Obama Slapped Us Again - His Mosque Visit

Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.

Not at all. Islam does not represent America.

More ignorance, fear, and bigotry common to many on the right.

The president is correct and you're once again wrong, as usual.
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.

Not at all. Islam does not represent America.

More ignorance, fear, and bigotry common to many on the right.

The president is correct and you're once again wrong, as usual.

About what is the president right and Geaux WRONG? What do you know about islam and muslims? Is Obama in your view a TYPICAL MUSLIM IN THE USA?
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.
Not at all. Islam does not represent America. -Geaux
Only you said that. Islam does have about six million religionists living here. They are a part of America, Geaux.

Maybe yours. Not my America

There is no "your" America, there's only one America, including Muslim Americans, citizens just like you.
Obama asked that the cross be covered at a catholic college? you got a link?

Google. My research rates are high.

well I googled a little but am still not sure-----seems Georgetown covered
a cross----a little---------no one seems to be claiming responsibility

Georgetown University is run by the Jesuits. They would have no reason to cover a cross unless requested.
You leftist scum are being willfully ignorant here. It should be clear to all what is going on here: Obama is intentionally giving the middle finger to what he sees as the white power structure and is using this place of worship as a prop, as his is prone to doing. He is simultaneously establishing his Muslim bone fides so that he can have the support of the shit hole countries from which they slithered when he seeks the position of Secretary General at the UN when he exits the WH. With Obama you always have to ask yourself, "What's in it for HIM?"

Are you insane?
Obama Could Become President of the Whole World

you should probably stay away from the rightwingnut blogosphere. it's messing with your mind.
Another reason after 37 years, I'm leaving this liberal shit hole called California come June. I'm retiring and going back home to TN.


Tennessee Bill Would Prohibit Public Schools From Teaching About Islam

In response to complaints from Tennessee parents that what their children are being taught about Islam borders on indoctrination, a Republican lawmaker in the state has proposed legislation to prohibit schools from teaching “religious doctrine” until high school.

Rep. Sheila Butt’s proposed bill comes at a time when anti-Islamic sentiment has been surfacing at schools across the country. If enacted, the bill would ban schools from teaching students younger than 10th grade about Islam or other topics the state decides constitute “religious doctrine.”

“I think that probably the teaching that is going on right now in seventh, eighth grade is not age appropriate,” Butt, who claims her bill isn’t targeted at Islam, told the Tennessean. “They are not able to discern a lot of times whether its indoctrination or whether they’re learning about what a religion teaches.”

Tennessee Bill Would Prohibit Public Schools From Teaching About Islam

A truly idiotic proposal, seeking to codify bigotry and hate.
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.
Not at all. Islam does not represent America. -Geaux
Only you said that. Islam does have about six million religionists living here. They are a part of America, Geaux.

Maybe yours. Not my America


you mean your America that voted for Barack Obama twice?

I think you'll find that you don't have the U.S. to yourself. Your lack of understanding of this fact is a) what makes your posts so ignorant; and b) why you have no ability to understand how you should treat others.
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.
Not at all. Islam does not represent America. -Geaux
Only you said that. Islam does have about six million religionists living here. They are a part of America, Geaux.

Maybe yours. Not my America

There is no "your" America, there's only one America, including Muslim Americans, citizens just like you.

who said "only ONE America"? How many muslim American citizens do you know?
Another reason after 37 years, I'm leaving this liberal shit hole called California come June. I'm retiring and going back home to TN.


Tennessee Bill Would Prohibit Public Schools From Teaching About Islam

In response to complaints from Tennessee parents that what their children are being taught about Islam borders on indoctrination, a Republican lawmaker in the state has proposed legislation to prohibit schools from teaching “religious doctrine” until high school.

Rep. Sheila Butt’s proposed bill comes at a time when anti-Islamic sentiment has been surfacing at schools across the country. If enacted, the bill would ban schools from teaching students younger than 10th grade about Islam or other topics the state decides constitute “religious doctrine.”

“I think that probably the teaching that is going on right now in seventh, eighth grade is not age appropriate,” Butt, who claims her bill isn’t targeted at Islam, told the Tennessean. “They are not able to discern a lot of times whether its indoctrination or whether they’re learning about what a religion teaches.”

Tennessee Bill Would Prohibit Public Schools From Teaching About Islam

A truly idiotic proposal, seeking to codify bigotry and hate.

its also not going to pass. and if it does it will be struck down.

so funny that the loons shriek about the constitution all day long but have zero understanding of what it requires or allows.
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.
Not at all. Islam does not represent America. -Geaux
Only you said that. Islam does have about six million religionists living here. They are a part of America, Geaux.

Maybe yours. Not my America

There is no "your" America, there's only one America, including Muslim Americans, citizens just like you.

who said "only ONE America"? How many muslim American citizens do you know?

