Obama Signs Ten Years Plus Sofa Deal With Afghans - Shows Bush How Iraq Shoulda Been Done.

I'm so fucking confused.

One minute Obama & his goons are bragging about being out of Iraq & promising to leave Afghanistan as well.
Ten minutes later they are Blaming Bush for the end of the Iraq war.

Twenty minutes later ending the war is an Obama accomplishment but not leaving troops behind is Bush's fault.

An hour later it's all the CIA's fault

It's like all you morons think we're smoking crack with you so we won't catch the changing stories
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?
You are aware of course that Obama was responsible for a SOFA agreement with Iraq as it happened several years AFTER Bush left Office?
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?
Shows us he's "learned" from his mistakes. Learned is in quotes because the dumbass thinks he's never made a mistake, so how can he learn.
KD 9891971
The Afghans probably got scared shitless over what they see happening in Iraq. They know that 10,000 is too small a force to be effective but something is better than nothing and it's American lives on the line.

Goes to show how little you know when you make a desperation knee-jerk comment.

The SOFA was approved by Afghans nearly a year ago.

Loya jirga approves U.S.-Afghan security deal; asks Karzai to ...
Nov 24, 2013 · Most Afghan elders at theloya jirga approve of the security deal ... who finished hammering out the deal ...

So are you saying Bush should not have agreed with the Iraqis to a complete US pullout from Iraq by the end of 2011?
Bush did no such thing. Obama made that decision. When he refused to discuss how to get a SOFA we could live with.
Foo is rapidly scanning his files for a full throated rebuke of history.
The only reason they want us there is because Karsai would be dead once we leave.

The Taliban would move right on in again and his life wouldn't be worth a plug nickel so you can bet your ass he wants US troops in Afghanistan.

Karzai is out. It was the new govt. that signed.

You think they don't want the same deal??

Boy are you naive. The longer we have troops in Afghanistan the longer that govt lasts.

The minute we are gone the Taliban will be in power and anyone in Govt will either be dead or running for their lives.
The Afghans probably got scared shitless over what they see happening in Iraq. They know that 10,000 is too small a force to be effective but something is better than nothing and it's American lives on the line.

Maybe Putin will come to save day. What think you comrade?

Nah. They've Been there, done that.
The Afghans are sneaky people with a fondness for American dollars. Sure as shit they are not gonna kick the Golden Goose out of their country. There would be riots. Besides that, the new President and his people haven't had the chance to pad their bank accounts.

Villas to buy, yachts a waiting.

This was a no brainer to the Afghans. Of course we are welcome to stay. .
Until we are not welcome to stay.
We've spent ten years, two thousand lives and who knows how many billions of dollars in Afghanistan and all we got to show for it is high grade, low price, plentiful heroin. What is the number one cash crop of Afghanistan?
Coincidence I know.

And we get to stay 10 more years. Oh boy. Another few thousand dead, few hundreds of billions spent.(makes our banker China happy) and a few more thousands junkies. What a deal Mr. President.
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?
You are aware of course that Obama was responsible for a SOFA agreement with Iraq as it happened several years AFTER Bush left Office?
Bush agreed to it, signed it.

Obama was unable to get the Iraqi government to renegotiate because they already had what they wanted.
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?
You are aware of course that Obama was responsible for a SOFA agreement with Iraq as it happened several years AFTER Bush left Office?
Bush agreed to it, signed it.

Obama was unable to get the Iraqi government to renegotiate because they already had what they wanted.
Wrong, The Iraqis wanted a SOFA that allowed them to try all US Military in Iraqi court no matter what when or why they were accused of a crime. Perhaps if you spent more time actually paying attention to facts and not so much time praying to Obama, you might actually know something.
As reported on Saturday, October 15, 2011, the Obama Administration proceeded with the plan to withdraw American forces from Iraq (barring some last-minute move in the Iraqi parliament when they were to return from a break in late November 2011, shortly before the end-of-the-year withdrawal date) because of concerns that they would not be given immunity from Iraqi courts. This was a concern of American commanders in the field who had to worry about the Sadrist response should troops stay and about the general state of Iraq's readiness for transfer of power.[68]

U.S. Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And I guess this was a lie too right?
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?
You are aware of course that Obama was responsible for a SOFA agreement with Iraq as it happened several years AFTER Bush left Office?
Bush agreed to it, signed it.

Obama was unable to get the Iraqi government to renegotiate because they already had what they wanted.
Wrong, The Iraqis wanted a SOFA that allowed them to try all US Military in Iraqi court no matter what when or why they were accused of a crime. Perhaps if you spent more time actually paying attention to facts and not so much time praying to Obama, you might actually know something.

Are you saying you wanted American troops to be tried in Iraqis courts? That is what you are saying. Just so you can share some of that fine hatred of Obama, you wanted him (Obama) to give the Iraqis what they wanted. To try American soldiers in Iraqi courts.

Because Obama wouldn't do that, you get to bitch that we don't have troops in Iraq.

It's a twofer again. Obama's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?
You are aware of course that Obama was responsible for a SOFA agreement with Iraq as it happened several years AFTER Bush left Office?
Bush agreed to it, signed it.

Obama was unable to get the Iraqi government to renegotiate because they already had what they wanted.
Wrong, The Iraqis wanted a SOFA that allowed them to try all US Military in Iraqi court no matter what when or why they were accused of a crime. Perhaps if you spent more time actually paying attention to facts and not so much time praying to Obama, you might actually know something.
oh i knew that, and since that was never going to happen they had the agreement that they wanted.
So if Obama was so skilled he could negotiate a stay behind agreement in Afghanistan, how come he couldn't do the same in Iraq?
iraq had no reason to negotiate. they already had the agreement they wanted.

We give Iraq BILLIONS of dollars! I repeat...we give Iraq BILLIONS of dollars. If that doesn't provide a "reason" for them to negotiate with us then I don't know what would...
You Obama supporters know damn well that if Barry had REALLY wanted a new Stay of Forces agreement with Iraq then he could have gotten one! This oft repeated refrain that he was somehow "locked in" by the earlier Bush agreement is an amusing if naive concept.
The only reason they want us there is because Karsai would be dead once we leave.

The Taliban would move right on in again and his life wouldn't be worth a plug nickel so you can bet your ass he wants US troops in Afghanistan.

Karzai is out. It was the new govt. that signed.

You think they don't want the same deal??

Boy are you naive. The longer we have troops in Afghanistan the longer that govt lasts.

The minute we are gone the Taliban will be in power and anyone in Govt will either be dead or running for their lives.

Karzai refused to sign. The new government signed. Oh yea and 1 + 1 = 2. :cuckoo:

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