Obama the Liar gets Three more Pinocchios.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Obama and Democrats in general love to claim that the Republicans are blocking everything and nothing is getting done.

Well... That is a lie and the Washington Post gives Obama and those Democrats Three Pinocchios for saying it.

Obama?s claim that the GOP has ?blocked every serious idea? - The Washington Post

The Pinocchio Test

We make no judgement on which side has the surplus of “serious ideas,” but the president is engaging in rhetorical overkill. Certainly this congressional session has resulted in few major laws. Perhaps he could make a case that Republicans have blocked many bills that he has sought—or even that his most prized initiatives have been stymied.

But to claim that “every serious idea” has been blocked is going too far–given that the president lauded at least three bills as aiding the middle class. (Update: In a speech the morning this column appeared, the president adjusted his language appropriately: “Republicans in Congress keep blocking or voting down some of the ideas that would have the biggest impact on middle-class and working families.”)

Three Pinocchios
Not to mention the dozens of jobs bills the House has passed that Reid even refuses to look at, let alone allow for a vote...

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