Obama sending US Marshalls to ARREST those who owe federal student loans! Dang libs...

Yeah, but that's actually factual. And doesn't involve blaming Obama. So clearly Bucky has no use for it.
It's bad enough that the president is held responsible for every thing that happens from a riot to pigeons pooping on the white house but to create a story so you can blame the president is really a bit much.

Keep reading through the thread. They go full retard, insisting that Obama be 'held accountable' because he wasn't specifically familiar with a 3 year old bench warrant in South Texas.

These fucks are insane.

Hey sunshine...still at it huh? You figure out yet who the Marshals chain of command is??? I know you say a judge is part of it. I know for a 100% fact the POTUS is. Which means....they'd have 2 chains of command...one in the Judicial Branch and one in the Executive Branch. Which isn't possible.

But....go ahead. Keep thinking a judge is on the law enforcement chain of command.

Laughing......you've abandoned your entire OP. You won't even touch the title of your thread, boy.

The reason is simple: the OP is a lie. Your narrative about the arrest is a lie. Who you claimed sent the marshals was a lie. Even the reason for his arrest was a lie.

And like epic fail frosting......you couldn't even spell Marshals.

Oh not a fail at all. It got me several pages of Obama smearing while also getting to show how ignorant you and several other libs are of the basic fundamentals of our government. It'd say it was quite successful.

We saw that you have no grasp whatsoever of the ideas of separation of powers or chain of command.
We saw bodecea thinks law enforcement is under the Judicial Branch.
We saw TheDoctorisIn thinks the POTUS is absolutely not in the chain of command of federal law enforcement.

It was quite the circus you morons displayed. And all it took was one highly exaggerated and silly story. There will be more. And you libs will dive in head first yet again. Who knows what gems we will get next time. But your idea that the Judicial Branch has chain of command power over the Executive Branch....that's a classic.

Sometimes seeing liberal retardation is like peeling an onion. You may have to dig a couple layers....but once you do...it's smells and can burn your eyes.

What 'it' got you, Bucky....was laughed at. As you only demonstrated how utterly irrational your ilk actually are. You lie without thinking. The OP was a lie. The thread title was a lie. Your details about the arrest was a lie. Your account of who sent the marshals was a lie. Even your account of WHY he was arrested was a lie.

You traded your integrity in exchange for nothing. As you had to abandon your entire OP.

Remember that. I certainly will.
Last edited:
Throwing a person in jail will not make that money appear any faster. If anything, throwing a person in jail will just make that money take even longer to appear because the person is not out there working a job to earn that money.

God bless you always!!!


Yes. Too bad Obama didn't stop this with an executive order. It's very Soviet Union debtor prisonish.

There was a traffic light out on the street I we just in, why don't you blame Obama for that one too lol. It's really sad you have to lie and show everyone just how dishonest a con you really are.

Because Obama isn't in charge of your local city roads department or local public works.

He is...however...the head honcho in charge of all federal law enforcement including the Marshals.

And again, the person was arrested for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT. He was NOT arrested for not paying his student loans. Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest.

Yup. That's the lesson everyone took from the thread.
It's bad enough that the president is held responsible for every thing that happens from a riot to pigeons pooping on the white house but to create a story so you can blame the president is really a bit much.

Keep reading through the thread. They go full retard, insisting that Obama be 'held accountable' because he wasn't specifically familiar with a 3 year old bench warrant in South Texas.

These fucks are insane.

Hey sunshine...still at it huh? You figure out yet who the Marshals chain of command is??? I know you say a judge is part of it. I know for a 100% fact the POTUS is. Which means....they'd have 2 chains of command...one in the Judicial Branch and one in the Executive Branch. Which isn't possible.

But....go ahead. Keep thinking a judge is on the law enforcement chain of command.

Laughing......you've abandoned your entire OP. You won't even touch the title of your thread, boy.

The reason is simple: the OP is a lie. Your narrative about the arrest is a lie. Who you claimed sent the marshals was a lie. Even the reason for his arrest was a lie.

And like epic fail frosting......you couldn't even spell Marshals.

Oh not a fail at all. It got me several pages of Obama smearing while also getting to show how ignorant you and several other libs are of the basic fundamentals of our government. It'd say it was quite successful.

