Obama Spanked Again, by Iran

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States
Why not let them handle their own section of the world ad we handle ours. It isn't worth a massive war over.
seems to me that they send him a thankyou note thanking him for his cooperation .
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

Keystone cops foreign policy hard at work, this whole thing sounds like a script from a bad 1950's Hollywood B movie. The worst part about it is that the White House along with it's legions of apparatchiks are going to run out and try to claim what a bang up job they're doing. For cryin' out loud can we put somebody in charge that actually knows what they're doing?
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

Keystone cops foreign policy hard at work, this whole thing sounds like a script from a bad 1950's Hollywood B movie. The worst part about it is that the White House along with it's legions of apparatchiks are going to run out and try to claim what a bang up job they're doing. For cryin' out loud can we put somebody in charge that actually knows what they're doing?
This is what happens when you hire the JV team. You know they're the JV team because they bring sophomoric slogans like "Stop doing stupid shit" to their jobs.
Why not let them handle their own section of the world ad we handle ours. It isn't worth a massive war over.
The Middle East is not "their own section of the world." Check the map, doofus.

Yeah, lets blow a few trillion more down the boondogoo that is the middle east. Retard idiot.
It's building up inftrastructure and science, moron. You like that.
And you failed to respond to my point, that the ME is not Russia's section of the world. I guess truth is too uncomfortable for you to deal with, Adolph.
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

Keystone cops foreign policy hard at work, this whole thing sounds like a script from a bad 1950's Hollywood B movie. The worst part about it is that the White House along with it's legions of apparatchiks are going to run out and try to claim what a bang up job they're doing. For cryin' out loud can we put somebody in charge that actually knows what they're doing?
This is what happens when you hire the JV team. You know they're the JV team because they bring sophomoric slogans like "Stop doing stupid shit" to their jobs.

JV team? These nimrods don't even qualify as the JV team, more like the Kindergarten Squad, they screw up everything they touch. Just once I'd really like to see this administration do something right when it comes to foreign policy, doesn't have to be anything big ... just something. Can anyone point to anything this administration has done with respect to foreign policy that hasn't resulted in the world being more fucked up than it was before they started?
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

Keystone cops foreign policy hard at work, this whole thing sounds like a script from a bad 1950's Hollywood B movie. The worst part about it is that the White House along with it's legions of apparatchiks are going to run out and try to claim what a bang up job they're doing. For cryin' out loud can we put somebody in charge that actually knows what they're doing?
This is what happens when you hire the JV team. You know they're the JV team because they bring sophomoric slogans like "Stop doing stupid shit" to their jobs.

JV team? These nimrods don't even qualify as the JV team, more like the Kindergarten Squad, they screw up everything they touch. Just once I'd really like to see this administration do something right when it comes to foreign policy, doesn't have to be anything big ... just something. Can anyone point to anything this administration has done with respect to foreign policy that hasn't resulted in the world being more fucked up than it was before they started?
Um. Yemen is a big success, right?
The worst part is they dont come back and say "we really fucked up and we'll do it different next time." These morons dont even understand they fucked up.
Why not let them handle their own section of the world ad we handle ours. It isn't worth a massive war over.
The Middle East is not "their own section of the world." Check the map, doofus.

Yeah, lets blow a few trillion more down the boondogoo that is the middle east. Retard idiot.

Wait aren't you the one that is constantly advocating for more government? Well newsflash pal this is what you get when you add more power and money to government, changing the letter behind the politicians names and hoping and praying they'll spend all that power and money on peaceful pursuits is a fantasy (as history has clearly demonstrated)... you should be calling yourself those names since it's people that think like you do that have enabled all this blood drenched nonsense in the first place.

"War is the Health of the State" --- Randolph Bourne
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

Keystone cops foreign policy hard at work, this whole thing sounds like a script from a bad 1950's Hollywood B movie. The worst part about it is that the White House along with it's legions of apparatchiks are going to run out and try to claim what a bang up job they're doing. For cryin' out loud can we put somebody in charge that actually knows what they're doing?
This is what happens when you hire the JV team. You know they're the JV team because they bring sophomoric slogans like "Stop doing stupid shit" to their jobs.

JV team? These nimrods don't even qualify as the JV team, more like the Kindergarten Squad, they screw up everything they touch. Just once I'd really like to see this administration do something right when it comes to foreign policy, doesn't have to be anything big ... just something. Can anyone point to anything this administration has done with respect to foreign policy that hasn't resulted in the world being more fucked up than it was before they started?
Um. Yemen is a big success, right?
The worst part is they dont come back and say "we really fucked up and we'll do it different next time." These morons dont even understand they fucked up.

