Obama Serves Up Israel


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
["If you wait until after the election, Dmitri, I'll have them on a silver platter, just like John The Baptist's head, for you. Trust me! Tell that to Vlad and Mahmoud"
Dmitri was apparently relaying Mahmoud's frustrations over having spent all those millions developing a deliverable atomic bomb and being prevented from doing so by the American Missile Defense System. "Barry, you know his religion absolutely demands that he kill a couple hundred million Americans and your missile defense has Mahmoud feeling like he's stymied outside the closed doors at Cheyenne Mountain just flailing away to no avail. He feels he absolutely needs to bring about his end of times scenario, Barry, just give him a chance, please"]

"You have to ask for the motivation behind the leak. I mean, if the Israelis can do this operation, it's to our benefit! From a diplomatic standpoint, if you wanted to tell the Iranians that the Israelis did this, it's without our permission. And then try to butter up the Iranians after the strike, so they don't close the Strait of Hormuz, that's one thing.

But giving away all of the secrets of an ally? When you're doing that, you have to ask whether we still have Israel as an ally. We are not acting like an ally. In fact, if you ask me, based on the amount of time I expect the Israelis put in this relationship with Azerbaijan, I would start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel.

This administration is not going to do anything to stop the Iranian terror state from acquiring nuclear weapons. They are actively working against America's closest allies to prevent a strike against Iran. They are, under Obama's orders, leaking highly classified information to America's enemies through the media.

Who leaked this information? And when are we going to prosecute them?"

RED ALERT: Former Marine Strike Planner on Obama's Azerbaijan Leak: "Start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel"
["If you wait until after the election, Dmitri, I'll have them on a silver platter, just like John The Baptist's head, for you. Trust me! Tell that to Vlad and Mahmoud"
Dmitri was apparently relaying Mahmoud's frustrations over having spent all those millions developing a deliverable atomic bomb and being prevented from doing so by the American Missile Defense System. "Barry, you know his religion absolutely demands that he kill a couple hundred million Americans and your missile defense has Mahmoud feeling like he's stymied outside the closed doors at Cheyenne Mountain just flailing away to no avail. He feels he absolutely needs to bring about his end of times scenario, Barry, just give him a chance, please"]

"You have to ask for the motivation behind the leak. I mean, if the Israelis can do this operation, it's to our benefit! From a diplomatic standpoint, if you wanted to tell the Iranians that the Israelis did this, it's without our permission. And then try to butter up the Iranians after the strike, so they don't close the Strait of Hormuz, that's one thing.

But giving away all of the secrets of an ally? When you're doing that, you have to ask whether we still have Israel as an ally. We are not acting like an ally. In fact, if you ask me, based on the amount of time I expect the Israelis put in this relationship with Azerbaijan, I would start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel.

This administration is not going to do anything to stop the Iranian terror state from acquiring nuclear weapons. They are actively working against America's closest allies to prevent a strike against Iran. They are, under Obama's orders, leaking highly classified information to America's enemies through the media.

Who leaked this information? And when are we going to prosecute them?"

RED ALERT: Former Marine Strike Planner on Obama's Azerbaijan Leak: "Start viewing this administration as an existential threat to Israel"

Israel needs to be reigned in a bit. A nuclear strike at this time would be counter-productive. We don't owe them anything that's against our own national interest.
So if Israel got pushed into the sea, why is that my problem again?
So if Israel got pushed into the sea, why is that my problem again?

First they came for the Jews....

Again, when the Palestinians can build a huge navy and cross two oceans, then I'll worry about it.

The Zionists are on their land. They will get pushed off, eventually.

So again, why is that my problem? The problems we have in the middle east is that we keep sticking our hands in the hornets nest, not that the hornets are coming into our house first.
What we learned MOST about obama's behavior to Israel is that obama has no problem lying to advance his own interests. He has no problem getting on television and telling the public what a friend he is, then betraying them. How he treats Israel is an indiction of the creature's duplicitous character. There are a lot of people who hated Jews and think that peace is served by destroying Israel. Despite this kind of agreement with obama, the mistake is thinking that he's going to be different when it's American interests. Of course he wouldn't do the same thing to US, after all, we elected him. That would be wrong. He intends to do exactly the same thing to us.
What we learned MOST about obama's behavior to Israel is that obama has no problem lying to advance his own interests. He has no problem getting on television and telling the public what a friend he is, then betraying them. How he treats Israel is an indiction of the creature's duplicitous character. There are a lot of people who hated Jews and think that peace is served by destroying Israel. Despite this kind of agreement with obama, the mistake is thinking that he's going to be different when it's American interests. Of course he wouldn't do the same thing to US, after all, we elected him. That would be wrong. He intends to do exactly the same thing to us.

Frankly, I'm still waiting for one of you loons to point out what he's done to Israel that's so awful.

