Obama says he pays his fair share....trump....who knows?

Amid wealth tax debate, Obama says paying his fair share is 'something I insist upon'

Obama says he doesn't like writing big checks but he pays his fair share.

trump takes pride in avoiding paying taxes....if he does....We don't know because he has lied about their status for three years.

POS in Chief
There is no such thing as "fair share"
This isn't kindergarten snack time ya fool. You pay what you owe plain and simple. Link me to a single Democrat who pays beyond what they are required to pay in an effort to pay a "fair share".....WITH PROOF
You pay what the law allows The law is way overweight in protecting the 1%'s money
Shame Obama didn't "fix" that when he held BOTH houses huh?!
He still had republicans killing whatever he wanted to do
If course he did! It's not like he got Obamacare passed with 100% Republican obstruction.....oh wait!
Do you, in your one sided mind remember what McConnell said about making obama a one term president?
There is no such thing as "fair share"
This isn't kindergarten snack time ya fool. You pay what you owe plain and simple. Link me to a single Democrat who pays beyond what they are required to pay in an effort to pay a "fair share".....WITH PROOF
You pay what the law allows The law is way overweight in protecting the 1%'s money
Shame Obama didn't "fix" that when he held BOTH houses huh?!
He still had republicans killing whatever he wanted to do
If course he did! It's not like he got Obamacare passed with 100% Republican obstruction.....oh wait!
Do you, in your one sided mind remember what McConnell said about making obama a one term president?
Of course. Has nothing to do with this topic so why bring it up?
Amid wealth tax debate, Obama says paying his fair share is 'something I insist upon'

Obama says he doesn't like writing big checks but he pays his fair share.

trump takes pride in avoiding paying taxes....if he does....We don't know because he has lied about their status for three years.

POS in Chief

Obama's tax return is not nearly as complicated as Trumps. You think Trump really does that himself or does he hire a team of CPA's to take care of it all for him? People with holdings like Trump are simply going to defer to the advice of their tax professionals. It's how its done, but now I'm sure the Democrats are going to try to go back and second guess his accountants.
They are looking for anything they can criminalize because they don't have a crime to go after. They are not investigating a crime. They are investigating a person because they don't like him and dont agree with him politically. The fact the Democrat party was able to use the DOJ to spy on an opposition candidate is one of the real crimes here, not whatever Trump did before he became president. This episode will go down as one of the worst witch hunts in US history.

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