Yep, we should just go ahead and shut down the State Department, these imbeciles can't even keep track of classified emails let alone do anything right when it comes to making the world a more peaceful place. :)
Iranian troops move into Syria...

Iran sends fighters to Syria, escalating its involvement
Oct 14,`15 -- Hundreds of Iranian troops are being deployed in northern and central Syria, dramatically escalating Tehran's involvement in the civil war as they join allied Hezbollah fighters in an ambitious offensive to wrest key areas from rebels amid Russian airstrikes.
Their arrival, a regional official and Syrian activists said Wednesday, highlights the far-reaching goals of Russia's military involvement in Syria. It suggests that, for now, taking on Islamic State extremists in eastern Syria seems a secondary priority to propping up President Bashar Assad. The development is almost certain to increase pressure on Western-backed rebels, who are battling multiple foes, and push more civilians out of the areas of fighting, potentially creating a fresh wave of refugees. Russia began its air campaign Sept. 30, and Syrian troops and allied militiamen launched a ground offensive against rebels in central Syria a week later. Russia says its airstrikes are meant to weaken the Islamic State group and other "terrorists" in Syria, but Western officials and Syrian rebels say most of the strikes have focused on central and northern Syria, where the extremist group does not have a strong presence.


Pro-Syrian government protesters shout slogans and wave Iranian and Syrian flags during a protest in front the Iranian Embassy to thank Iran for their support of the Syrian government, in Damascus, Syria. Hundreds of Iranian troops are being deployed in northern and central Syria, dramatically escalating Tehran’s involvement in the civil war as they join allied Hezbollah fighters in an ambitious offensive to wrest key areas from rebels amid Russian airstrikes.​

The official, who has deep knowledge of operational details in Syria, said the Iranian Revolutionary Guards - currently numbering around 1,500 - began arriving about two weeks ago, after the Russian airstrikes began, and have accelerated recently. The Iranian-backed group Hezbollah has also sent a fresh wave of fighters to Syria, he told The Associated Press. Iranian and Syrian officials have long acknowledged Iran has advisers and military experts in Syria, but denied there were any ground troops. Wednesday's statements were the first confirmation of Iranian fighters taking part in combat operations in Syria. The main goal is to secure the strategic Hama-Aleppo highway and seize the key rebel-held town of Jisr al-Shughour in Idlib province, which Assad's forces lost in April to insurgents that included al-Qaida's Nusra Front.

The loss of Jisr al-Shughour, followed by the fall of the entire province, was a resounding defeat for Assad, opening the way for rebels to threaten his Alawite heartland in the coastal province of Latakia. The official suggested the Syrian army's alarmingly tenacious position around that time is what persuaded the Russians to join the fray and begin airstrikes two weeks ago. The Syrian government and Iran had been asking Russia to intervene for a year, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss military affairs. He said the Russian "tsunami wave" has given allies such as Iran the cover to operate more freely in Syria.

I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

If I had to guess, the leaders of Russia, China, and Iran probably feel fortunate that American conservatives are rooting against their own president.
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

If I had to guess, the leaders of Russia, China, and Iran probably feel fortunate that American conservatives are rooting against their own president.
Fortunately you dont have to guess.
The leaders of those countries are damn glad Obama is president and cannot believe their own good fortune. Russia was a basket case economically and politically until Obama "reset" relations with them, allowing them to reassert themselves as a superpower.
I wonder what happens when leaders from Iran, China, Russia, etc get together and discuss Obama. Do they laugh hysterically? Or do they wonder why they got so lucky our president is an incompetent boob? Whatever it is, almost every day brings a new humiliation for Obama. Putin publicly scoffs at him. Countries make agreements and then disavow them the next week, leaving Obama looking like the patsy. Obama set a red line in Syria. Then he tried training Syrian rebels and blew half a billion bucks for nothng. Then Russia moved in and their first order of business was eliminating any US backed rebels. Now here is Iran, less than a month after Obama signed a "historic" agreement with them.
Iran's supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States

If I had to guess, the leaders of Russia, China, and Iran probably feel fortunate that American conservatives are rooting against their own president.
Fortunately you dont have to guess.
The leaders of those countries are damn glad Obama is president and cannot believe their own good fortune. Russia was a basket case economically and politically until Obama "reset" relations with them, allowing them to reassert themselves as a superpower.

Actually, Obama has worked with European leaders to place economic sanctions on Russia because of their incursion into Ukraine and their annexation of Crimea. They were also hit hard by plummeting oil prices under Obama as opposed to the record prices that existed under Bush 43.

You ought to try living in the real world instead of in the conservative world of fantasy.

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