We saw that you have no grasp whatsoever of the ideas of separation of powers or chain of command.
We saw bodecea thinks law enforcement is under the Judicial Branch.
We saw TheDoctorisIn thinks the POTUS is absolutely not in the chain of command of federal law enforcement.

It was quite the circus you morons displayed. And all it took was one highly exaggerated and silly story. There will be more. And you libs will dive in head first yet again. Who knows what gems we will get next time. But your idea that the Judicial Branch has chain of command power over the Executive Branch....that's a classic.

Sometimes seeing liberal retardation is like peeling an onion. You may have to dig a couple layers....but once you do...it's smells and can burn your eyes.

What 'it' got you, Bucky....was laughed at. As you only demonstrated how utterly irrational your ilk actually is. You lie without thinking. The OP was a lie. The thread title was a lie. Your details about the arrest was a lie. Your account of who sent the marshals was a lie. Even your account of WHY he was arrested was a lie.

You traded your integrity in exchange for nothing. As you had to abandon your entire OP. Remember that. I certainly will.

Oh please do remember it. Please. It exposed how ignorant you lefties really are. You don't even grasp the basic fundamentals of our government. You don't even grasp the basics of separation of powers.

Yes. Please always remember this. I will also. It was more successful than I ever hoped.
Keep reading through the thread. They go full retard, insisting that Obama be 'held accountable' because he wasn't specifically familiar with a 3 year old bench warrant in South Texas.

These fucks are insane.

Hey sunshine...still at it huh? You figure out yet who the Marshals chain of command is??? I know you say a judge is part of it. I know for a 100% fact the POTUS is. Which means....they'd have 2 chains of command...one in the Judicial Branch and one in the Executive Branch. Which isn't possible.

But....go ahead. Keep thinking a judge is on the law enforcement chain of command.

Laughing......you've abandoned your entire OP. You won't even touch the title of your thread, boy.

The reason is simple: the OP is a lie. Your narrative about the arrest is a lie. Who you claimed sent the marshals was a lie. Even the reason for his arrest was a lie.

And like epic fail frosting......you couldn't even spell Marshals.

Oh not a fail at all. It got me several pages of Obama smearing while also getting to show how ignorant you and several other libs are of the basic fundamentals of our government. It'd say it was quite successful.

We saw that you have no grasp whatsoever of the ideas of separation of powers or chain of command.
We saw bodecea thinks law enforcement is under the Judicial Branch.
We saw TheDoctorisIn thinks the POTUS is absolutely not in the chain of command of federal law enforcement.

It was quite the circus you morons displayed. And all it took was one highly exaggerated and silly story. There will be more. And you libs will dive in head first yet again. Who knows what gems we will get next time. But your idea that the Judicial Branch has chain of command power over the Executive Branch....that's a classic.

Sometimes seeing liberal retardation is like peeling an onion. You may have to dig a couple layers....but once you do...it's smells and can burn your eyes.

What 'it' got you, Bucky....was laughed at. As you only demonstrated how utterly irrational your ilk actually is. You lie without thinking. The OP was a lie. The thread title was a lie. Your details about the arrest was a lie. Your account of who sent the marshals was a lie. Even your account of WHY he was arrested was a lie.

You traded your integrity in exchange for nothing. As you had to abandon your entire OP. Remember that. I certainly will.

Oh please do remember it. Please. It exposed how ignorant you lefties really are. You don't even grasp the basic fundamentals of our government. You don't even grasp the basics of separation of powers.

Yes. Please always remember this. I will also. It was more successful than I ever hoped.

Laughing....I've bookmarked this thread. Your insistence that marshals don't have to obey a lawful court order will be biting you in the ass for years.

I only wish I could get as much mileage on you casual, stupid lies. Or your abandonment of every claim you made in the OP. Alas, noting you lie without thinking and flee from your own claims is like declaring water is wet. Even Disgruntled, new to this board had you pegged within a few dozen posts:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Amen, brother.
Hey sunshine...still at it huh? You figure out yet who the Marshals chain of command is??? I know you say a judge is part of it. I know for a 100% fact the POTUS is. Which means....they'd have 2 chains of command...one in the Judicial Branch and one in the Executive Branch. Which isn't possible.

But....go ahead. Keep thinking a judge is on the law enforcement chain of command.

Laughing......you've abandoned your entire OP. You won't even touch the title of your thread, boy.

