Obama’s Move to Arm Al Qaeda in Syria


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
What is Iran/Contra, Alex...

Obama’s Move to Arm Al Qaeda in Syria

September 19, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


On Monday, twelve years and five days after al Qaeda precipitated the worst domestic attack in modern history, President Obama waived two sections of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), allowing him to provide military assistance to “vetted” rebel grips in Syria. Though the AECA was designed to prevent arming terrorists, Obama announced that he had the authority to ”waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40(a) of the AECA related to such a transaction.”

Section 40, “Transactions With Countries Supporting Acts of International Terrorism,” and Section 40(a), “Prohibited Transactions by the United States Government,” ban sending munitions to any nation described in Section 40 (d), “Countries Covered by Prohibition:” ”The prohibitions contained in this section apply with respect to a country if the Secretary of State determines that the government of that country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism.”


Radio host Glenn Beck cut right through that pernicious assertion. He made the irrefutably logical case that if we are providing military aid to the “good guys,” it shouldn’t be necessary to waive sections of a law aimed at preventing terrorists from being armed.


Obama?s Move to Arm Al Qaeda in Syria | FrontPage Magazine
Is America going to have to come clean and fess up to the ugly things that we do to project our power around the world ?
As I scrolled down the article in the OP link, an ad popped up for survivalist stuff with the headline "FEMA Hates This".

So that tells me the depth of credulousness of the readers of that site. As do the article headlines along the right side of the page.

The Free Syrian Army is who we are arming. They are mortal enemies of the Al Qaeda faction in Syria.

I would say "nice try" but your pathetic shit doesn't rise to that level.
As I scrolled down the article in the OP link, an ad popped up for survivalist stuff with the headline "FEMA Hates This".

So that tells me the depth of credulousness of the readers of that site. As do the article headlines along the right side of the page.

The Free Syrian Army is who we are arming. They are mortal enemies of the Al Qaeda faction in Syria.

I would say "nice try" but your pathetic shit doesn't rise to that level.

and when Al Qaeda groups overrun a FSA force what do they do ? Take all their weapons.
As I scrolled down the article in the OP link, an ad popped up for survivalist stuff with the headline "FEMA Hates This".

So that tells me the depth of credulousness of the readers of that site. As do the article headlines along the right side of the page.

The Free Syrian Army is who we are arming. They are mortal enemies of the Al Qaeda faction in Syria.

I would say "nice try" but your pathetic shit doesn't rise to that level.

and when Al Qaeda groups overrun a FSA force what do they do ? Take all their weapons.

And this ridiculous hypothetical is how Obama is "arming Al Qaeda"? Let's give guns to the FSA so Al Qaeda can get guns by overrunning them. You actually believe that is Obama's plan? Jesus H. Christ, the dumb is thick around here!

Not only that, by arming the FSA, we make that outcome far less likely. We give them a better chance of coming out on top.
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As I scrolled down the article in the OP link, an ad popped up for survivalist stuff with the headline "FEMA Hates This".

So that tells me the depth of credulousness of the readers of that site. As do the article headlines along the right side of the page.

The Free Syrian Army is who we are arming. They are mortal enemies of the Al Qaeda faction in Syria.

I would say "nice try" but your pathetic competence doesn't rise to that level.

You're an idiot. It's revolting. You put that retarded statue in you avatar to add some sort or cred to your retarded posts. It's really embarrassing. After all this time you still don't admit that your magic negro is not funding terrorists. That's rich. Sincerely, LMAO.
As I scrolled down the article in the OP link, an ad popped up for survivalist stuff with the headline "FEMA Hates This".

So that tells me the depth of credulousness of the readers of that site. As do the article headlines along the right side of the page.

The Free Syrian Army is who we are arming. They are mortal enemies of the Al Qaeda faction in Syria.

I would say "nice try" but your pathetic shit doesn't rise to that level.

and when Al Qaeda groups overrun a FSA force what do they do ? Take all their weapons.

And this ridiculous hypothetical is how Obama is "arming Al Qaeda"? Let's give guns to the FSA so Al Qaeda can get guns by overrunning them. You actually believe that is Obama's plan? Jesus H. Christ, the dumb is thick around here!

Not only that, by arming the FSA, we make that outcome far less likely. We give them a better chance of coming out on top.

Obama ? Have a plan ? Now THAT'S ridiculous. :lol:
What are we doing arming anyone ?


December 9, 2016
Obama: ISIL not on my radar
By J. Marsolo

Obama is trying to clean up his legacy. But he admitted to CNN on December 7, 2016 that he did not pay attention to the ISIS threat.

Obama said:

The ability of ISIL to not just mass inside of Syria, but then to initiate major land offensives that took Mosul, for example, that was not on my intelligence radar screen.

Obama admitted what was obvious to anyone paying attention to Obama’s handling of the war in Iraq and Syria. Obama simply did not seem interested in fighting Islamist terrorists. He wanted to withdraw from Iraq and did so without negotiating a status of forces agreement. By failing to leave an adequate force to protect the hard fought victory to stabilize Iraq after the surge, Obama allowed ISIS to form and grow.

Obama dismissed the ISIS threat as a “JV team” after it captured Fallujah:

I think the analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant. I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.

Catherine Herridge reported on September 2, 2014 that “Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer.”

On July 12, 2007, President George W. Bush warned about withdrawal from Iraq:


Obama was warned about ISIS.

It is obvious that Obama and his secretary of state, Hillary, were clueless about the Middle East. Hillary was too busy selling access to the State Department for contributions to the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation, aka the William Jefferson Corleone Foundation, and arranging speeches for Bill Clinton. Obama was interested in withdrawal from Iraq at any cost and also announced withdrawal from Afghanistan. He started in 2009 by apologizing for U.S. power during his apology tour.

As a result, we have suffered attacks in our country inspired by ISIS, and ISIS has conducted a war of genocide to kill Christians in the areas it has conquered.

Obama was warned about ISIS, but he did not do anything about it.

Now we have to clean up the mess left by Obama.

Read more: Blog: Obama: ISIL not on my radar
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As I scrolled down the article in the OP link, an ad popped up for survivalist stuff with the headline "FEMA Hates This".

So that tells me the depth of credulousness of the readers of that site. As do the article headlines along the right side of the page.

The Free Syrian Army is who we are arming. They are mortal enemies of the Al Qaeda faction in Syria.

I would say "nice try" but your pathetic shit doesn't rise to that level.

Amen! Just more fake news.
As I scrolled down the article in the OP link, an ad popped up for survivalist stuff with the headline "FEMA Hates This".

So that tells me the depth of credulousness of the readers of that site. As do the article headlines along the right side of the page.

The Free Syrian Army is who we are arming. They are mortal enemies of the Al Qaeda faction in Syria.

I would say "nice try" but your pathetic shit doesn't rise to that level.

Amen! Just more fake news.
Right, from obongos mouth. Hey maybe trump will knock off the cigarette tax, rolmao...:smoke:

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