Obama Saves America's Auto Industry! {KING}

If Obama had not bailed out the industry, it would've cost America nearly 2 MILLION jobs, loss of those jobs tax revenue, more ppl on unemployment, and totaled over 40 billion in losses for us.

He did the right thing, and saved the industry.

Gm has had 15 straight quarters of growth, added thousands of new jobs, and is thinking about paying a dividend to it's stockholders now because it's flushed with cash from selling so many cars.

Thank you Obama!
If Obama had not bailed out the industry, it would've cost America nearly 2 MILLION jobs, loss of those jobs tax revenue, more ppl on unemployment, and totaled over 40 billion in losses for us.

He did the right thing, and saved the industry.

Gm has had 15 straight quarters of growth, added thousands of new jobs, and is thinking about paying a dividend to it's stockholders now because it's flushed with cash from selling so many cars.

Thank you Obama!

Not that many jobs would have been lost. Not permanently. If the auto companies hadn't been able to work through a traditional bankruptcy, which they would surely have tried to do and may have succeeded in doing, most of the jobs would still exist today but many would have migrated to the south. And then Obama would have had to bail out Detroit for real because Detroit's actual bankruptcy would have happened sooner. But Detroit's bankruptcy was staved off just over a year too long. Now that his last election is over, Obama no longer has anything to gain politically by trying to save them so they're SOL.
If the auto industry had not done such a piss poor job of running their companies there would have been no need for a bailout I find it to be a rather sad commentary on the nation when we now reward incompetence.
If Obama had not bailed out the industry, it would've cost America nearly 2 MILLION jobs, loss of those jobs tax revenue, more ppl on unemployment, and totaled over 40 billion in losses for us.

He did the right thing, and saved the industry.

Gm has had 15 straight quarters of growth, added thousands of new jobs, and is thinking about paying a dividend to it's stockholders now because it's flushed with cash from selling so many cars.

Thank you Obama!

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.....look, it's a Chris Matthews sock.

Nobody needed those cars. Oh wait..they did...so there would have been a business to make them. Only it would not have been the dinosoar that GM is.

Of course, Obama would not now have the U.A.W. kissing his ass at every turn either. Those unions are about to get another pass on Obamacare.

It's disgusting how totally open this Affirmative Action Failure is about his cronyism.
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1.5 million auto jobs alone saved by Obama.

You are most certainly welcome.


So what yer saying is Obama dumped cash on the rich (1%ers) who own companies that hire people to work for, for near nothing compared to the CEO's. These "slaves" build cars that pollute the world and cause global warming and higher demand for environmentally damaging roads...?

And lastly, unless I'm mistaken.... Obama did this with TARP, that Bush passed.... So you really want Bush's cock in yer mouth, not Obama's...?

Really interesting stuff.

Oh, and TARP that Bush did is what liberal progressives claim made Bush's deficit so high, yet you credit Obama for it's "successes." Meaning, Obama was part of that first giant deficit building budget in 2009, if he wants to claim credit for it's "accomplishments." Thus, Obama is the biggest defict spending president through growth and over all spending is US history.

Thanks for that!
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So when a president saves jobs....you are mad?

What y'all do with Obama is play "Catch 22". Damn if he does, damn if he doesn't.

Obama can put forth ideas that republicans were previously for, but if HE'S the one doing it, you cry foul.

All you do is try to mask your hatred.

That's it.

If he is tough on terror, you are against drones.

If he tries to negotiate without war, you say he is giving his muslim brothers a break.

If he says "Trayvon could've been my son", you scream bloody murder.

If he says nothing about race, you ask blacks daily "what has he done for you? He doesn't care about blacks at all!"

If he shakes Castro's hand, he is a communist.

If he doesn't, he has no couth, and knows not how to conduct himself appropriately in international settings.

If he kills Ben-Laden, so what? Bush would've done that too with just 7 more years to catch him.

If he hadn't knocked out the vast majority of Al-Queda, you would be screaming how soft he is on terrorism, and we need some "Good 'Ol Boys" to come back and torture some more people.

Therefore, y'all are full of shit.

And Barack Obama says "Kiss my ass!"

Rightfully so.

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While republicans said it was a mistake to bail 'em out.



Yeah, look no further than Detroit. It was a mistake to bail them out. Period.
I'm happy that you're so happy with him, Black_Man1. :)

I was frustrated that so many people were happy with him for so long when facts about him and his administration were being suppressed, but now that the majority seems to be seeing him in a more realistic light, I'm occasionally able to be glad that some people still find something to like about him.

So yay.
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So when a president saves jobs....you are mad?

What y'all do with Obama is play "Catch 22". Damn if he does, damn if he doesn't.

Obama can put forth ideas that republicans were previously for, but if HE'S the one doing it, you cry foul.

All you do is try to mask your hatred.

That's it.

If he is tough on terror, you are against drones.

If he tries to negotiate without war, you say he is giving his muslim brothers a break.

If he says "Trayvon could've been my son", you scream bloody murder.

If he says nothing about race, you ask blacks daily "what has he done for you? He doesn't care about blacks at all!"

If he shakes Castro's hand, he is a communist.

If he doesn't, he has no couth, and knows not how to conduct himself appropriately in international settings.

