Obama - Sell Out!!!

This column is from some months ago, but very accurate. It is nice to know that at least one liberal columnist, tells the truth about the Left's Messiah.

"YES WE CAN"...sell you out...save the TBTF banks...screw the poor and middle class....start lots of wars....YES WE CAN!!!!

He kicked out 10 million Americans from their homes...screwed them hard, but he protected the TBTF banks. Funny...he said before being POTUS that he would break up the big banks, but he only made them bigger, more powerful, and now he takes their money.

He was and is a sell out. He is not a progressive. All he cares about is making money for HIMSELF!
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech
Did you really avoid breaking up the big banks because you thought it would undermine financial stability, or were you on the take? Did you really think a fracking ban would be bad for the environment, or were you on the take? One man’s sophisticated and pragmatic approach to public policy can be the other man’s grab bag of corrupt opportunism.

But still, Obama does not need this gig. And both his party — and his ideological kin the world over — could really use some distance from Wall Street, given that even the center-left’s own technocrats now recognize that the financial industry is an overgrown parasite whose rapacious rent-seeking immiserates working people.

That said, there may be an argument for Obama milking his appeal as a paid speaker to redistribute millions of dollars away from Wall Street firms and into the coffers of GiveDirectly, the Deworm the World Initiative, or the Eric Levitz Fund for Millennial Journalists Who Would Like a Big-Ass Smart TV.
Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street Speech

Why is getting paid for a specch to goldman sachs a "sell out" when he gets paid that amount or more from other institutions for a speech?

I'd rather him or Hillary give a speach to some Wall Street company THAN

to hire 5 Goldman Sach's Wall Streeters as your advisors as Trump has done...

Now YOU TELL ME, who has REALLY sold you OUT?

for goodness sake....

Now YOU TELL ME, who has REALLY sold you OUT?

Trump - and the sale hasnt even started yet.

Repeal/Replace was just a sample
The tax cut for Wall street corps and the wealthiest was another... the killing of safety and health and clean air and water regulations is another...it's all for Wall Street
corporations....money money money money! the selling off of natural parks is another.... the pipeline is another, the killing of protections to prevent another Horizon oil spill is another....

it ALL BENEFITS THE MOST, Wall Streeters....
so all the jobs coming back to the US now - wall street?

got it. we genericize a villian and then blame all on "the rich".
Another bad thing that George Bush Junior did, bailout the auto industry. Is was a fucking rip off

No doubt, he started the party and Obama made it a worldwide 6 year festival.
Meanwhile...there are more empty homes today than any other time in history. Now this would be, and should be, a catastrophic thing. You see...the homeowners were kicked out, they lost everything...but the banks got paid in full by the Feds - so they didn't lose a thing.

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