Obama Signs Ten Years Plus Sofa Deal With Afghans - Shows Bush How Iraq Shoulda Been Done.

The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?

wait , let me get this straight. Suddenly you liberals are SUPPORTING a full time US military presence in the Middle East for at least the next 10 years? Are you fucking kidding me?
Foo thinks Afghanistan is the good war.
We're staying in Afghanistan and Iraq for the foreseeable future. I've been saying that for a long time. So many were duped into believing the wars were gonna be ended. But obviously the powers-that-be weren't gonna allow that to happen. Too much cash to be made. The big deals have been signed.

The Globalist Elites are getting rich off Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and so on. They go on getting rich while forcing average Citizens to fund their schemes. How many $Trillions in Tax Dollars have been flushed in Afghanistan and Iraq? You can bet average Citizens will never see any benefit from these wars. Only the Elites will prosper. Hopefully, one day Americans will come to realize Permanent War isn't the answer for them.
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?

And 10 more years in Afghanistan for the US Military excites you? You find this to be a good thing?
Amazing how much of a hypocrite Obama supporters can be.
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?

And 10 more years in Afghanistan for the US Military excites you? You find this to be a good thing?
Amazing how much of a hypocrite Obama supporters can be.

Obamabots are lost these days. They're dazed & confused. I think this sums them up perfectly...

DT10 19911436 regarding AB 9910920 NF 9891940
Foo thinks Afghanistan is the good war.

I have always thought that Bush was correct to engage the US military in Afghanistan specifically when the terrorists killed so many Americans but they also attacked the Pentagon and killed Americans serving in the military there. So American was justified by America's inherent right to self-defense to retaliate for that deliberate and deadly attack on September 11, 2001.

So if you mean 'good' war to mean that, sure I am fine with that, but I take your snide remark, Hoo, to mean that you believe the military operation in Afghanistan is a bad war. I see you have joined the 'subversives' as they are called when opposed to the Iraq invasion that had nothing to do with 9/11. The Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich anti-war types are now joined by Hoo. Since 0ver 90% of Americans supported Bush sending the troops into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban from power among other things, and I'm sure Hoo was one of that huge majority. I find it fascinating how easily Hoo switched side to the surrender monkeys when the going got tough. And the going got tough in Afghanistan when Bush diverted much needed resources to go start a needless war in Iraq.
DT10 19911436 regarding AB 9910920 NF 9891940
Foo thinks Afghanistan is the good war.

I have always thought that Bush was correct to engage the US military in Afghanistan specifically when the terrorists killed so many Americans but they also attacked the Pentagon and killed Americans serving in the military there. So American was justified by America's inherent right to self-defense to retaliate for that deliberate and deadly attack on September 11, 2001.

So if you mean 'good' war to mean that, sure I am fine with that, but I take your snide remark, Hoo, to mean that you believe the military operation in Afghanistan is a bad war. I see you have joined the 'subversives' as they are called when opposed to the Iraq invasion that had nothing to do with 9/11. The Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich anti-war types are now joined by Hoo. Since 0ver 90% of Americans supported Bush sending the troops into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban from power among other things, and I'm sure Hoo was one of that huge majority. I find it fascinating how easily Hoo switched side to the surrender monkeys when the going got tough. And the going got tough in Afghanistan when Bush diverted much needed resources to go start a needless war in Iraq.
I supported both wars, Foo...and you know that. The only thing I disagreed with is the ROE and the fact we did not kill enough, quick enough. The same thing we are doing now in Kobani...in spades...if ya get my drift.
DT 9924724 regarding NF 9924604, DT10 19911436 AB 9910920 NF 9891940.
I supported both wars, Foo...and you know that. The only thing I disagreed with is the ROE and the fact we did not kill enough, quick enough.

It had to be Bush who didn't kill enough quick enough then. Are you thrilled that Bush 43 is having some kind if come back after getting over 4000 Americans killed in Iraq and 40,000 wounded and had five years to kill all these IS bastards when he had all our manpower and firepower on the ground there. It must really upset you that Bush surrendered to Maliki in 2008 when Maliki forced US troops to withdraw to the cities by June 2009.
DT 9924724 regarding NF 9924604, DT10 19911436 AB 9910920 NF 9891940.
I supported both wars, Foo...and you know that. The only thing I disagreed with is the ROE and the fact we did not kill enough, quick enough.