The reason is simple: the OP is a lie. Your narrative about the arrest is a lie. Who you claimed sent the marshals was a lie. Even the reason for his arrest was a lie.

And like epic fail frosting......you couldn't even spell Marshals.

Oh not a fail at all. It got me several pages of Obama smearing while also getting to show how ignorant you and several other libs are of the basic fundamentals of our government. It'd say it was quite successful.

We saw that you have no grasp whatsoever of the ideas of separation of powers or chain of command.
We saw bodecea thinks law enforcement is under the Judicial Branch.
We saw TheDoctorisIn thinks the POTUS is absolutely not in the chain of command of federal law enforcement.

It was quite the circus you morons displayed. And all it took was one highly exaggerated and silly story. There will be more. And you libs will dive in head first yet again. Who knows what gems we will get next time. But your idea that the Judicial Branch has chain of command power over the Executive Branch....that's a classic.

Sometimes seeing liberal retardation is like peeling an onion. You may have to dig a couple layers....but once you do...it's smells and can burn your eyes.

What 'it' got you, Bucky....was laughed at. As you only demonstrated how utterly irrational your ilk actually is. You lie without thinking. The OP was a lie. The thread title was a lie. Your details about the arrest was a lie. Your account of who sent the marshals was a lie. Even your account of WHY he was arrested was a lie.

You traded your integrity in exchange for nothing. As you had to abandon your entire OP. Remember that. I certainly will.

Oh please do remember it. Please. It exposed how ignorant you lefties really are. You don't even grasp the basic fundamentals of our government. You don't even grasp the basics of separation of powers.

Yes. Please always remember this. I will also. It was more successful than I ever hoped.

Laughing....I've bookmarked this thread. Your insistence that marshals don't have to obey a lawful court order will be biting you in the ass for years.

I only wish I could get as much mileage on you casual, stupid lies. Or your abandonment of every claim you made in the OP. Alas, noting you lie without thinking and flee from your own claims is like declaring water is wet. Even Disgruntled, new to this board had you pegged within a few dozen posts:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Amen, brother.

They dont. This isn't the military. They can say NO and what happens? Nothing. No court martial. No jail. It just doesn't get done. It's call law enforcement discretion. It's the separation of powers. It's a basic foundation of checks and balances that this nation was founded on.

The fact that you and other libs didn't know this is why you cannot be trusted with power. In YOUR viewpoint and logic....the Supreme Court could give commands to the Army. (Hint: they cant)

If a state judge goes and finds a state trooper and ORDERS him to go to Highway 10 and immediately begin making DUI and drug arrests.....and he refuses....what happens? Nothing. He isn't in the chain of command.

A judge can rule on what is legal and what isnt. A judge can issue court orders upon plaintiffs and defendants. And a judge can EMPOWER law enforcement to make an arrest or a search via a warrant....but he cannot COMMAND them. Their boss....in their chain of command....does that.

Again....it's a balance of power. Been that way since 1776. Catch up.
Laughing......you've abandoned your entire OP. You won't even touch the title of your thread, boy.

The reason is simple: the OP is a lie. Your narrative about the arrest is a lie. Who you claimed sent the marshals was a lie. Even the reason for his arrest was a lie.

And like epic fail frosting......you couldn't even spell Marshals.

Oh not a fail at all. It got me several pages of Obama smearing while also getting to show how ignorant you and several other libs are of the basic fundamentals of our government. It'd say it was quite successful.

We saw that you have no grasp whatsoever of the ideas of separation of powers or chain of command.
We saw bodecea thinks law enforcement is under the Judicial Branch.
We saw TheDoctorisIn thinks the POTUS is absolutely not in the chain of command of federal law enforcement.

It was quite the circus you morons displayed. And all it took was one highly exaggerated and silly story. There will be more. And you libs will dive in head first yet again. Who knows what gems we will get next time. But your idea that the Judicial Branch has chain of command power over the Executive Branch....that's a classic.

Sometimes seeing liberal retardation is like peeling an onion. You may have to dig a couple layers....but once you do...it's smells and can burn your eyes.

What 'it' got you, Bucky....was laughed at. As you only demonstrated how utterly irrational your ilk actually is. You lie without thinking. The OP was a lie. The thread title was a lie. Your details about the arrest was a lie. Your account of who sent the marshals was a lie. Even your account of WHY he was arrested was a lie.