Israel's best interest really would be the two-state solution. It kicks the can of the day when Arabs are in the majority there down the road a few decades by giving them their own country. Obama's position is really no different than Bush's on this point. Negotiate in good faith on a two-state solution, stop building settlements in land you are going to eventually have to give back, anyway.

Eventually, though, Israel will be eliminated by demographics, and there isn't much anyone is going to do about it.

A recent poll shows that half of young Israelis would immigrate if given the oppurtunity. It just isn't worth it to them anymore.
So if Israel got pushed into the sea, why is that my problem again?

First they came for the Jews....

Again, when the Palestinians can build a huge navy and cross two oceans, then I'll worry about it.

The Zionists are on their land. They will get pushed off, eventually.

So again, why is that my problem? The problems we have in the middle east is that we keep sticking our hands in the hornets nest, not that the hornets are coming into our house first.

People said the same about the Saudis. We see 9/11 is the result. It doesnt take technological sophistication to wage war.
In any case, Israel has been an ally for 50 years. Would you say the same about the Chinese pushing the Taiwanese into the sea? Somehow I doubt it. So what could motivate such animus for Israel? Hmm, let's think about that one....
First they came for the Jews....

Again, when the Palestinians can build a huge navy and cross two oceans, then I'll worry about it.

The Zionists are on their land. They will get pushed off, eventually.

So again, why is that my problem? The problems we have in the middle east is that we keep sticking our hands in the hornets nest, not that the hornets are coming into our house first.

People said the same about the Saudis. We see 9/11 is the result. It doesnt take technological sophistication to wage war.
In any case, Israel has been an ally for 50 years. Would you say the same about the Chinese pushing the Taiwanese into the sea? Somehow I doubt it. So what could motivate such animus for Israel? Hmm, let's think about that one....

Muslims, extreme radical Muslims and Islam sympathizers hate Israel. They have vowed to wipe them off the planet and many have abided by the same archaic rules for centuries. Israel knows they are on their own with no support from us.
People said the same about the Saudis. We see 9/11 is the result. It doesnt take technological sophistication to wage war.
In any case, Israel has been an ally for 50 years. Would you say the same about the Chinese pushing the Taiwanese into the sea? Somehow I doubt it. So what could motivate such animus for Israel? Hmm, let's think about that one....

Actually, I would say that about Taiwan. I could care less about what happens between them.

We'd have a huge problem if China invaded Taiwan. We already recognize that Taiwan is part of China. We don't recognize it diplomtically as an independent country. If China decided to invade Taiwan, we wouldn't have a leg to stand on, legally, in opposing it.

Really, it's unlikely, because the fact is, Taiwan is so heavily invested in the mainland economically that it would be a disaster for both sides. So Beijing let's Taipei have its own government, and Taipei pretends that it's still the "Republic of China".

9/11 didn't happen because of the Saudis. 9/11 happened because we idiotically decided to arm any Islamic fruitcake who was willing to go to Afghanistan and kill Russians before they taught Afghan girls how to read or something. One of those fruitcakes was a guy named "Osama Bin Laden". In short, we created our own problem. We are like the Bubba who raises a vicious pit bull to terrify his neighbors and then gets upset when it mauls his kids.

Now, for Israel, how about addressing my original point. Why is the existence of a religious vanity state in America's best interest?

It antagonizes the entire region, so that doesn't help. We have to spend billions of dollars every year propping up their economy because they aren't self-sufficient after 50 years. And eventually, young Ehud is going to wonder why he's staying in a place where his neighbors are trying to kill him when he could live a much happier life in Europe or America.
All the arguments you make about Taiwan are true about Israel. The country has produced a tremendous amount of technology. Teva Pharm is the largest producer of generics. The Israelis provide lots of intel on the ME to the US, and are a ready market for weapons. They are also the only democracy in the region. Allowing Israel to perish would be the worst move in foreign policy ever, showing out enemies that we will roll over for them at the first opportunity.
Of course if you have an animus to a particular religious group that allows you discount all this you might not care.
You don't have an animus to a particular relgiious group, do you? Of course not.
All the arguments you make about Taiwan are true about Israel. The country has produced a tremendous amount of technology. Teva Pharm is the largest producer of generics. The Israelis provide lots of intel on the ME to the US, and are a ready market for weapons. They are also the only democracy in the region. Allowing Israel to perish would be the worst move in foreign policy ever, showing out enemies that we will roll over for them at the first opportunity.
Of course if you have an animus to a particular religious group that allows you discount all this you might not care.
You don't have an animus to a particular relgiious group, do you? Of course not.

Obviously, my argument went right over your head. Invading Taiwan would cripple China's economy. Most of the Middle East has no investement in Israel, they won't even do business with them.

And I have animus to ALL religions. If you think there's a magic man up in the sky who loves you, you are an idiot.