I don't think that makes sense. there is either one America or there isn't.
Not at all. Islam does not represent America. -Geaux
Only you said that. Islam does have about six million religionists living here. They are a part of America, Geaux.

Maybe yours. Not my America

There is no "your" America, there's only one America, including Muslim Americans, citizens just like you.

who said "only ONE America"? How many muslim American citizens do you know?

I don't think that makes sense. there is either one America or there isn't.

there are all kind of ABERRANT subsets in the USA-------they are part of the fabric but not NECESSARILY ----desirably representative. Ku Klux Klan
is part of the AMERICAN SCENE------but I prefer not to define the USA by
that organization---------same is true of Mafia
Only you said that. Islam does have about six million religionists living here. They are a part of America, Geaux.

Maybe yours. Not my America

There is no "your" America, there's only one America, including Muslim Americans, citizens just like you.

who said "only ONE America"? How many muslim American citizens do you know?

I don't think that makes sense. there is either one America or there isn't.

there are all kind of ABERRANT subsets in the USA-------they are part of the fabric but not NECESSARILY ----desirably representative. Ku Klux Klan
is part of the AMERICAN SCENE------but I prefer not to define the USA by
that organization---------same is true of Mafia

and yet the kkk has the right to speak and march. because things we like don't need constitutional protection. it's the things we don't like that do.

all religions are protected by the first amendment. I think that my subway station shouldn't be full of people telling me I need to accept jesus. but they're there and they have the right to be.
This "The country is being changed with no shred of the old remaining" is false.
The land mass remains. The name might remain because the landmass has to be called something. As you pointed out, the country is changing. It is becoming multicultural and diverse as a matter of policy not reality. It is, in fact, becoming a different country than the one it was as short as 50 years ago. What do we owe the new country? Do we owe anything at all to the new countrymen who ALSO owe allegiance to some other country?
There is no massive change as you suggest, other than we are not in 1950s.
I'm beginning to believe the conservatives were right about obama being a muslim. First, his calling for tens of thousands of young miltary age muslims to come here as refugees, then the mosque visiting. What's next for him, a pilgrimage to mecca? And then all the lefties defending a religion that's vehemently anti-female and anti homosexual, while at the same time chastising people who don't want to bake cakes for "gay" weddings. Strange.
"Educate The World About The True Intent of Islam by Reading The Koran Day”, see these Koran Quotes Koran
Koran Surahs:
Koran 2:191 “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.”
Koran 3:28 “Moslems must not take the infidels as friends.”
Koran 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” ...
Koran 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam.”
Koran 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.”
Koran 8:60 “Moslems must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.”
Koran 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Moslems to fight them.”
Koran 9:5 “When opportunity arises kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”
Koran 9:29 “Fight those people of the Book (Jews and Christians) who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, until they pay the Halal Certification Tax (protection tax or jizya) with their own hands and feel themselves subdued.”
Koran 9:30 “The Jews and Christians are perverts; fight them.”
Koran 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood.”
Koran 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.”
Koran 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with infidels; behead them when you catch them.”
Ya think Obama did not KNOW this Mosque was associated with the Muslim Brotherhood?
Ya think his 'handlers' / advisors / Jarrett FORGOT to tell him is was linked to Al Qaeida?
Ya think the fact that the IMAM of this Mosque is the Islamic version of Jeremiah Wright and has his own videos on-line persecuting homosexuals just slipped through the cracks?

In 2008 Obama CHOSE a well-known, historically documented Socialist ICON AND Slogan for his re-election campaign. Think that was an accident? When he was told of their significance, as if he didn't already know - being a student of the teachings of Saul Alynski, he refused to change them. Tis was a big ol' 'F.U.' to the American people. It was Obama saying 'I will run for re-election using a Socialist symbol/slogan and the people are either too stupid to know or too loyal to care.' He was right.

Choosing THIS Mosque then lecturing Hollywood from THIS Mosque was on purpose...and again, people are either too stupid to know or too loyal to care.

I agree and since when has the Muslim religion always been part of America??
Maybe yours. Not my America

There is no "your" America, there's only one America, including Muslim Americans, citizens just like you.

who said "only ONE America"? How many muslim American citizens do you know?

I don't think that makes sense. there is either one America or there isn't.

there are all kind of ABERRANT subsets in the USA-------they are part of the fabric but not NECESSARILY ----desirably representative. Ku Klux Klan
is part of the AMERICAN SCENE------but I prefer not to define the USA by
that organization---------same is true of Mafia

and yet the kkk has the right to speak and march. because things we like don't need constitutional protection. it's the things we don't like that do.

all religions are protected by the first amendment. I think that my subway station shouldn't be full of people telling me I need to accept jesus. but they're there and they have the right to be.

Frankly, I haven't seen the KKK march in fifty years now. I don't know about your subway station since I live in the civilized world where we drive ourselves to where we want to go but I have seen no one at all here where I live telling anyone anything where they simply just had to listen and were not allowed to simply walk away.

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