If he kills Ben-Laden, so what? Bush would've done that too with just 7 more years to catch him.

If he hadn't knocked out the vast majority of Al-Queda, you would be screaming how soft he is on terrorism, and we need some "Good 'Ol Boys" to come back and torture some more people.

Therefore, y'all are full of shit.

And Barack Obama says "Kiss my ass!"

Rightfully so.


Who passed TARP, Bush or Obama?

You should be gloating about Bush's successes no? Or will you keep avoiding this incontinent truth, lol.
"We will not let Detroit go bankrupt!"

-Barack Obama

Detroit was once the capital of the auto industry, but it moved ahead with bankruptcy proceedings last week. So much for "saving the auto industry." Hell, he couldn't even save the lives of four men in Benghazi, or the health insurance of 5.5 million people much less.
What do I find pleasing about Obama you say?

1. He doesn't call blacks *******, hispanics spics, and jews kikes everday while sitting in The Oval Office committing felonies like Nixon did.

I am happy about that.

2. He isn't committing adultery in The Oval Office with a teenager that is bordering on statutory rape like Clinton.

That pleases me.

3. He isn't botching clandestine black op missions overseas leading to international incidents and the rise of fanatical lunatics like Carter.

I'm ecstatic about that.

4. There isn't a new drug like crack that is flooding the streets shipped here from people who were on his vice president's payroll like Reagan.


5. A 9-11 ain't happened on his watch, and it hasn't taken him 5 days to respond to a major American city being destroyed like Bush did with Katrina.

So yeah, I DO....find "some" things to be pleased about in Obama's term as president.

Maybe he should start acting like those other presidents y'all LOVE so much.



What do I find pleasing about Obama you say?

1. He doesn't call blacks *******, hispanics spics, and jews kikes everday while sitting in The Oval Office committing felonies like Nixon did.

I am happy about that.

2. He isn't committing adultery in The Oval Office with a teenager that is bordering on statutory rape like Clinton.

That pleases me.

3. He isn't botching clandestine black op missions overseas leading to international incidents and the rise of fanatical lunatics like Carter.

I'm ecstatic about that.

4. There isn't a new drug like crack that is flooding the streets shipped here from people who were on his vice president's payroll like Reagan.


5. A 9-11 ain't happened on his watch, and it hasn't taken him 5 days to respond to a major American city being destroyed like Bush did with Katrina.

So yeah, I DO....find "some" things to be pleased about in Obama's term as president.

Maybe he should start acting like those other presidents y'all LOVE so much.





Note at no point did you mention anything that makes Obama a good President, simply him not being a "near" pedophile, or racist to anyone that is not white, or that he didn't magically prevent a terrorist attack but failed to stop a few others on smaller scales...

Obama runs massive deficits
Obama spends over 150 billion more than Bush/Reps on wars
Obama starts new wars and expands old wars
Bush had to end the Iraq war on his set timetable despite Obama trying to keep us there
Obama spies on our allies and all US citizens.
Obama got the country downgraded
Obama divided the country
Obama has more people on food stamps than ever before
Obama has historic welfare usage
Obama has historic black un-employment
Obama managed to be a worse public speaker than mother fucking Bush when he's not reading a script someone else wrote for his ignorant ass
Obama expanded homeland security
Obama expanded the patriot act
Obama failed to close Guantanamo
Obama passed the NDA after claiming he would't
Obama assassinated a US citizen, historic!
Obama plays golf, a lot... LOLz
Obama says "ya'll"
Obama lies so much that most the nation no longer trusts him
Obama is losing the youth
Obama lost 1 million voters in 2012 VS 2008, historic! As no time has either paty lost voters out side of Perot.

Sounds like a great guy Black_guy1... Odd you think your race matters so much you would put it in your fucking username LOL.
What do I find pleasing about Obama you say?

1. He doesn't call blacks *******, hispanics spics, and jews kikes everday while sitting in The Oval Office committing felonies like Nixon did.

I am happy about that.

2. He isn't committing adultery in The Oval Office with a teenager that is bordering on statutory rape like Clinton.

That pleases me.

3. He isn't botching clandestine black op missions overseas leading to international incidents and the rise of fanatical lunatics like Carter.

I'm ecstatic about that.

4. There isn't a new drug like crack that is flooding the streets shipped here from people who were on his vice president's payroll like Reagan.


5. A 9-11 ain't happened on his watch, and it hasn't taken him 5 days to respond to a major American city being destroyed like Bush did with Katrina.

So yeah, I DO....find "some" things to be pleased about in Obama's term as president.

Maybe he should start acting like those other presidents y'all LOVE so much.




What a great list. :thup:
Hey, I'm also glad that Obama isn't getting blow jobs from young women in the oval office.

We can count our blessings.

we can imagine if he WAS.

Now how would you be acting then?

Compare that to how much Obama is ragged on today, and how lovingly many look upon those other presidents.

we can imagine if he WAS.

Now how would you be acting then?

Compare that to how much Obama is ragged on today, and how lovingly many look upon those other presidents.

Please. The good things about Obama are that he loves his family and he means well. If he did do something as stupid as what Clinton did on a personal level, then he would have nothing left. He doesn't have Clinton's ability to lead and work with the opposition. But he's good to his family. I hope he always has that.

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