Obama Sleeps Through Egypt Uprising,Yet Chrissy Matthews Gives President Much Credit

The duly elected Constitutional President did exactly what the Founders would have done. He let the people sort out for themselves what sort of government they wanted for themselves.

I can't think of a more American value.

I'm no fan of OL'BO but I think he got this one just right.

He backed the people of Egypt.

Lets just hope Egypt remains a friend.
The duly elected Constitutional President did exactly what the Founders would have done. He let the people sort out for themselves what sort of government they wanted for themselves.

I can't think of a more American value.

I'm no fan of OL'BO but I think he got this one just right.

He backed the people of Egypt.

Lets just hope Egypt remains a friend.

Too bad he shit on the people of Iran.
The duly elected Constitutional President did exactly what the Founders would have done. He let the people sort out for themselves what sort of government they wanted for themselves.

I can't think of a more American value.

I'm no fan of OL'BO but I think he got this one just right.

He backed the people of Egypt.

Lets just hope Egypt remains a friend.

Too bad he shit on the people of Iran.

Your solution to that one would have been ________.
So who will get credit when the DOW reaches 13,000? Bush or Obama? {we still haven' heard Ubama say "Thanks to the Bush Tax Extensions,the DOW has shot up" and jobs are coming back}, if Obama stopped the Bush tax extension the unemployment would of still be around 9.8% !
So who will get credit when the DOW reaches 13,000? Bush or Obama? {we still haven' heard Ubama say "Thanks to the Bush Tax Extensions,the DOW has shot up" and jobs are coming back}, if Obama stopped the Bush tax extension the unemployment would of still be around 9.8% !

Right! if Yobama decided to steal more money from the Job Creators(aka,those EVIL RICH WHITE PEOPLE!),the DOW would of tanked back to 9000 or so.
So who will get credit when the DOW reaches 13,000? Bush or Obama? {we still haven' heard Ubama say "Thanks to the Bush Tax Extensions,the DOW has shot up" and jobs are coming back}, if Obama stopped the Bush tax extension the unemployment would of still be around 9.8% !

The Dow lost 7000 points under Bush

I forgot to thank him
Obama Sleeps Through Egypt Uprising,Yet Chrissy Matthews Gives President Much Credit

Nobody knew where Obama was when it started happening. The internet, especially Twitter, was abuzz with some of the funniest comments I've ever heard. My guess is he was smoking weed and it took him several hours to come down from the high.

Many people knew where Obama was. You're just pissed because they didn't tell you.

Or the media. :lol:
The duly elected Constitutional President did exactly what the Founders would have done. He let the people sort out for themselves what sort of government they wanted for themselves.

I can't think of a more American value.

I'm no fan of OL'BO but I think he got this one just right.

He backed the people of Egypt.

Lets just hope Egypt remains a friend.

Too bad he shit on the people of Iran.

Good ole' Mr Substance.

Iran versus Egypt is certainly apples & oranges and anyone who has an objective and knowledgeable view of the world knows that!

The best thing the US had with Egypt was the very long term great relationship with the Egyptian military leadership. The military leadership more than likely are the ones who pressured Mubarak to step down. In Egypt, the people spoke and someone with power listened. Egypt was not ruled by an Iron Fist.

Where as in Iran, Mullah's are who really control Iran. The Mullahs are not exactly friends of the US and they will continue to put down protests. They did it before while on GWB's watch and recently on Obama's watch. In Iran, the people spoke and no one with power listened. Iran is ruled by an Iron Fist.
Remember how Obama insisted how he would stand up against Mahmoud Ahmadinegad? He was gonna straighten him out like a Teacher and a disorderly student? So how did that go?
So who will get credit when the DOW reaches 13,000? Bush or Obama? {we still haven' heard Ubama say "Thanks to the Bush Tax Extensions,the DOW has shot up" and jobs are coming back}, if Obama stopped the Bush tax extension the unemployment would of still be around 9.8% !

The Dow lost 7000 points under Bush

I forgot to thank him

I lost 50 grand during that time. I forgot to thank him as well.
So who will get credit when the DOW reaches 13,000? Bush or Obama? {we still haven' heard Ubama say "Thanks to the Bush Tax Extensions,the DOW has shot up" and jobs are coming back}, if Obama stopped the Bush tax extension the unemployment would of still be around 9.8% !

The Dow lost 7000 points under Bush

I forgot to thank him

I lost 50 grand during that time. I forgot to thank him as well.

I made money during that time. You know why? Because the market always performs poorer when the Democrats control Congress. So after Pelosi and Reid took control in 2007, I took my money out of the stock market and put it in safer investments. Keep that in mind the next time the Democrats control Congress. You might just save yourself $50k.
The Dow lost 7000 points under Bush

I forgot to thank him

I lost 50 grand during that time. I forgot to thank him as well.

I made money during that time. You know why? Because the market always performs poorer when the Democrats control Congress. So after Pelosi and Reid took control in 2007, I took my money out of the stock market and put it in safer investments. Keep that in mind the next time the Democrats control Congress. You might just save yourself $50k.

Good for you

How did your homes value do?
I lost 50 grand during that time. I forgot to thank him as well.

I made money during that time. You know why? Because the market always performs poorer when the Democrats control Congress. So after Pelosi and Reid took control in 2007, I took my money out of the stock market and put it in safer investments. Keep that in mind the next time the Democrats control Congress. You might just save yourself $50k.

Good for you

How did your homes value do?

Pretty good. Arkansas weathered the recession much better than most places. We lost about 5%, but the market has rebounded so it's now a wash.
Remember how Obama insisted how he would stand up against Mahmoud Ahmadinegad? He was gonna straighten him out like a Teacher and a disorderly student? So how did that go?

About as well as GWB's attempts to control Iran and stop their nuclear programs.
food for thought... courtesy of news service
New York Post columnist Arnold Ahlert adds that the Obama Administration’s refusal to condemn the Muslim Brotherhood or work against it “bears a remarkable resemblance to the fine line walked by Neville Chamberlain, whose ‘peace’ with Hitler was another seminal moment in time when such abject naivete coupled with arrogance strutted itself on the world stage… Israel certainly understands the stakes, and pundits in that country have made it clear that they consider the Obama administration's determination to move the process along as quickly as possible --which accrues to no one's interest more than the Muslim Brotherhood -- as a ‘bullet in the back from Uncle Sam.’"

"Jewish Americans?," Ahlert asks. "One can only wonder if there is a tipping point with regard to this administration in particular, and/or progressivism in general. Does the thought of Israel being potentially surrounded by those who yearn for its annihilation, and knowing that such potential is being facilitated by this president, raise cause for concern? If not, what does?

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Remember how Obama insisted how he would stand up against Mahmoud Ahmadinegad? He was gonna straighten him out like a Teacher and a disorderly student? So how did that go?

And you would have done what?
your good, answer a question with a question, pat yourself on the back, and contemplate about how smart you are..... how is that hope and change working out for ya anyway........:lol:
The Dow lost 7000 points under Bush

I forgot to thank him

I lost 50 grand during that time. I forgot to thank him as well.

I made money during that time. You know why? Because the market always performs poorer when the Democrats control Congress. So after Pelosi and Reid took control in 2007, I took my money out of the stock market and put it in safer investments. Keep that in mind the next time the Democrats control Congress. You might just save yourself $50k.
i just bought a condo originally 149K for 50K thanks to barney frank and the foreclosure debolical.... going to look at another one today. we are now bracing for round 2 of piss poor leadership..
This International crisis cost US taxpayers next to nothing thanks to Obama's leadership. Meanwhile, our children's children will still be paying for Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq.

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