Obama stimulus hard at work in Detroit

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
The PJ Tatler » Detroit Used $11 Million of Stimulus Money to Put ‘Business Attire’ on Two People

The center, at 1970 Larned, included the Customer Choice Pantry, the New Beginnings Clothing Boutique and a call center that had the capacity to service 60,000 families in need. The boutique was to provide business attire for low-income residents for job interviews.

To receive clothing, residents were required to have a job interview scheduled. According to the audit, the DHS was supposed to help 400 people between October 2010 and September 2011 but instead served only two.

Do the math. That’s over $27,000 per person. Were they supposed to get a Volt with each suit, or what?

There’s no way this was not corrupt from the beginning. And we were told that Sheriff Joe Biden would oversee how the stimulus was to be spent because, in the words of President Obama, nobody messes with Joe. Well, Detroit messed with Joe.

I could use a new suit Obama can I get some money too?
The PJ Tatler » Detroit Used $11 Million of Stimulus Money to Put ‘Business Attire’ on Two People

The center, at 1970 Larned, included the Customer Choice Pantry, the New Beginnings Clothing Boutique and a call center that had the capacity to service 60,000 families in need. The boutique was to provide business attire for low-income residents for job interviews.

To receive clothing, residents were required to have a job interview scheduled. According to the audit, the DHS was supposed to help 400 people between October 2010 and September 2011 but instead served only two.

Do the math. That’s over $27,000 per person. Were they supposed to get a Volt with each suit, or what?

There’s no way this was not corrupt from the beginning. And we were told that Sheriff Joe Biden would oversee how the stimulus was to be spent because, in the words of President Obama, nobody messes with Joe. Well, Detroit messed with Joe.

I could use a new suit Obama can I get some money too?

Standard fare for democrats.

If you mention the insanity and fiscal irresponsibility. You are against jobs, against women.

I will ask you the same question I have asked several times.

When have you known the democrats to tell the truth about any issue?
"The boutique was to provide business attire for low-income residents for job interviews...."

That is just f---ing precious................

You have to admire the sub human neanderthal who came up with that
"The boutique was to provide business attire for low-income residents for job interviews...."

That is just f---ing precious................

You have to admire the sub human neanderthal who came up with that

Apparently suits are required attire for auto production line jobs?
And people doubt Obama and his progressive minions in congress are employing the Cloward-Piven strategy??

$11,000,000 to help two people??

$27,000 a pop to help 600 people (as projected).

Of course progressives will defend that insanity..
Its only the good intention that matters to ignorant "progressives", never the actual costs..............
And people doubt Obama and his progressive minions in congress are employing the Cloward-Piven strategy??

$11,000,000 to help two people??

$27,000 a pop to help 600 people (as projected).

Of course progressives will defend that insanity..

They won't defend it, they'll ignore it just like they're doing in this thread. They are too busy making up new outrages.
heck, maybe theose govt hacks could have given them free cell phones too.........in case of "emergency"

social "justice" and equality of outcomes for all !!!!!!!!!!! lol
The money didn't have to actually accomplish anything, Gramps, it just had to be pushed out there into the economy. The Democrats would have walked down the State Streets and Fairfield Aves of any city USA handing out hundred dollar bills to the drug addicts, the derelicts, the homeless, the drug dealers, the drunks, the pimps and the prostitutes, if they could have, but they had to hold back a little, like settling on only a 787 billion dollar stimulus instead of the two trillion they secretly wanted, it had to appear somewhat reasonable and palatable. If somebody absconds with most of an eleven million grant given out here or there, so what.
Didn't Saul Alynsky say that after he died , he would rather end up in Hell, rather than in Heaven, because all of the have nots of virtue would be there waiting for him to organize them into a cohesive protest group. Barry's the same way, if you waste or fritter away a couple hundred billion dollars, or even a few trillion for that matter, making a coupla have nots happy here in life, that's for him.
Where do you think that b!mbo that won the million dollars in the lottery, but intends to remain on food stamps despite her windfall, got her idea? This is America the streets are paved with gold, well not quite, with dollar bills because they're not worth as much as they used to be, certainly not as much as gold. All you have to do is go out and pick em up! Nobody works for anything anymore! That's so Twentieth Century! Get with the times!

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