Obama/Romney Popularity


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
There have been a lot of polls out that show Obama beating Romney in a head-to-head match up. It's still too early for any poll to accurately predict the outcome of the general election - if any poll could ever predict the outcome. Having said that, I'd say the more telling numbers are in the candidates' popularity/likability. Romney is not even close to Obama in popularity. Maybe it translates to votes, maybe not; but Romney and his camp can't be too happy with these numbers, and given Romney's foot-in-mouth disease and inability to connect with the common person, I don't see his numbers improving.


Mitt Romney trails Barack Obama by 19 points in basic popularity as the 2012 presidential contest inches closer to the main event, with a record 50 percent of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll now rating Romney unfavorably overall.

Thirty-four percent hold a favorable opinion of Romney, the lowest for any leading presidential candidate in ABC/Post polls in primary seasons since 1984. His unfavorable score is higher than Obama ever has received; it’s been exceeded by just one other Republican candidate this year, Newt Gingrich, and by only one top candidate in 28 years, Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Obama, for his part, remains above water — 53 percent favorable, 43 percent unfavorable in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates . It’s Obama’s third consecutive month with a rating more than 50 percent positive, after dipping to 47 percent in September, the lowest of his presidency.
I remember when Bill Clinton was sagging in the polls and he went on Arsenio Hall and played his sax and talked about his cat. It was like magic.
Anything can happen. If gas goes to $6/gal people will look to a savvy businessman to get us out of it.
Well...since the Primary began, Romney has grown LESS popular while the President's popularity has increased. The more people see of the Romneybot 2012, the less they like.

Well...since the Primary began, Romney has grown LESS popular while the President's popularity has increased. The more people see of the Romneybot 2012, the less they like.

The constant bashing by the media and other GOP candidates might have something to do with that.
I remember when Nancy Reagan was looked down on because she wanted to re-decorate the White House. She started a reading program and "just say no" and her image changed radically.
Public opinion is pretty malleable.
LOL. Of course the unfavorable ratings in the polls would have nothing at all to do with the alienation of women and minorities. The GOP has done everything in it's power to present itself as the party of misogyny and bigotry.
LOL. Of course the unfavorable ratings in the polls would have nothing at all to do with the alienation of women and minorities. The GOP has done everything in it's power to present itself as the party of misogyny and bigotry.

actually that is the media doing that. The truth is the Democrats are the most racist party on earth.
LOL. Of course the unfavorable ratings in the polls would have nothing at all to do with the alienation of women and minorities. The GOP has done everything in it's power to present itself as the party of misogyny and bigotry.

Yep. Among women, Obama leads Romney by something like 25 points :lol:
I remember when Bill Clinton was sagging in the polls and he went on Arsenio Hall and played his sax and talked about his cat. It was like magic.
Anything can happen. If gas goes to $6/gal people will look to a savvy businessman to get us out of it.

And when the GOP candidate, Romney, has the delegates, his popularity will rise along with his poll numbers and he will become our next president.

I personally don't have to "like" him to vote for him. I just have to feel that he can bring jobs to our country, by using his many years of negotiating business transactions as well as balancing a budget while governor of MA. :)

He is also, a good and modest guy, according to those who know him well.
Romney should have fun selling his plan to cut his own taxes while destroying Medicare.
Any polls showing national numbers are meaningless. The only totals that work to show how someone would do in an election are state polls. The Electoral College is based on states.
Romney should have fun selling his plan to cut his own taxes while destroying Medicare.

no one wants to destroy Medicare, jackass. Change it, yes. Destroy it, no.

Stop speaking in Democratic talking points.

Except that the "changes" that the zombie eyed granny starver have proposed will effectively destroy it. It will certainly leave a lot of seniors without sufficient coverage.

Oh, and a majority of Americans don't want Medicare screwed with.
Romney should have fun selling his plan to cut his own taxes while destroying Medicare.

no one wants to destroy Medicare, jackass. Change it, yes. Destroy it, no.

Stop speaking in Democratic talking points.

Except that the "changes" that the zombie eyed granny starver have proposed will effectively destroy it. It will certainly leave a lot of seniors without sufficient coverage.

Oh, and a majority of Americans don't want Medicare screwed with.

Actually the Democrat plan will destroy Medicare but allowing costs to explode until it becomes unaffordable. The GOP plan will save Medicare and allow it to continue to fund people for the foreseeable future.
But Dums were never good at math.
Any polls showing national numbers are meaningless. The only totals that work to show how someone would do in an election are state polls. The Electoral College is based on states.

Good point.

Polls: Obama Leading in 3 Crucial Swing States - Ken Walsh's Washington (usnews.com)

Good news for President Obama—he is leading in three swing states that will be crucial to the outcome of the November election.

Separate polls by Quinnipiac University show Obama ahead of Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney by 7 percentage points in Florida (49-42), 6 points in Ohio (47-41), and 3 points in Pennsylvania (48-45). In early December, Romney led narrowly in both Florida and Ohio and trailed by the same margin in Pennsylvania.
Romney should have fun selling his plan to cut his own taxes while destroying Medicare.

no one wants to destroy Medicare, jackass. Change it, yes. Destroy it, no.

Stop speaking in Democratic talking points.

And is there anyone who doesn't know that the eligibility for Medicare does not include someone over 55, or close??? Current recipients are very safe.

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