Obama running against outdated version of Ryan Medicare plan


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Perhaps the Democrats need to actually address the current incarnation of Ryan's plan, not the outdated one they don't bother telling anyone is actually, you know, outdated.

Dumb asses.

Fact Check: Obama running against outdated version of Ryan Medicare plan | Fox News

The president's accusations largely refer to Ryan's 2011 plan, ignoring the fact that the House Budget Committee chairman rolled out a different version in 2012 -- taking into account Democratic critiques. Though the 2012 plan is more moderate, Obama and his surrogates have all but ignored the newer version as they amp up their accusations against the Romney-Ryan ticket.

Most glaringly, the campaign has omitted a key point.

While Ryan's 2011 plan proposes to give seniors a government payment to buy private insurance, his 2012 plan offers seniors a choice.

Under the blueprint, seniors could use the payment to buy private insurance or stay in traditional Medicare.

This distinction rarely comes up at Obama campaign events.
But...but... them libtards all said Ryan's plan destroys Medicare! How can the plan allow them to stay in Medicare, if it destroys Medicare? Did the libtards... lie????

Another distinction the campaign has chosen not to make is over the average cost to seniors. For months, Obama has cited an estimate that the Republican budget plan would cost Medicare seniors $6,400.

The campaign repeated that claim in a new TV ad released Friday called "Fact."

The ad says: "And experts say his voucher plan could raise future retirees' costs more than $6,000. ... Get the facts."

But that estimate is from early 2011, and refers to Ryan's outdated plan from the same year. Sharp-eyed viewers would see in the latest Obama ad the fine print that attributes the estimate to "Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 4/8/11."
Another lie? OMG! The shock, libtards lying!

...the CBO this year said it "does not have the capability" to estimate the individual impact of the latest Ryan plan, though it cautioned "beneficiaries might face higher costs."

Still, Obama has continued to campaign off the outdated $6,400 figure.
unsurprisingly, libtards appear to be content to let the Obama team continue to lie about the current Ryan plan.
The current Ryan plan? " Oh my, gotta lie, cannot possibly admit that my plan is to bankrupt all except the very wealthy. What on earth do these peons think, anyway, that they should get free money and health care, just because they are getting old? Dumb asses should work until they drop, after all, we need all the money they make."

LOL. That should get this thread rolling. Appreciate me yet, Conservative?
unsurprisingly, libtards appear to be content to let the Obama team continue to lie about the current Ryan plan.

Is the "current" plan still gonna turn Medicare into a voucher program which won't cover the elderly like it does now? Does it still give out huge-ass tax breaks to the rich which will make the deificit - which the Repubs suddenly cared about after running it up in the fist place with a Republican President in the WH - even higher?

If the answer to both questions is "Yes", then it doesn't matter if the "current" plan can't be scored by the CBO. It's still a steaming pile of GOP horseshit which deserves to be trashed at every opportunity.

Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it, Conservatard.
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Are the sad hypocrite remnants of Barry Hussein's dishonest Hope/Change agenda still railing about the "rich corporations" who fund their pensions and sign their paychecks?
Obama is running against an outdated Ryan plan while Mitt is running on Mitt's plan, not Ryan's plan or Ryan's outdated plan . . .which Obama is running against.

Sometimes I wonder if Obama's advisers aren't his former choom buddies. :lol:
They only put it on the old back burner because it was an impediment to getting elected.

Once they were in power, with a GOP president, House, and Senate, why wouldn't they go back to it?

Wouldn't you, if it were your original plan?
Someone should tell him he's not running against Ryan while they're at it.

Ah, so Ryan is suddenly such a liability that you people who support Romney/Ryan don't want him to even be in the conversation?

lol, very telling comment...
Perhaps the Democrats need to actually address the current incarnation of Ryan's plan, not the outdated one they don't bother telling anyone is actually, you know, outdated.

Dumb asses.
Stop lying, no such new phantom "plan" (the political equivalent of vaporware) has yet been voted on by the House. Obama is commenting on the plan that passed in the House and Willard Mitt, rhymes with...., said he would sign.

Why has not this new plan been brought to the House floor and voted upon??????
Isn't this new plan a concession that the old plan that passed twice was a piece of shit????
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Obama is running against an outdated Ryan plan while Mitt is running on Mitt's plan, not Ryan's plan or Ryan's outdated plan . . .which Obama is running against.

Sometimes I wonder if Obama's advisers aren't his former choom buddies. :lol:

Cry and whine about it as much as you like. Both sides completely lie about one thing after another in an effort to sway the minds of voters, most of whom are clueless. Actually, after reading the thoughts of many posters in this forum, even many of those who think they know what is going on are clueless.

How many times have you heard or seen Romney's add stating that Obama has removed the work requirement from welfare recipients? Anyone who knows the truth would like to bitch slap Romney and his people for the outright lies. But, it's part of the game, and they all do it.
Ah, so Ryan is suddenly such a liability that you people who support Romney/Ryan don't want him to even be in the conversation?

lol, very telling comment...

There's the 'you' word that 'you' liberals like to throw around. I'll offer the same bet that matthew backed down from. Quote where I said I supported Romney and I will leave and never come back. If you can't you do. I reckon it will get quiet.

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