Israel is not a democracy, it's an aparthied state. So that argument is out the window.

the intel Israel provides is worthless. Let's not forget, it was the Mossad who insisted up and down Saddam was this close to getting a bomb. We invaded, lost 5000 guys, and ummm. No bomb. Not even close. And now the Iranians run Iraq, and the Israelis are trying to get us to bomb Iran for them.

A ready market for weapons? Well, that's like saying that your best customer is your best customer because you keep giving him stuff on the house. The US is the only country that treats weapon sales like an extention of foreign policy- i.e. we only sell you weapons if we like you. Everyone else just sells the weapons to anyone who has the money.

Now, I know that AIPAC spends a lot of money tricking people like you into thinking that Israel is really that important, but it really isn't. Israel could get wiped out, and we wouldn't miss a beat. We'd probably have less problem because with Israel gone, the Arabs would go back to fighting amongst themselves over watering holes.
What we learned MOST about obama's behavior to Israel is that obama has no problem lying to advance his own interests. He has no problem getting on television and telling the public what a friend he is, then betraying them. How he treats Israel is an indiction of the creature's duplicitous character. There are a lot of people who hated Jews and think that peace is served by destroying Israel. Despite this kind of agreement with obama, the mistake is thinking that he's going to be different when it's American interests. Of course he wouldn't do the same thing to US, after all, we elected him. That would be wrong. He intends to do exactly the same thing to us.

Frankly, I'm still waiting for one of you loons to point out what he's done to Israel that's so awful.

Israel's best interest really would be the two-state solution. It kicks the can of the day when Arabs are in the majority there down the road a few decades by giving them their own country. Obama's position is really no different than Bush's on this point. Negotiate in good faith on a two-state solution, stop building settlements in land you are going to eventually have to give back, anyway.

Eventually, though, Israel will be eliminated by demographics, and there isn't much anyone is going to do about it.

A recent poll shows that half of young Israelis would immigrate if given the oppurtunity. It just isn't worth it to them anymore.

The muslims don't want a two state solution. They never did. The two state solution is a wholly American concept to put an end to the fighting. It was not accepted by the palestinians.
In America and most other countries in the world, money controls politics and he who has the most money also has the most control.

Who has the most money? By virtue of creating and loaning us our own money, the Federal Reserve Bank does and it is money stolen from us that it would not have if Congress abided by our Constitution.

What is the Federal Reserve? It is a private corporation and is the step child of the New World Order which also controls all of the other central banks of world.

What is the New World Order? It is nothing more than the old world order with a modern pretty face.

Who are this people? They are the old line ruling aristocracy of the world who we fought to be rid of in our Revolutionary war which we lost in 1913 upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

Zionism is strongly entrenched agenda within these ruling families. Therefore, if money rules politics and if the Old/New world order has the most money, then if follows that the United States will be a strong ally of Israel.

If you want to understand the foreign policies of the United States over the past 100 years, then understanding what has just been presented is necessary and critical.
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All the arguments you make about Taiwan are true about Israel. The country has produced a tremendous amount of technology. Teva Pharm is the largest producer of generics. The Israelis provide lots of intel on the ME to the US, and are a ready market for weapons. They are also the only democracy in the region. Allowing Israel to perish would be the worst move in foreign policy ever, showing out enemies that we will roll over for them at the first opportunity.
Of course if you have an animus to a particular religious group that allows you discount all this you might not care.
You don't have an animus to a particular relgiious group, do you? Of course not.

Obviously, my argument went right over your head. Invading Taiwan would cripple China's economy. Most of the Middle East has no investement in Israel, they won't even do business with them.

And I have animus to ALL religions. If you think there's a magic man up in the sky who loves you, you are an idiot.

Israel is not a democracy, it's an aparthied state. So that argument is out the window.

the intel Israel provides is worthless. Let's not forget, it was the Mossad who insisted up and down Saddam was this close to getting a bomb. We invaded, lost 5000 guys, and ummm. No bomb. Not even close. And now the Iranians run Iraq, and the Israelis are trying to get us to bomb Iran for them.

A ready market for weapons? Well, that's like saying that your best customer is your best customer because you keep giving him stuff on the house. The US is the only country that treats weapon sales like an extention of foreign policy- i.e. we only sell you weapons if we like you. Everyone else just sells the weapons to anyone who has the money.

Now, I know that AIPAC spends a lot of money tricking people like you into thinking that Israel is really that important, but it really isn't. Israel could get wiped out, and we wouldn't miss a beat. We'd probably have less problem because with Israel gone, the Arabs would go back to fighting amongst themselves over watering holes.

Once someone labels Israel "an apartheid state" I know I am dealing with a dyed in the wool hater. No further discussion needed or possible.
Don't want Israel to be pushed into the sea, but I don't want them to forget who the senior partner is in this alliance, either. If they want to go it alone, they'll have to go it alone, IMO.

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