Obama Signs Ten Years Plus Sofa Deal With Afghans - Shows Bush How Iraq Shoulda Been Done.

If George W. Bush was doing the things that Barack Obama has done over the past six years...you would literally be foaming at the mouth you'd be so outraged

Bush did far worse. And here you are being outraged. :rolleyes:
obama has multiplied ten times what Bush and the 2007-2001 democrat controlled Congress did fucking moron.
OS 9897097 regarding NF 9896226, OS 9892073, OG 9892401, BB 9892391.

Only Obama apologists believe that Barack Obama was "tied" to any agreement over a Status of Forces agreement with Iraq! That was something he COULD have simply insisted be changed as a condition of continuing aid from the US and Maliki would have had no choice but to comply.

Now Oldstyle is speaking for the entire Shiite majority in Iraq's parliament. In Oldstyle's fantasy world Obama simply insists the Iraqis sign the Bush way or its the highway as a condition of continuing aid from the US. Now there is a knuckle-headed thought for records

Iraq has oil money. They are buying billions worth of Military equipment from the US. Abrams Tanks, fighter planes,

Half of the $2 billion of US aid to Iraq goes to the PTP. The police training program is one helluva bargaining chip Oldstyle thinks Obama had. Here's why Oldstyle demonstrates cluelessness once again. The Iraqis don't want the PTP.

By TIM ARANGO. MAY 13, 2012. BAGHDAD — In the face of spiraling costs and Iraqi officials who say they never wanted it in the first place, the State Department has slashed — and may jettison entirely by the end of the year — a multibillion-dollar police training program that was to have been the centerpiece of a hugely expanded civilian mission here.

http://mobile.nytimes.com/2012/05/13/world/middleeast/us-may-scrap-costly-effort-to-train-iraqi-police.html?.tsrc=apple&first=1&p=11 Tim Arango, “U.S. May Scrap Costly Efforts to Train Iraqi Police,”&pintl=en&pcarrier=AT&T&pmcc=310&pmnc=410&fr=onesearch&pagewanted=all&_r=0


Iraq U.S. troops U.S. willing to leave 10 000 troops in Iraq past year s end officials say - Los Angeles Times

It's revisionist history. The facts are a binding legal agreement signed by President Bush required us to leave.

That deal was neither binding, nor final. Either party could cancel it at any time. It is amazing how far you loons will go to attempt to excuse the incompetency of this President. Obama didn't want a SOFA with Iraq. Obama didn't want to leave any troops behind. And, Obama didn't leave any troops behind. All of a sudden that dumbass decision is all Bush's fault.
obama has multiplied ten times what Bush and the 2007-2001 democrat controlled Congress did fucking moron.

Every word in that post is unquestionably stupid. Try again, with some attempt at making sense please, and hopefully I'll be able to make out enough of what you're saying to attempt a response.
Mission accomplished. Time to get the hell out of Afghanistan. And it's also time to withdraw from the Middle East as well. We don't belong in those lands. It's time to scale back and adopt a humble Non-Intervention Foreign Policy. Time to end this state of Permanent War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in.

It just might be a good idea to get the Islamic radicals to agree to end this permanent war, before we unilaterally withdraw from it. The guys that got their heads cut off were pretty humble, but that didn't help them much.

Perhaps it is past time for the loontown clowns to realize that radical Islamists are at war with us, have been at war with us for decades, and intend to stay at war with us until they defeat us. While you talk about your desire for peace, they are figuring out how to destroy our society and cut your friggin head off.

We are not at war because we want to be at war, we are at war because we have no other viable option.
While bush's star is waxing and Obama' s is waning I think the clip where bush nails it on why we needed to stay in some force in Iraq is exhibit A. Nothing that Obama has said about either of the wars will ever be repeated in the future as statements of foresight or wisdom or understanding. The fact that Obama is doing things(mostly suggested by republicans) because he has no other recourse does not in any way mitigate his flaming deadly incompetence in foreign affairs.
It's revisionist history. The facts are a binding legal agreement signed by President Bush required us to leave.

That deal was neither binding, nor final. Either party could cancel it at any time. It is amazing how far you loons will go to attempt to excuse the incompetency of this President. Obama didn't want a SOFA with Iraq. Obama didn't want to leave any troops behind. And, Obama didn't leave any troops behind. All of a sudden that dumbass decision is all Bush's fault.
You are incorrect. It was the only thing giving us authority to have any troops there. We could have opted out, with a year's notice, and we would have had to leave sooner.
You do not get to make up facts.
obama has multiplied ten times what Bush and the 2007-2001 democrat controlled Congress did fucking moron.

Every word in that post is unquestionably stupid. Try again, with some attempt at making sense please, and hopefully I'll be able to make out enough of what you're saying to attempt a response.
Between you and me I'm the smarter person anyone who can defend obama has got to be the most ignorant piece of shit that has ever breath oxygen.Anything else you have to say about me is irrelevant. Dumb ass.
Between you and me I'm the smarter person anyone who can defend obama has got to be the most ignorant piece of shit that has ever breath oxygen.Anything else you have to say about me is irrelevant. Dumb ass.

Ya okay
Simple fact obama supporters are STUPID. the end.

It's irrelevant how smart you think you are, your support of obama makes any formal education, that you have null and void
It's irrelevant how smart you think you are, your support of obama makes any formal education, that you have null and void

Well now you sound delusional. Which I guess isn't all that surprising. Hmm... :eusa_think:
Only a dumb ass would still support obama after six years of the bullshit he has done.
Only an obama supporter is delusional.
Only a dumb ass would still support obama after six years of the bullshit he has done.
Only an obama supporter is delusional.

You're still sounding pretty delusional... :eusa_think:
Really? You support a president who has said many times the way he found out about a fuck up in the government is in the news. You are delusional and stupid.
SB 9901046
While bush's star is waxing and Obama' s is waning I think the clip where bush nails it on why we needed to stay in some force in Iraq is exhibit A.

The fallacy of your exhibit A argument is that it matters little what Bush thinks about needing to stay in Iraq.

What the Iraqis thought about it was all that matters. If Bush could not negotiate a long term deal before leaving office it is pure absurdity to believe the Iraqis would change their minds in 2011. That fallacy in what Bush 'wanted' is huge.

It wouid be impossible to negotiate a long term deal in 2011 when the Iraqis had already succeeded in getting a deal that all troops were required to leave. The Iraqis had no reason to go backwards in negotiating a US troop presence after the deadline had been agreed by Bush.
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SB 9901046
While bush's star is waxing and Obama' s is waning I think the clip where bush nails it on why we needed to stay in some force in Iraq is exhibit A.

The fallacy of your exhibit A argument is that it matters little what Bush thinks about needing to stay in Iraq.

What the Iraqis thought about it was all that matters. If Bush could not negotiate a long term deal before leaving office it is pure absurdity to believe the Iraqis would change their minds in 2011. That fallacy in what Bush 'wanted' is huge.

It wouid be impossible to negotiate a long term deal in 2011 when the Iraqis had already succeeded in getting a deal that all troops were required to leave. The Iraqis had no reason to go backwards in negotiating a US troop presence after the deadline had been agreed by Bush.

Well, other than the billions of dollars that we give them in aid each year and which they can't get along without...
Since it's obvious that Barry really didn't try very hard to negotiate a new Status of Forces Agreement, his supporters are now left to argue that it was "impossible" to do so! Sucks being you guys these days!!!

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