You traded your integrity in exchange for nothing. As you had to abandon your entire OP. Remember that. I certainly will.

Oh please do remember it. Please. It exposed how ignorant you lefties really are. You don't even grasp the basic fundamentals of our government. You don't even grasp the basics of separation of powers.

Yes. Please always remember this. I will also. It was more successful than I ever hoped.

Laughing....I've bookmarked this thread. Your insistence that marshals don't have to obey a lawful court order will be biting you in the ass for years.

I only wish I could get as much mileage on you casual, stupid lies. Or your abandonment of every claim you made in the OP. Alas, noting you lie without thinking and flee from your own claims is like declaring water is wet. Even Disgruntled, new to this board had you pegged within a few dozen posts:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Amen, brother.

They dont. This isn't the military. They can say NO and what happens? Nothing. No court martial. No jail. It just doesn't get done. It's call law enforcement discretion. It's the separation of powers. It's a basic foundation of checks and balances that this nation was founded on.

The fact that you and other libs didn't know this is why you cannot have power. In YOUR viewpoint and logic....the Supreme Court could give commands to the Army. (Hint: they cant)

Oh, I already have you on record, Bucky with the page bookmarked. That quote is never going away.

ANd I don't need you on record running from your own OP with your tail tucked between your legs. As you demonstrate that for us regularly. As you do hapless, stupid lies. You can't help yourself. And you've proven it yet again....so thoroughly that even someone new to the board can recognize it:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Laughing...if ever you're curious why you citing you means jack shit.....just refer back to your clusterfuck in this thread.
Oh not a fail at all. It got me several pages of Obama smearing while also getting to show how ignorant you and several other libs are of the basic fundamentals of our government. It'd say it was quite successful.

We saw that you have no grasp whatsoever of the ideas of separation of powers or chain of command.
We saw bodecea thinks law enforcement is under the Judicial Branch.
We saw TheDoctorisIn thinks the POTUS is absolutely not in the chain of command of federal law enforcement.

It was quite the circus you morons displayed. And all it took was one highly exaggerated and silly story. There will be more. And you libs will dive in head first yet again. Who knows what gems we will get next time. But your idea that the Judicial Branch has chain of command power over the Executive Branch....that's a classic.

Sometimes seeing liberal retardation is like peeling an onion. You may have to dig a couple layers....but once you do...it's smells and can burn your eyes.

What 'it' got you, Bucky....was laughed at. As you only demonstrated how utterly irrational your ilk actually is. You lie without thinking. The OP was a lie. The thread title was a lie. Your details about the arrest was a lie. Your account of who sent the marshals was a lie. Even your account of WHY he was arrested was a lie.

You traded your integrity in exchange for nothing. As you had to abandon your entire OP. Remember that. I certainly will.

Oh please do remember it. Please. It exposed how ignorant you lefties really are. You don't even grasp the basic fundamentals of our government. You don't even grasp the basics of separation of powers.

Yes. Please always remember this. I will also. It was more successful than I ever hoped.

Laughing....I've bookmarked this thread. Your insistence that marshals don't have to obey a lawful court order will be biting you in the ass for years.

I only wish I could get as much mileage on you casual, stupid lies. Or your abandonment of every claim you made in the OP. Alas, noting you lie without thinking and flee from your own claims is like declaring water is wet. Even Disgruntled, new to this board had you pegged within a few dozen posts:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Amen, brother.

They dont. This isn't the military. They can say NO and what happens? Nothing. No court martial. No jail. It just doesn't get done. It's call law enforcement discretion. It's the separation of powers. It's a basic foundation of checks and balances that this nation was founded on.

The fact that you and other libs didn't know this is why you cannot have power. In YOUR viewpoint and logic....the Supreme Court could give commands to the Army. (Hint: they cant)

Oh, I already have you on record, Bucky with the page bookmarked. That quote is never going away.

ANd I don't need you on record running from your own OP with your tail tucked between your legs. As you demonstrate that for us regularly. As you do hapless, stupid lies. You can't help yourself. And you've proven it yet again....so thoroughly that even someone new to the board can recognize it:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Laughing...if ever you're curious why you citing you means jack shit.....just refer back to your clusterfuck in this thread.

