Obama Says Politicians Blatantly Lying Is Something ‘We Have Not Seen Before.’

I'd like to see him take a lie detector test, maybe Dr. Ford's guy is available?
Obama knows he is only talking to the LIV's of America who can't remember the damage he did to this great country

Doesn't he have a date with his trainer Reggie or something?

Obozo just trying to rally his stupid base. He must not think much of them, otherwise he wouldn’t make such an asinine comment
Stupid thing to say, bordering retarded. He can't help it, Obama is a two bit con by many respects.
C'mon! Obama has been "lying" about his lying for years. Even when he was a Senator of Illinois. He was a great spokesman and salesman. He "sold" America on his word(s), and America were dumb enough to buy it. That is how he became the 44th POTUS.

Everytime, he would mention something about guns...gun stocks and sales went through the roof.

Everytime, he mentioned: "If you like your doctor, you can keep it"...it became routinely the jokes on the Late Night shows.

Everytime, he (Obama) opened up his mouth, the MSM "listened". And bought into many of his rhetorics. And they still do...well after he left the Presidency.

Talk about being the Greatest Liar in Chief.

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