Obama Signs Ten Years Plus Sofa Deal With Afghans - Shows Bush How Iraq Shoulda Been Done.

The ten year SOFA with Afghanistan was signed yesterday - keeping 10 thousand US troops there through 2024.

No placeholder bullcrap going on there.

It follows the historic first democratic transfer of governmental power in Afghanistan's long war torn history.

Our troops along with those of the ISAF and the vast majority of Afghans made this historic achievement possible.

Politically here in the US how will the SOFA and the transfer of power be mocked and torn apart?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?

So where is the praise for Obama getting a long term SOFA deal with the new Afghan government?

What's with the Libs with all the "praise" for Obama bullshit....

The market is up
Gas at the pump is low....
The Libs are all with Thank you Obama.....

And then they get pissed if Obama doesn't get praised for doing his fucking job....
The Afghans probably got scared shitless over what they see happening in Iraq. They know that 10,000 is too small a force to be effective but something is better than nothing and it's American lives on the line.

Obama realized how bad he fucked up with Iraq.
Could not let that happen again.
Obama realized how bad he fucked up with Iraq.
Could not let that happen again.

Obama realized that Bush would fuck up Iraq before Bush went into Iraq. He also began negotiations long term with the Afghan Government long before ISIS rolled into Iraq in June 2014. So your speculations is ignorance based and without one whit of merit. Try again or run away. The latter is more likely based upon conservative's behavior of late.
Look how great Obama did in Iraq!

He turned that nation over to his brother in Jihad in record time!
CF 10568246
Look how great Obama did in Iraq!

He turned that nation over to his brother in Jihad in record time!

Iraq has been turned over to no one other than the peaceful constitutional transfer of power from Maliki to a newly formed government made of up Kurds Shia and Sunni's With and Army and militia's driving DAIISH out of Sunni territory they seized last summer. You are grossly uninformed or lying. Which is it?

You probably believe Econ Chick when she told you that ISIS took over Route Irish two months ago. You people need a better source for news than that clueless being.
Here I thought not long ago you folks were bragging that it was Obama that ended the Iraq war. Now not so much?
FW 10568400
Here I thought not long ago you folks were bragging that it was Obama that ended the Iraq war. Now not so much?

He did end the war to find WMD that did not exist and it was ended on Bush's timetable of US retreat. So what don't you understand about that? The current war is in response to a terrorist assault from Syria. It has nothing to do with WMDs.
Obama will win Afghan War that Bush failed:

A mission of this magnitude is only possible with the direct support of many units and agencies coming together. This effort kicked off in June, 2013.

“I am motivated and inspired by the mission that lies ahead,” said Maj. Gen Mike Murray, Deputy Commander U.S. Forces Afghanistan – Support. “The progress made by the Afghan National Security Forces over the past two years allowed us to remain on our 2014 schedule with respect to retrograde and redeployment operations as we completed the ISAF mission. 2015 will bring changes, as Resolute Support begins a new chapter in our relationship with the ANSF, and there appears to be a new spirit of cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan. These changes provide unique opportunities, and I am optimistic in our combined ability to successfully accomplish our challenging retrograde and support activities for U.S. forces throughout 2015."

2014 was a year of transition drawdown for USFOR-A Resolute Support Mission

Define 'Win.'
Pauli 10573474
Define 'Win.'

It was right there -

"The progress made by the Afghan National Security Forces over the past two years allowed us to remain on our 2014 schedule with respect to retrograde and redeployment operations as we completed the ISAF mission"
Pauli 10573474
Define 'Win.'

It was right there -

"The progress made by the Afghan National Security Forces over the past two years allowed us to remain on our 2014 schedule with respect to retrograde and redeployment operations as we completed the ISAF mission"

Well, if you wanna call that a 'Win', so be it i guess. But i don't share your opinion.
. Well, if you wanna call that a 'Win', so be it i guess. But i don't share your opinion.

A 'win' for our military is not in your vocabulary is it? So your non-agreement here is quite meaningless.

So the next time we are attacked as we were from terrorist leadership in Afghanistan back in 2001 we just give em a thumbs up and say thanks we deserved it. Nice shot. We have plenty more targets for ya!

pauli 10521593
Aggressive Interventionism has created most of the horrific problems we now face. We don't belong in their lands. We never did. Let's face it, we're only there to plunder their resources. And we've done enough plundering as far as i'm concerned. It's time return to our own lands and stop all the meddling.
. Well, if you wanna call that a 'Win', so be it i guess. But i don't share your opinion.

A 'win' for our military is not in your vocabulary is it? So your non-agreement here is quite meaningless.

So the next time we are attacked as we were from terrorist leadership in Afghanistan back in 2001 we just give em a thumbs up and say thanks we deserved it. Nice shot. We have plenty more targets for ya!

pauli 10521593
Aggressive Interventionism has created most of the horrific problems we now face. We don't belong in their lands. We never did. Let's face it, we're only there to plunder their resources. And we've done enough plundering as far as i'm concerned. It's time return to our own lands and stop all the meddling.

I just don't share your definition of what a 'Win' is. And the fact is, the only reason we're still in shiteholes like Afghanistan, is because there are resources yet to be fully plundered. But i feel we've meddled and plundered enough around the world. It's time to leave their lands and come home. Just how i feel anyway.

kidnappers killed, bodies hanged on advertisement board in Helmand
By Zabihullah Moosakhail - Thu Feb 05 2015, 3:21 pm

Najibullah Hayat, District Governor of Dilaram in southwestern Nimroz province says “Three days ago, a group of kidnappers abducted a resident of Dilaram District and took him to neighboring Helmand province. Then residents of Dilaram decided to bring him back from the kidnappers. ”

He added that after following the kidnappers, Dilaram residents arrived in Washir District of Helmand province where a fighting erupted between the residents and kidnappers.

He said the purpose residents hanged bodies of the kidnappers on the advertisement board was to teach a lesson to other kidnappers.

See a great photo at the link:

kidnappers killed bodies hanged on advertisement board in Helmand - Khaama Press KP Afghan News Agency

kidnappers killed, bodies hanged on advertisement board in Helmand
By Zabihullah Moosakhail - Thu Feb 05 2015, 3:21 pm

Najibullah Hayat, District Governor of Dilaram in southwestern Nimroz province says “Three days ago, a group of kidnappers abducted a resident of Dilaram District and took him to neighboring Helmand province. Then residents of Dilaram decided to bring him back from the kidnappers. ”

He added that after following the kidnappers, Dilaram residents arrived in Washir District of Helmand province where a fighting erupted between the residents and kidnappers.

He said the purpose residents hanged bodies of the kidnappers on the advertisement board was to teach a lesson to other kidnappers.

See a great photo at the link:

kidnappers killed bodies hanged on advertisement board in Helmand - Khaama Press KP Afghan News Agency

Good for them. Now can we get the hell out of there? We don't belong there. No more American kids need to die or Tax Dollars flushed, just so Globalist Elites can get richer off Pipeline and Drug profits. Time to bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.
pauli 10719136
just so Globalist Elites can get richer off Pipeline and Drug profits

You've been asked to name those Globalist Elites getting rich off the pipeline and drugs but you haven't come up with any names.

It makes no sense for the ISAF countries to withdraw completely and let the Taliban recover from all the losses they have suffered the past six years.
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