YES PLEASE DO. Thank you!!!!

- Me: Exaggerated and misrepresented a topic to fuck with liberals and smear Obama
- You: Responded to it and showed a COMPLETE ignorance of the basic fundamentals of our government

Yeah....I'll take that trade off haha!!! Can a mod make this one sticky??? I'm quite proud of it honestly. Not just exposing your dumbth. But Bodecea thinking LE is in the Judicial Branch and TheDoctorisIn thinking POTUS had not command authority over federal law enforcement!!!

A classic. A pure gold classic.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

Who says that Obama sent anyone?

Christ....*another* conspiracy, Bucky?

Obama is ultimately responsible, because he is the one that pushed the Federal takeover of student loans.

The amount of student loan debt is more than credit card debt of all Americans. Obama has effectively made this entire generation slaves to the state.

How The $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents And The Economy
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

Who says that Obama sent anyone?

Christ....*another* conspiracy, Bucky?

Obama is ultimately responsible, because he is the one that pushed the Federal takeover of student loans.

The amount of student loan debt is more than credit card debt of all Americans. Obama has effectively made this entire generation slaves to the state.

How The $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents And The Economy

So Obama forced all these people to get student loans huh?
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.
What 'it' got you, Bucky....was laughed at. As you only demonstrated how utterly irrational your ilk actually is. You lie without thinking. The OP was a lie. The thread title was a lie. Your details about the arrest was a lie. Your account of who sent the marshals was a lie. Even your account of WHY he was arrested was a lie.

You traded your integrity in exchange for nothing. As you had to abandon your entire OP. Remember that. I certainly will.

Oh please do remember it. Please. It exposed how ignorant you lefties really are. You don't even grasp the basic fundamentals of our government. You don't even grasp the basics of separation of powers.

Yes. Please always remember this. I will also. It was more successful than I ever hoped.

Laughing....I've bookmarked this thread. Your insistence that marshals don't have to obey a lawful court order will be biting you in the ass for years.

I only wish I could get as much mileage on you casual, stupid lies. Or your abandonment of every claim you made in the OP. Alas, noting you lie without thinking and flee from your own claims is like declaring water is wet. Even Disgruntled, new to this board had you pegged within a few dozen posts:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Amen, brother.

They dont. This isn't the military. They can say NO and what happens? Nothing. No court martial. No jail. It just doesn't get done. It's call law enforcement discretion. It's the separation of powers. It's a basic foundation of checks and balances that this nation was founded on.

The fact that you and other libs didn't know this is why you cannot have power. In YOUR viewpoint and logic....the Supreme Court could give commands to the Army. (Hint: they cant)

Oh, I already have you on record, Bucky with the page bookmarked. That quote is never going away.

ANd I don't need you on record running from your own OP with your tail tucked between your legs. As you demonstrate that for us regularly. As you do hapless, stupid lies. You can't help yourself. And you've proven it yet again....so thoroughly that even someone new to the board can recognize it:

"Your lies are abundantly clear and you have been proven to be dishonest."

Laughing...if ever you're curious why you citing you means jack shit.....just refer back to your clusterfuck in this thread.

YES PLEASE DO. Thank you!!!!

- Me: Exaggerated and misrepresented a topic to fuck with liberals and smear Obama
- You: Responded to it and showed a COMPLETE ignorance of the basic fundamentals of our government

You didn't exaggerate, you flat out lied like the dishonest con you are.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that for LIBERAL studies or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.

If they are so many people doing that you can provide at least ONE person can't you? Nope because you are lying scum.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that for LIBERAL studies or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.

If they are so many people doing that you can provide at least ONE person can't you? Nope because you are lying scum.

AH....now you want more....

- I prove a degree in LGBT studies exists
- I prove it would cost 200k

And you want me to prove someone took the loans out to get the devree?? Um....SDSU doesn't publicly release students names and debt buddy.

You want me to believe that not 1 liberal moron took out loans to get that degree? You're more obtuse than I thought. Eventually more people will be in crippling debt for LGBT Studies than African American Studies has caused.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.
I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that for LIBERAL studies or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.

If they are so many people doing that you can provide at least ONE person can't you? Nope because you are lying scum.

AH....now you want more....

- I prove a degree in LGBT studies exists
- I prove it would cost 200k

And you want me to prove someone took the loans out to get the devree?? Um....SDSU doesn't publicly release students names and debt buddy.