It had to be Bush who didn't kill enough quick enough then. Are you thrilled that Bush 43 is having some kind if come back after getting over 4000 Americans killed in Iraq and 40,000 wounded and had five years to kill all these IS bastards when he had all our manpower and firepower on the ground there. It must really upset you that Bush surrendered to Maliki in 2008 when Maliki forced US troops to withdraw to the cities by June 2009.
Deal with the here and now, foo...how are things in Kobani? How is you unprecedented coalition performing. It's 2014...
DT 9929136 regarding NF 9929046, DT 9924724, NF 9924604, DT101 9911436, AB 9910920, NF 9891940.

Deal with the here and now, foo...

I am. Thanks for your explanation as to why the here and now is Bush fault. He didn't kill enough Iraqis and Afghans quick enough.
They control the Afghan Banking System, now it's time to plunder the natural resources. That's the real deal folks. That's always the deal. It's not about 'Freedom & Democracy.' That's just what the commercials tell ya.
PT 9932762
They control the Afghan Banking System, now it's time to plunder the natural resources. That's the real deal folks. That's always the deal. It's not about 'Freedom & Democracy.' That's just what the commercials tell ya.

Who is 'they' ?
PT 9932762
They control the Afghan Banking System, now it's time to plunder the natural resources. That's the real deal folks. That's always the deal. It's not about 'Freedom & Democracy.' That's just what the commercials tell ya.

Who is 'they' ?

The Government/Corporate Media for one. The slick commercials tell ya it's all about that 'Freedom & Democracy.' But that's just Globalist Elite Propaganda. Controlling Banking Systems and plundering resources is the only reason we're still in so many shitholes around the world. That's the reality.
All this happens now because we have a moron for a president.
All this is happening because we have have had to morons for presidents in succession. The is no logical reason for us to have ever been in Iraq in the first place and there is no logical reason for us to continue to have a presence there.
DP 9963842 regarding DT 9929165
. All this is happening because we have have had to morons for presidents in succession. The is no logical reason for us to have ever been in Iraq in the first place and there is no logical reason for us to continue to have a presence there.

The only moronic presidential move was to topple an existing government by ground invasion when the non-violent alternative was entirely available.The current government is not being bombed and invaded with ground troops. Terrorist were not present in 2003 as they are now. The air strikes are at the Iraqi government's request. This is a war against terrorists not a war against a government that was willingly being peacefully disarmed in March 2003.

It is moronic to be unable to see the clear distinctions between now and then.
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Obama will win Afghan War that Bush failed:

A mission of this magnitude is only possible with the direct support of many units and agencies coming together. This effort kicked off in June, 2013.

“I am motivated and inspired by the mission that lies ahead,” said Maj. Gen Mike Murray, Deputy Commander U.S. Forces Afghanistan – Support. “The progress made by the Afghan National Security Forces over the past two years allowed us to remain on our 2014 schedule with respect to retrograde and redeployment operations as we completed the ISAF mission. 2015 will bring changes, as Resolute Support begins a new chapter in our relationship with the ANSF, and there appears to be a new spirit of cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan. These changes provide unique opportunities, and I am optimistic in our combined ability to successfully accomplish our challenging retrograde and support activities for U.S. forces throughout 2015."

2014 was a year of transition drawdown for USFOR-A Resolute Support Mission
The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?
Actually the SOFA agreement for Iraq was Obama's job, he CHOSE not to make one on PURPOSE.
RGS 10565909
Actually the SOFA agreement for Iraq was Obama's job, he CHOSE not to make one on PURPOSE.

You shouldn't bear false witness against the current Commander in Chief of US Armed Forces during war time. Obama was wiling to agree to an extension of the SOFA under the same terms Bush43 negotiated in 2008 for a measly three years. Bush was not man enough to secure a ten year deal as Obama was able to do in Afghanistan. Bush didn't have to include an agreement to remove every last US soldier by 2012 but the wimp did.

Obama negotiated a ten year deal with the Afghans based on conditions on the ground there. Bush got outmaneuvered in Iraq - the wimp that he is.

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