Obama sends Biden to Arlington-can't interrupt his vacation

wait so you're saying..... the president of the united states of america took a vacation on a national holiday? And the only person that could address the pressing matter of going to a cemetery is the second in command? WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY COMING TO?!

Have you told all the message boards about this? Let's get this on the news.
Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery is what the name implies.
So long as my President takes the time to honor our fallen heroes, do we need to nit-pick which National Cemetery he visits?

And here I thought I was a right wing asshole
Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery is what the name implies.
So long as my President takes the time to honor our fallen heroes, do we need to nit-pick which National Cemetery he visits?

And here I thought I was a right wing asshole

You tired of using the war dead as a political football? Maybe you can talk some sense into the others.
Disgusting. An embarrassment to this country.

Why are White Wingers such disgusting and lying pieces of shit?

Obama was scheduled to Honor the war dead at the Abraham Lincoln National Memorial Cemetery. Over 900 acres with over 20,000 American Soldiers interred.

War dead that includes Civil War heroes who died fighting the traitors and treasonous secessionist Confederate South, home of today's Republican Party of Teabags and including war dead from Iraq, the Republican War of Choice where they created a Right wing Islamic Theocracy from the lives of young American Soldiers.

Obama was there and ready to talk when Thunderstorms and a severe weather alert cancelled the ceremony.

Every time I think White Wingers have gone as low as they can, they find another rung on their "Limbo Ladder" even lower.
I respect the soldiers who served our country who are now in Arlington greatly. However, why is it those who are complaining about Obama doing this act like Arlington is the only place that has soldiers who died? While some acts of courage can be considered more brave than others, at the end of the day they are still acts of courage. I don't see how Obama has to be attending a ceremony in Arlington to be considered respecting our troops where he can do it elsewhere.

After all, if I don't visit Arlington today? Am I a bad American? I'd certainly hope not.
Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery is what the name implies.
So long as my President takes the time to honor our fallen heroes, do we need to nit-pick which National Cemetery he visits?

And here I thought I was a right wing asshole

You tired of using the war dead as a political football? Maybe you can talk some sense into the others.
If they need it, maybe they're not worth the effort
I wish we had a President who respected the protocol of laying the wreath at the tomb of the Unknowns and giving the annual address at Arlington, etc.

But I lsitened to Biden's speech, and he did well. Much better than I believe Obama would have done. Biden actually honored the war dead and those who have served. I think Obama would have given another policy/campaign speech.

So our war dead were honored. And that is what is important.
I wish we had a President who respected the protocol of laying the wreath at the tomb of the Unknowns and giving the annual address at Arlington, etc.

But I lsitened to Biden's speech, and he did well. Much better than I believe Obama would have done. Biden actually honored the war dead and those who have served. I think Obama would have given another policy/campaign speech.

So our war dead were honored. And that is what is important.

:cuckoo: Is this the official handbook somewhere that I missed as a rule for a POTUS? Obama respected the soldiers who served our country bravely elsewhere today, and it doesn't make him any less of a person for doing so.

I'm sick and tired of people using dead soldiers as a tool to further their political talking points.
Disgusting. An embarrassment to this country.
Amazing. You, and several others on this forum, seem to think the soldiers buried in the Lincoln National Cemetery are less worthy of honor than those buried in Arlington.

Go fuck yourself you evil asshole.
May 31, 2010:

Disgusting. An embarrassment to this country.
Amazing. You, and several others on this forum, seem to think the soldiers buried in the Lincoln National Cemetery are less worthy of honor than those buried in Arlington.

Go fuck yourself you evil asshole.

Cant they merge this with the other 30 threads on this subject?
Hey what's more important than the douche bag's vacation?
Hey what's more important than the douche bag's vacation?

Keep it up asshole. You should be ashamed of yourself for using our dead soldiers as a political prop.

Fuck you douche bag.

Your leader is the one who dishonors america's fallen soldiers, and America-consistently.

His place was in Arlington Cemetery, but the narcissitic, jet setting, party going, communist, is too busy vacationing, than honoring American troops, expecially with two wars going on.

It's a shame that a two bit chicago hustler goon can became president of the United States.
I wish we had a President who respected the protocol of laying the wreath at the tomb of the Unknowns and giving the annual address at Arlington, etc.

But I lsitened to Biden's speech, and he did well. Much better than I believe Obama would have done. Biden actually honored the war dead and those who have served. I think Obama would have given another policy/campaign speech.

So our war dead were honored. And that is what is important.

:cuckoo: Is this the official handbook somewhere that I missed as a rule for a POTUS? Obama respected the soldiers who served our country bravely elsewhere today, and it doesn't make him any less of a person for doing so.

I'm sick and tired of people using dead soldiers as a tool to further their political talking points.

And I'm sick and tired of Lefties misinterpreting what is said or politicizing it to suit your own talking points. So there.

I personally am glad that Biden gave the speech at Arlington because I think our war dead there were better honored than they would have been by Obama. We won't ever know whether that would be the case though will we?

And yes, there is a long standing tradition that the President of the United States, if able, lay the wreath at the tomb of the unknown on Memorial Day. Many of our nation's veterans did feel like it was a slap in the face for the sitting President to schedule a vacation and thereby bypass that ceremonial and symbolic acknowledgment by the Commander in Chief. It is a legitimate criticism of the President's priorities, especially when he was so vocal at criticizing President Bush's 'lack of priorities' in scheduling vacations. Speaking of tools to politicize things.

But I do think our veterans were most likely better served by Biden than they would have been by a President who didn't want to be there.

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