentage-point gap in approval ratings by party is on pace to be the largest Gallup has measured for a recent incumbent president in the final month before Americans vote on his re-election. George W. Bush had an 80-point party gap in approval, while the October gaps for other presidents were less than 70 points.

Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears

Obama is the most divisive President we have ever had.
His hatred towards people who produce in this country is remarkable.
His "You didn't build that" speech was unbelievable.
His raising taxes on small business owners by raising taxes on those making over $250,000 is insane.

It seems like the Democrat party wants people on government assistance instead of out there starting a business.

This is how I look at it ....Their NUTS.... completely cookie-putz....:lol:
Last edited:
Can Obama bring the country together in any common cause?

my opinion... not a chance


Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears
Ninety percent of Democrats, 8% of Republicans approve of him
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in October, an average of 90% of Democrats, and 8% of Republicans, approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That 82-percentage-point gap in approval ratings by party is on pace to be the largest Gallup has measured for a recent incumbent president in the final month before Americans vote on his re-election. George W. Bush had an 80-point party gap in approval, while the October gaps for other presidents were less than 70 points.

Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears

It's not any individual that is causing the schism in American society.

This nation is largely divided into two opposing social philosophies and any leader or spokeman for either POV will be seen as tearing apart society.

Of course that is a rather silly charge given that this society is already torn asunder by these attitudes.

The USA Empire, now having largely achieved domination over other nations, and now having largely already become a police state, is migrating to that next phase of Empire where the ruling elite begin to squabble over the control of the state.

I'm not saying that this will inevitably lead to a civil war starting at the top, but that's not an untypical next step in a society like ours.

The USA is corrupted by power now as the Roman Empire ever was.
Can Obama bring the country together in any common cause?

my opinion... not a chance


Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears
Ninety percent of Democrats, 8% of Republicans approve of him
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in October, an average of 90% of Democrats, and 8% of Republicans, approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That 82-percentage-point gap in approval ratings by party is on pace to be the largest Gallup has measured for a recent incumbent president in the final month before Americans vote on his re-election. George W. Bush had an 80-point party gap in approval, while the October gaps for other presidents were less than 70 points.

Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears

It's not any individual that is causing the schism in American society.

This nation is largely divided into two opposing social philosophies and any leader or spokeman for either POV will be seen as tearing apart society.

Of course that is a rather silly charge given that this society is already torn asunder by these attitudes.

The USA Empire, now having largely achieved domination over other nations, and now having largely already become a police state, is migrating to that next phase of Empire where the ruling elite begin to squabble over the control of the state.

I'm not saying that this will inevitably lead to a civil war starting at the top, but that's not an untypical next step in a society like ours.

The USA is corrupted by power now as the Roman Empire ever was.

Some of your posts are like an adventure.

....alas, this one ends in disaster..sheesh
Can Obama bring the country together in any common cause?
my opinion... not a chance


Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears
Ninety percent of Democrats, 8% of Republicans approve of him
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in October, an average of 90% of Democrats, and 8% of Republicans, approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That 82-percentage-point gap in approval ratings by party is on pace to be the largest Gallup has measured for a recent incumbent president in the final month before Americans vote on his re-election. George W. Bush had an 80-point party gap in approval, while the October gaps for other presidents were less than 70 points.

Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears

No one can. Do you think the Morman will unite America? Get serious. You talk like all the country needs is a friggin pep rally and we just have the wrong cheer leaders out there on the field. Get a clue Lumpy. There is serious division in this country because there is a huge divide on what Americans want from their government. There is a huge divide on just the most fundamental thinking about what we as humans are. About half the country believes we were created by some sky fairy and TRULY believes we must to the letter govern ourselves according to these nitwits interpretation of that 2000 year old comic book. The other half of the country believes we are in fact our brothers keepers (don't ya just love the irony in that ) and want a government that smoothes out the bumps in the playing field we as humans have to face in our lifetimes and in getting upward mobility according to our abilities. It is usually called "equal opportunity".
Can Obama bring the country together in any common cause?

my opinion... not a chance


Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears
Ninety percent of Democrats, 8% of Republicans approve of him
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in October, an average of 90% of Democrats, and 8% of Republicans, approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That 82-percentage-point gap in approval ratings by party is on pace to be the largest Gallup has measured for a recent incumbent president in the final month before Americans vote on his re-election. George W. Bush had an 80-point party gap in approval, while the October gaps for other presidents were less than 70 points.

Americans' Views of Obama More Polarized as Election Nears

Mon Dieu!

Is there anyone here (anyone at all) who seriously believes for one minute that
conservatives ever had any intention whatsoever of doing anything other than obstructing virtually everything that President Obama and the Democrats proposed?

"Is there anyone here (anyone at all) who seriously believes for one minute that, Democrats/Obama were willing to negotiate in good faith..?

I do, Lumpy!!!
Never could, never was going to and never will. Moot question.

And America is doing a great job of ripping itself a part all on it's own. If you think McCain winning 4 years ago or Romney winning in a month would've or will bring this country together, I pity your delusions.

Fact: Democrats are the ones who are always trying to pit one group against another.

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