You want me to believe that not 1 liberal moron took out loans to get that degree? You're more obtuse than I thought. Eventually more people will be in crippling debt for LGBT Studies than African American Studies has caused.

Yes, I never said the degree doesn't exist.

No, you have not proven that a student that paid $200K for that degree. Now prove that or STFU please. Why can't you show that the students you claimed owe $200K have done so in the degree you listed? Oh yeah, because no one has.
I have no problem with that.

When you borrow money you have to pay it back.

If you don't pay it back then there should be consequences. Not a slap on the wrist. How bout jail time??

Works for me since it was my tax money they borrowed to further their education.

I, for one, want my money back.

Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.
Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that for LIBERAL studies or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.

If they are so many people doing that you can provide at least ONE person can't you? Nope because you are lying scum.

AH....now you want more....

- I prove a degree in LGBT studies exists
- I prove it would cost 200k

And you want me to prove someone took the loans out to get the devree?? Um....SDSU doesn't publicly release students names and debt buddy.

You want me to believe that not 1 liberal moron took out loans to get that degree? You're more obtuse than I thought. Eventually more people will be in crippling debt for LGBT Studies than African American Studies has caused.

Yes, I never said the degree doesn't exist.

No, you have not proven that a student that paid $200K for that degree. Now prove that or STFU please. Why can't you show that the students you claimed owe $200K have done so in the degree you listed? Oh yeah, because no one has.


SDSU has the program.
SDSU charges for the program.
People are paying that price.

Maybe they're paying 200k cash for the Queer Studies degree. But somehow I doubt it. People with 200k to burn aren't dumb enough to waste it on that. Liberals are dumb enough to take loans out for it though.

I've proven price and enrollment. You want me to post info on each individual student and how they paid the bill? Thats not accessible. Can you prove they DIDN'T take loans out for it?
Yes I do too.

It's time we get these deadbeat liberals to pay up. They took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees like Diversity and LGBT Studies and now bitch about not having a job.

Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.
Another lie from you, please back up your claim that students are taking out $200,000 student loans for Diversity and LGBT studies. You are the most dishonest con I have come across on this board and the only thing you are good at is lying.

Oh sure. First....you'd have me prove students can even get a degree in LGBT Studies. Silly I know....not even liberal colleges would offer such a worthless degree like queer studies.

Except....they do

San Diego State University: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies : Home

And SDSU is about $40k a year
San Diego State University | Admissions

And we know libs are staying in college at least 5 years....6 or 7 since they probably want a master's in queer studies.

So.....yeah.....you gonna pay about 200k for a degree in Faggotry Studies from SDSU.

That enough proof for ya? Don't tug on the horns boy.

Yet again, those don't show that the student took out $200K liar. No back up your claim with ACTUAL facts of a person doing that for LIBERAL studies or just admit you are a lying con like you really are.

If they are so many people doing that you can provide at least ONE person can't you? Nope because you are lying scum.

AH....now you want more....

- I prove a degree in LGBT studies exists
- I prove it would cost 200k

And you want me to prove someone took the loans out to get the devree?? Um....SDSU doesn't publicly release students names and debt buddy.

You want me to believe that not 1 liberal moron took out loans to get that degree? You're more obtuse than I thought. Eventually more people will be in crippling debt for LGBT Studies than African American Studies has caused.

Yes, I never said the degree doesn't exist.

No, you have not proven that a student that paid $200K for that degree. Now prove that or STFU please. Why can't you show that the students you claimed owe $200K have done so in the degree you listed? Oh yeah, because no one has.


SDSU has the program.
SDSU charges for the program.
People are paying that price.

Maybe they're paying 200k cash for the Queer Studies degree. But somehow I doubt it. People with 200k to burn aren't dumb enough to waste it on that. Liberals are dumb enough to take loans out for it though.

I've proven price and enrollment. You want me to post info on each individual student and how they paid the bill? Thats not accessible. Can you prove they DIDN'T take loans out for it?

Again, I've asked you to prove that students are getting $200K in student loans for those studies which you have NOT provided. And you are asking to prove a negative which is a logical fallacy. YOU are the one that made the claim they are using $200K in student loans to take those studies so it is up to YOU to prove YOUR claim.

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